Eric Holder cleared in Fast and Furious

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I think Regular Show is great. My son got me hooked on that and Adventure Time. Both shows are extremely well written for what they are. For anyone who hasn't seen these shows, I recommend getting good and baked and checking them out.

Wanna know who else likes adventure time?

What network?


Well-Known Member
I am gonna help AC out on this one. A link to "the memo" is included below. I also c/p the next to paragraph, which says in essence, go ahead and bust/prosecute anybody you, all preceding paragraphs not withstanding. "The memo" says absolutely nothing although it does take about 500 words to arrive at that destination.

"Finally, nothing herein precludes investigation or prosecution where there is a reasonable basis to believe that compliance with state law is being invoked as a pretext for the production or distribution of marijuana for purposes not authorized by state law. Nor does this guidance preclude investigation or prosecution, even when there is clear and unambiguous compliance with existing state law, in particular circumstances where investigation or prosecution otherwise serves important federal interests."
I notice you want to change the subject, you got your ass handed to you again.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Just another one to blame on Dubya. Holder didn't even know about it.

You cumstains can try all you want to declare victory, but the gun walking started on Dubya's watch and ended on Obama's.

Now you want to blame Holder for his ignorance in a cheap attempt to shrug the real guilt from the GOP. You lost.
Let me get this straight. Boooosch started it and should be tried for war crimes, and hundreds of people were murdered under Holder's regime but Holder is innocent because he was ignorant?

Odd set of goal posts you have there, AC.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
I notice you want to change the subject, you got your ass handed to you again.
LOL, LOL, LOL and some rotflmfao... God I love this place, if I ever need a chuckle, it's here in spades. (uh oh, now somebody will call that a racist remark... I'm betting on Cheesey)

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Damn, Kyne, you do have a way with words.
thanks, i was particularly pleased with the final stanza.

initially i felt the fecal imagery was overused, and was leaning towards employing a brothel metaphor but in the end i went with the classics and unleashed the dogs of crapulence one more time. why fight success. they left some tightly coiled piles of rhetorical beauty on the lawn today.


Well-Known Member
LOL, LOL, LOL and some rotflmfao... God I love this place, if I ever need a chuckle, it's here in spades. (uh oh, now somebody will call that a racist remark... I'm betting on Cheesey)
Cheesey is by far the current betting favorite, odds are 1-10.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
What I want to know, and I am dead serious here, is why this thread is not five starred? Who voted less than five stars on this? I have never seen a reading comprehension failure that resulted in more laughs.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Cheesey is by far the current betting favorite, odds are 1-10.
I tend to agree, but you have jinxed it by taking odds. Buck and Cheese are both almost, but not totally, without shame. For either to come in now with their standard "racist douche bag" bile would subject them to considerable ridicule.

I am guessing Buck will be the one.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I am gonna help AC out on this one. A link to "the memo" is included below. I also c/p the next to paragraph, which says in essence, go ahead and bust/prosecute anybody you, all preceding paragraphs not withstanding. "The memo" says absolutely nothing although it does take about 500 words to arrive at that destination.

"Finally, nothing herein precludes investigation or prosecution where there is a reasonable basis to believe that compliance with state law is being invoked as a pretext for the production or distribution of marijuana for purposes not authorized by state law. Nor does this guidance preclude investigation or prosecution, even when there is clear and unambiguous compliance with existing state law, in particular circumstances where investigation or prosecution otherwise serves important federal interests."

thats the "Ogden Memo" from a deputy AG, not the mythical "Holder Memo" Holder is not even CC'ed in the "Ogden Memo". Ogden got raked over the coals for informing his subordinates that unless the target pothead was involved in other criminal activity, or interstate trafficking they werent worth the resources to investigate or indict. there was a whole slew of follow-up memos from ogden's bosses and colleagues which made it clear that EVERY pothead was public enemy #1 and the new plan was "Fuck State Laws, We Run This Shit!"

meanwhile the Holder AG's office was runn ing and INTERNATIONAL arms smuggling ring right under Cockbreath's nose. but he really is a good AG, he was tricked, duped, snookered by his subordinates, so it's not his fault. anybody could discover a multi-million dollar arms smuggling ring being run out of their own house. it could happen to you!


Or Even YOU!

or maybe Holder is just a dumbass.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
thats the "Ogden Memo" from a deputy AG, not the mythical "Holder Memo" Holder is not even CC'ed in the "Ogden Memo". Ogden got raked over the coals for informing his subordinates that unless the target pothead was involved in other criminal activity, or interstate trafficking they werent worth the resources to investigate or indict. there was a whole slew of follow-up memos from ogden's bosses and colleagues which made it clear that EVERY pothead was public enemy #1 and the new plan was "Fuck State Laws, We Run This Shit!"

meanwhile the Holder AG's office was runn ing and INTERNATIONAL arms smuggling ring right under Cockbreath's nose. but he really is a good AG, he was tricked, duped, snookered by his subordinates, so it's not his fault. anybody could discover a multi-million dollar arms smuggling ring being run out of their own house. it could happen to you!


Or Even YOU!

or maybe Holder is just a dumbass.
Snort. Coffee on the screen...

And the hits just keep on comin'!

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
What I want to know, and I am dead serious here, is why this thread is not five starred? Who voted less than five stars on this? I have never seen a reading comprehension failure that resulted in more laughs.
I know I'm going to open myself up to even more ridicule for this, but... what is this one star, five star stuff? and how do you give a thread a star, what does it mean, why should I care?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Ya who'd of thought, a Bush era program blamed on the dems after being instituted by Bush in 2005.
a program bush started with the assistance and input from mexico, that was canceled after a shoirt time due to being unworkable, then resurrected by HOLDER Y BARRY LLP,, with no notice to the mexican government, no tracking devices, and millions of dollars in illegal hardware and ammo pouring across the border with stimulus money as the seed capital.

if Barry invades vietnam now will you blame nixon cuz he was the last asshole with a domino theory in southeast asia?

nice logic. i think i know which "Hole" is the eponymous orifice. "Butt", im too much of a gentleman to "ASSert" which "Hole" is referenced in your nome de plume.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Snort. Coffee on the screen...

And the hits just keep on comin'!
the Reefer Madness episode of that 70's Show still swims to the top of my brain when i smoke jazz cigarettes. plus i want to nail Donna like an old fencepost. hard, long and repeatedly. till something splits or my hammer breaks or i get a blister. then i take a few days off before going right back to the nailing.

wait... what was i talking about?

oh yeah redheads.

fuck yeah!!


desert dude

Well-Known Member
the Reefer Madness episode of that 70's Show still swims to the top of my brain when i smoke jazz cigarettes. plus i want to nail Donna like an old fencepost. hard, long and repeatedly. till something splits or my hammer breaks or i get a blister. then i take a few days off before going right back to the nailing.

wait... what was i talking about?

oh yeah redheads.

fuck yeah!!

Yeah, I am right there with you when it comes to red heads!


Well-Known Member
That figures, I don't get that. I'll check online.
It's funny because my kids are responsible for me ever watching shows like the Simpsons and South Park. Forever in their debt.
After you check them out, let me know what you think.