Roomate not paying rent and his personal property

Total Head

Well-Known Member
Yeah he's my buddy but fuck him teach him a life lesson, deadbeat. There's no legal agreement what so ever. No receipts fuck all. So no proof of rent or him owing me money. Just the casual everybody's roomate.

So me placing his shit outside and getting stolen is not my problem?
be very careful. if he ever had mail come there that might be all that's needed to prove residence. all states are different by my state is very pro-tenant. if anyone can establish that they resided someplace they must be procedurally evicted and if the process is not followed perfectly they throw it out and you have to start all over. this is even true of squatters.

just google landlord-tenant law for your state to make sure you don't do anything that will end up costing you money. he sounds like turd who would like to give you a hard time.


Well-Known Member
My first thought was, if this dude is a friend, why would he speak to you like that? If a person I considered a friend spoke to me like that, he would no longer be my friend. It sounds like this guy has lost all respect for you and his own situation. If I was behind on rent I would come to the landlord seeking leniency, iow, I'd be wearing my ass kissing lips.

If I were you, I would let him know one more late payment is unacceptable, if he's going to be late again, I'd appreciate a notice, and I'd inform him I'm sorry but to skip out on paying rent when you live in my house and agreed to the terms before is a violation of the terms we agreed on. You can't just live here for free. If he expects that he's in for a rude awakening.

But in the end, it really depends on what kind of relationship you guys have and where you want to take it. Like I said, he sounds like a dick, so I can't imagine very far from here..


Well-Known Member
What state are you in or you did say hydro so are you even in the states? This is important and why it has been stressed. Also you should be aware that a verbal contract does exist and that a verbal contract is just as valid as a written although of course harder to prove.

I myself wonder just how good a friend this is with a different twist and I do not know you so please do not take this theory too personal but I bet this is a Good friend down on his luck and embaressed and not dealing with it appropriately so maybe a compassionate one on one with him explaining to him that you do not want to do this and also that you feel disrespected but etc etc you just can't let this continue so he needs to show some good faith that he will pay you as agreed or a 3 day eviction is your only option.

We are actually dealing with a new renter who first said he misunderstood when it was due and has been paying a few hundred at a time over the past few days and we are giving him the benefit of the doubt but staying firm that his room is very easily and quickly filled and Will be by someone if he "misunderstands" again- make this experience a learning one and good luck!


Well-Known Member
i hate roommates... i did 2 years with the same roommates and i was the only responsible one and they knew i would cover for their lazy asses every time rent was due.

eventually shit will reach a breaking point and its (a. pay me! or (b. move the fuck out.

i cant stand people who have plenty of excuses but never any money UGH. f his phone bill, a house more important than a phone!


Well-Known Member
take him on a long drive and leave him in the middle of a national forest.

He will get get the point by the time he gets back to collect his stuff.

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
I told him 2 months ago I was kicking him out and I never got around to it
Once you've checked the laws and cleared your house...change the locks. Then hand him an ironclad lease to sign saying you want the 1st and last month's rent and a security deposit in advance for the new keys. Save the document! Does he have an address you can forward his mail to? Don't want to break a Federal law, either.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
K so what if he's not legally living in the house. It's my house I live here and I charge deadbeat 350 to sleep upstairs in a room. No receipts no nothing
if he has clothes there and stays in a room, or gets mail he lives there even squatters in a foreclosed house require this process


Well-Known Member
Yeah I think ur best bet is to just change the locks and put whatever ur not gonna keep outside and tell him he can get his stuff back whenever he decides to pay his rent. Or even better keep everything he has inside ur house and lock him out then tell him he can have it all back when he pays u ur rent.

But I think Sam might be right if he is receiving mail at that address it makes it his legal residence and u might still have to go thru some sort of eviction process.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I think ur best bet is to just change the locks and put whatever ur not gonna keep outside and tell him he can get his stuff back whenever he decides to pay his rent. Or even better keep everything he has inside ur house and lock him out then tell him he can have it all back when he pays u ur rent.

thats pretty good too.


Well-Known Member
K so I own my own house and my roomate is 2 months behind rent and I told him I wanted my money on his next cheque. So when he got paid he spent his money on food, weed and his phone bill which was disconnected because of not paying it.

I asked him to pay his rent and he said he was broke and I said I need that money and he told me to sell my truck. Like wtf. I didn't even know what to say. Pretty much a fuck you up my ass.

In total his personal belongings goes as follows. An old iMac and a PS3. So in saying that am I Legally allowed to sell his 2 things Or break them. Or as its raining right now throw all his shit outside so I can get my money's worth cuz the rain ruined it not me.
Don't break his shit, it will give you personal satisfaction, but it won't put any money in your pocket.
I would give him written 3 day notice to cure or quit, meaning pay within 3 days or GTFO.
Next time, (if there is a next time) you know to get first and last month rent as a non-refundable deposit