Roomate not paying rent and his personal property


Well-Known Member
tell that bum to kick rocks.. Fucking free loading piece of shit. He must have a terrible job to be able to spend all his money on weed, food and cell phone. hmmmmm , thats about 300 ?
you must smoke some cheap weed, hardly eat, and use 60 mins a month.


Ursus marijanus
He makes 850 a check. His cellphone was pretty high around 400. I told his ass 500 a check I don't give a shit how you get it. And he spent all of it on himself. Thinking about changing locks. I should post a picture to you guys of all his shit on the front lawn and his missing ps3 and computer.
Don't post a pic. Don't risk IDing yourself or him. Jmo. cn


Well-Known Member
Just kick his ass to the curb.. Give him the ol boot.. When he has to either sleep on the street or move back in with his mom, he'll learn his lesson.. And never help him out in a situation like this again.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
i would lock him out like what chickadee said he cannot sue you if he tried the judge will just laugh at him for not paying rent and will probably tell him to pay the money he owes.


Well-Known Member
THe law varies from state to state, first BREAK HIS SHIT!!!! lmao nah goto the court house eviction notice then he has thirty days to get out , most likely.


Well-Known Member
Put Neet in his shampoo, give him a road-apple sit up and glue his dick to his leg....or you could just ask him to leave

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
How do I get in the "Elite rolling society?"

I am prepared to roll 100 flawless joints and then smoke them accordingly.

Pm me the details.

The Outdoorsman
Well some of the forum's I've been on have a paid member's section, you would also get a special rank above your avatar. I'm guessing it's the same here, but it's just not implemented.

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
Before you act are you growing anything in the house? How much weed do you have in your house? If you're clean, then any more discussion other than get the Hell out is a waste of everyone's time...hate to be blunt, but you know the conditions and you know the choices.
Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Eh why keep his don't want it..the guy is a selfish prick..toss him out and wash hands clean of dude..I would not damage his shut or keep it..just flush this turd.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
K so I own my own house and my roomate is 2 months behind rent and I told him I wanted my money on his next cheque. So when he got paid he spent his money on food, weed and his phone bill which was disconnected because of not paying it.

I asked him to pay his rent and he said he was broke and I said I need that money and he told me to sell my truck. Like wtf. I didn't even know what to say. Pretty much a fuck you up my ass.

In total his personal belongings goes as follows. An old iMac and a PS3. So in saying that am I Legally allowed to sell his 2 things Or break them. Or as its raining right now throw all his shit outside so I can get my money's worth cuz the rain ruined it not me.
believe it or not i am a landlord for few properties . . . only way to legally get rid of him is to start the eviction notice and paperwork through the city . .once that is all done Sheriffs or local PD will evict him . . other than that, you can do nothing to forcibly remove him if he is living there


Well-Known Member
Well some of the forum's I've been on have a paid member's section, you would also get a special rank above your avatar. I'm guessing it's the same here, but it's just not implemented.
not at this time. the RIU elite is US. yep its all us baby.:mrgreen::clap::hump::cool::blsmoke:

pic borrowed from web.


Ursus marijanus
believe it or not i am a landlord for few properties . . . only way to legally get rid of him is to start the eviction notice and paperwork through the city . .once that is all done Sheriffs or local PD will evict him . . other than that, you can do nothing to forcibly remove him if he is living there
Is this also true if he's just surfing the couch? I wonder if he gets mail at that address. That might be proof of tenancy. My suggestion to curb him might be incorrect. cn


Well-Known Member
believe it or not i am a landlord for few properties . . . only way to legally get rid of him is to start the eviction notice and paperwork through the city . .once that is all done Sheriffs or local PD will evict him . . other than that, you can do nothing to forcibly remove him if he is living there
K so what if he's not legally living in the house. It's my house I live here and I charge deadbeat 350 to sleep upstairs in a room. No receipts no nothing


Ursus marijanus
K so what if he's not legally living in the house. It's my house I live here and I charge deadbeat 350 to sleep upstairs in a room. No receipts no nothing
It depends an awful lot on state law. California, for example, is quite protective of the tenant. Both Carne and Samwell gave you solid advice: check your State and local laws. As the landlord, you're sort of holding the short end. It's quite possible that doing the obvious and ordinarily right thing could get you sued. That would really stink. cn


Well-Known Member
Tell him that in lieu of payment you would like to start to boil and eat parts of him. He'd probably leave. :eyesmoke:

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
not at this time. the RIU elite is US. yep its all us baby.:mrgreen::clap::hump::cool::blsmoke:

pic borrowed from web.
I meant in general, across all types of forums.

Here's an example from another forum.

$12.00 for 6 months

1. Double PM storage space
2. 10 Times more image storage space on xxxxx servers
3. A new title: Golden xxxxxx Member
4. or The ability to choose your own custom title
5. Your username highlighted on the xxxxx Forum index and within forum threads.
6. First peek at new features and specials before we roll them out to the rest of the members.
7. Access to a private forum to discuss new features and specials.

I crossed out the forum name just in case.


Pickle Queen
I told him 2 months ago I was kicking him out and I never got around to it
Do u want to kick this person out for taking advantage of u ? Seems u have an easy task, tell him he has 1 week to square up in full otherwise he's out. Clearly this person is selfish and lacks respect for u. Please don't damage his things, take the high road and know u acted like a bigger person :)