Eric Holder cleared in Fast and Furious

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I know I'm going to open myself up to even more ridicule for this, but... what is this one star, five star stuff? and how do you give a thread a star, what does it mean, why should I care?

Go to the top of the page, second menu item from the right, you will see "rate this thread". It allows you to vote on the thread rating.

Whether you should care or not is a tougher question. I usually don't bother to rate threads, cause I usually don't care but this one is kind of epic.


Well-Known Member
I tend to agree, but you have jinxed it by taking odds. Buck and Cheese are both almost, but not totally, without shame. For either to come in now with their standard "racist douche bag" bile would subject them to considerable ridicule.

I am guessing Buck will be the one.
I had to call all bets off due to complaints of possible tampering. Buck was catching cheesy at even odds. The field was at 250 to one....a suckers bet.


Well-Known Member
You morons don't actually have shit. Except Dr. Kynes, he can make shit out of nothing by writing it into shit, but it is still shit. You're just circle jerkin.

By the way, 4 more years of Obama and Holder, cry moar nubs

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
You morons don't actually have shit. Except Dr. Kynes, he can make shit out of nothing by writing it into shit, but it is still shit. You're just circle jerkin.

By the way, 4 more years of Obama and Holder, cry moar nubs
naw man i take my shit, and roll it between my mitts till it takes the shape of a big wet crayon then i write that shit on some toilet paper (or leaves if im campin) and wind it back onto the roll like a fucking scroll, then i save it for the right moment when it will be most impactful. thats how all the greats did it, voltaire, kirkegaarde, benny hill...

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
naw man i take my shit, and roll it between my mitts till it takes the shape of a big wet crayon then i write that shit on some toilet paper (or leaves if im campin) and wind it back onto the roll like a fucking scroll, then i save it for the right moment when it will be most impactful. thats how all the greats did it, voltaire, kirkegaarde, benny hill...
....George Dubya Bush.


Well-Known Member

This is straight up partisan Hackery at the top levels, they were hiding it from him to blemish the administration and got an agent killed, wasted time, effort, money and exported violence south. He didn't even know about it, yet another one to blame in the previous administration. AND THEY GOT CAUGHT. Only time Obama invoked executive privilege and he did it because the GOP congress is TREASONOUS.

The world is laughing at us.
A suspicious mind could look at this strange pattern of underling, after deputy, after staffer not mentioning critical information, and information getting all the way to Holder's office but not being seen by the AG himself, and conclude Holder's staffers were keeping him in the dark. Would that be to preserve his "plausible deniability"? Another conclusion might be that someone just wasn't honest with the inspector general.

We now know that the best that can be said about Holder is that he was oblivious to a major, exceptionally dangerous operation going on within his organization. And the most generous interpretation of that is that he had staffed his office with professionals who had epically flawed judgment in deciding what the nation's top law-enforcement officer needed to know.

There are still some big questions that remain – including whether this should stand as the final investigation of the subject; and whether it is appropriate for a government official assigned to sniff out mismanagement, corruption, and cover-ups to be reporting to the exact officials he's investigating.

A serious question for partisans of the left is whether they would accept a Bush or Romney administration's justice department investigating itself – particularly after the president chose to assert executive privilege over documents that Congress believes relate to the operation. Senator Jon Cornyn (Republican, Texas) asked:
Sounds like folks overseas are laughing that Eric Holder is still in the position he's in and whether the report can be trusted on any level whatsoever.


Well-Known Member
mmhmm, Wilkinson sent 3 emails that day and withheld the most crucial piece of info. That is why the IG exonerated him.

You need to read it, it said "Repeatedly, everyone under Holder seems to do everything possible to make sure he isn't informed"
The article you're linking is suggesting that there has been an obvious coverup and you think it's supporting your position. You're interesting.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
....George Dubya Bush.
you dont actually think dubya wrote his own speeches do you? you are aware that the prepared remarks are the ones that made him sound like a dimwit because he sucks at reading aloud.

Barry is a better spokesmouth. hes a black Ron Burgundy, willing and able to read whatever shit scrolls past on the teleprompter.

bush was lexdiycsic and has always had trouble reading aloud, while BHO can read aloud, he cant formulate a remark of his own without alienating half the country with his clumsy inarticulate thoughts, while dubya's off the cuff BBQ banter was full of country fried goodness and bonhomie.

Obama has been told he is clever and smart for so long he is starting to believe his own hype, like tom cruise. when put to the test in an unscripted interview Barry will fall on his face, or jump on the sofa like a petulant child.


Well-Known Member
Not true at all...I dislike republicans slightly more than democrats, I am a left leaning. How do you get from corrupt gun/drug smugglers to left vs right argument. Dude you need to smoke a joint.

I have never been so offended since the last time you called me a republican.

Are you fucking kidding me? I make a thread to shit on Romney weekly, I am absolutely furious with Republicans in so many ways.

not near as far as obama's dick is in your mouth.

This has nothing to do with the right wing as I said, I am not right wing jackass.

Your a coward. Scared of a bubble scribbling excessive. This is exactly what the criminals want is for you to be afraid.

LOL! Your doing the opposite numbnuts.

Exactly yes, agree with the bolded

They really do got a gun to your head don't they you coward?

An increase in marijuana arressts and not ending the drug war when he can do so without congress is NOT soft on drugs...Its a continuation of the same thing.


because he is not a revolutionary.
How many dispensaries were there in 2003?

You say I'm a coward for admitting there is a dichotomy. You are living in a bubble, oblivious to the struggle in other lands. When has change ever occurred overnight? You are not left leaning, you aren't liberal, progressive or even opposed to the right. I read your posts, you are chummy with all the righties on this board and only loosely friendly with anyone actually left leaning, certainly diametrically opposed to any leftist anarchist. Only lying to yourself bro. Tell yourself all day I love Obama, I don't care, he is the best chance of crushing the GOP, the party your icon has brought you back into. If you agree with the right on economic policy, you embody the right wing, nothing else matters.


New Member
How many dispensaries were there in 2003?

You say I'm a coward for admitting there is a dichotomy. You are living in a bubble, oblivious to the struggle in other lands. When has change ever occurred overnight? You are not left leaning, you aren't liberal, progressive or even opposed to the right. I read your posts, you are chummy with all the righties on this board and only loosely friendly with anyone actually left leaning, certainly diametrically opposed to any leftist anarchist. Only lying to yourself bro. Tell yourself all day I love Obama, I don't care, he is the best chance of crushing the GOP, the party your icon has brought you back into. If you agree with the right on economic policy, you embody the right wing, nothing else matters.
Your labelling me? You know me? Sorry you obviously have no idea. I am not going to repeat myself.

"Quit coming with the weak arguments"