Louie XIII OG in Dual Monster Plant System (3rd Scrog)


Well-Known Member
That girl is as close to a 10 as they come! You would be the most insane guy in the world if you didn't do it if she agrees. If she says yes and you decide against it for moral reasons I understand, tell you what I'll do:

I would be willing to take one for the team here and incur all expenses to go fly out there & marry her myself, bring her back, and we'll come over to LA regularly so you can shoot my wifey. Deal? You wont even have to pay her mwah hahaha
I hear you. I'm a photographer, not an idiot. Four, count 'em, four smileys in here response to my proposal. If she did take me seriously, no way I can tell her I was just kidding now. Prague, here I come.


Active Member
I hear you. I'm a photographer, not an idiot. Four, count 'em, four smileys in here response to my proposal. If she did take me seriously, no way I can tell her I was just kidding now. Prague, here I come.
LOL ATTA BOY JIN! THAT'S THE SPIRIT!!! God damn right you better get your ass out there! If you pull that off i'm going to Prague for my next vacation!


Well-Known Member
LOL ATTA BOY JIN! THAT'S THE SPIRIT!!! God damn right you better get your ass out there! If you pull that off i'm going to Prague for my next vacation!
Ah, Prague, lovely Prague. It's the birthplace of Kafka... how can I not visit? Strange thing? I've been in love with Jenni for years! But me an how many other guys, right? Lol!

I'll tell you what, I look forward to "proving" to consular authorities that we're really husband and wife. That should be fun. Ask me if I'm glad I learned how to work a camera.

There's that chest glare again. Guess I'll have to marry her in order to ensure that she's photographed properly. **Sigh** the things I'll suffer for my art. Think I'll smoke some more weed.


Well-Known Member
a little buddha sugar

i do apologise for the pic quality. if I'm bringing your thread down let me know and i will remove them


Well-Known Member
she's about 2-3 weeks since she first started showing little clusters. she's not going to be a big yielder unfortunately but then what OG is really? however the trich development is really nice the hps pics don't do her justice. the tricks really do come at least halfway up the big fans and all the way to the tips o the sugar leaves. and that smell is strong to say the least lol. i think she's going to be some uber dank.


Well-Known Member
she's about 2-3 weeks since she first started showing little clusters. she's not going to be a big yielder unfortunately but then what OG is really? however the trich development is really nice the hps pics don't do her justice. the tricks really do come at least halfway up the big fans and all the way to the tips o the sugar leaves. and that smell is strong to say the least lol. i think she's going to be some uber dank.
Yeah, it's never about yield with these things. But it'll be dank alright.


Well-Known Member
i love the US presidential race. always so entertaining lol.

but then who am i to talk our country is run by ronald mcdonalds female counterpart. if only she ran our country half as well as he ran his fast food chain.


Well-Known Member
i love the US presidential race. always so entertaining lol.

but then who am i to talk our country is run by ronald mcdonalds female counterpart. if only she ran our country half as well as he ran his fast food chain.
Yes, our political process has degraded into a dog and pony show for real. I don't know that much about the Aussie Prime Minister. I'll have to do a little reading.

But I did find a fine photo of her teaching Barry the finer points of Australian football in the oval office.


Well-Known Member
I love their work. They've done it again!


Well-Known Member

Becomes this:

We still have a long, long way to go. Good job, Clint.

This house brings molotov cocktail to mind. If I drove by this house, I would seriously think about it. This asshole wants a little Mississippi Burning? I'd be happy to give it to him. Hey, it may be your house, but you can't display anything you want on your front lawn.

I would love it if a van full of African American 'youths' drove by that house.


Well-Known Member

I'm in! But if you go to greengurlz dot com, there's nothing there yet! Lol. I'll get started, I'll get started.


Active Member
Damn, getting pretty tall! How much room do you have left? My Tahoe stretched like a bitch for 22 days, hopefully the Louie slows down quicker!


Well-Known Member
Damn, getting pretty tall! How much room do you have left? My Tahoe stretched like a bitch for 22 days, hopefully the Louie slows down quicker!
I'm not worried about height at all. These are pussycats compared to what I'm used to. I actually want them to stretch. Plenchees of room, compadre.

You got a powerfully stretching pheno of Tahoe. They do go for a good three weeks.


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna sit my ass down this weekend and start laying out what I've been promising for how long? I can't tell you how thrilled I am... Lol.

Last thing to check is getting my age restriction gateway page in place. I want to have that sorted before posting a single nudie.

Patience, my horny nose goblins! We're almost there!