From what I have seen the animals are stuck and tortured for days/weeks and chew their leg off to get out..and what animals specifically ? I changed the channel twice when I saw some asshole with a wolverine in his trap.
Then Im afraid you have seen the work of useless disrespectful trappers. I trap mustelids, possum, feral cats and rats. The traps today are not the evil toothed gin traps which were previously used they are toothless and often have rubber jaws.
Trapping will catch animals which are poison shy, and it is much more logical than hunting each individual animal (even if dogging)
In my country it is illegal not to check your traps within 12 hours after sunrise if they are set.
As slayer said if these animals were not controlled they will over run eco systems, our native flora and birds are being destroyed by exotic animals introduced by ignorant white settlers and left to flourish for 150 years.
I also Trap for half my income and believe me I hate seeing a trapped animal suffer and it does happen, but I have seen so many bad shots from rifles which cause more suffering than a broken leg.
There are also live capture traps which don't harm the animal physically at all, and kill traps which very rarely don't live to their name.