• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Wait? ~ 50% of people don't pay taxes?!


Well-Known Member
LOL Nice try, but my BS in business tells me supply can and does create jobs and demand!
you don't have a BS in business, you don't own a business, and you don't pay any taxes. you sit in mommy and daddy's basement and pretend to be the GOP archetype, but really you're just a whiny little bitch.

i've shut you up by posting my pay stub with 25% federal income taxes deducted, i've shut you up by showing my tax return with a net liability in state taxes last year, and i've shut you up by posting my $50 a month health care plan. it's your turn.

until you prove any of this shit you spew, you sit in the basement and collect welfare, clayton.

might want to put up a picture of something you grew that is not neon yellow while you're at it.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
But this completely dismisses the other major function of a DMV, which is to allow only notionally safe and functional vehicles onto the road. Some of these state functions are very valuable, and there's no federalist/libertarian/Randie way to generate a stand-in. cn
i do not argue that they should be abolished, simply that they stop pretending they are doing me a favour when they fuck me with a broomstick.

many of the regulations and most of the interminable waiting could be reduced by simply eliminating some of the bullshit, and the mandated auto insurance is fucking me with a fire hose every month.

funny thing is, my insurance doesnt even cover me if i get hit by the largest class of uninsured drivers in the country. State Federal and Municipal vehicles.

read your uninsured motorist policy more carefully. if you get hit by a government vehicle you aint covered for shit.

one of my homeys got plowed by a cal trans truck while that ran a red light. the state told him to pound sand, and he is now destitute, crippled and on the dole. he lost half his right leg, his whole right eye, his shop, his house and his car all in one fell swoop now he is a cripple on disability. he'll never work again, and the state of california doesnt give a shit about what their employee did to him, and even shielded the employee from personal responsibility for the crash.

see i got a lotta reasons i dont trust government.


Well-Known Member
Take a deep breath Canndo, winter woman's post was a typo, she meant "earned income"
so you oppose a tax credit that incentivizes work?

that's not surprising, since you are collecting welfare from mommy and daddy and have never worked a day in your life, save the day you went through their old photo album to find that neon yellow monster twig.


Well-Known Member
This is the disingenuous part of you coming out, Romney said no such thing!
I'm paraphrasing but he said that 47% do not pay federal income taxes and will vote for Obama anyways. Never once did he claim they were not important to the country!
you need to get your paraphrase right.

he said "taxes".


Well-Known Member
I am guessing here so don't hold me to an exact figure, I will say that 98% more jobs are created by the 5% of top tax payers than the bottom 47%

Care to rebut that?
care to actually cite that instead of pulling shit out of your ass, throwing it like a monkey on speed, and hoping some of it sticks?


Well-Known Member
My next paycheck
I am one of those 47% who romney says depends on the goverment because I support Obama

Bi-weekly Gross Pay$2,184.00
Federal Withholding$203.56
Social Security$91.73

-Net Pay

Net Pay$1,725.70

-Calculation Based On

Check Date09/18/2012
Gross Pay$2,184.00
Gross Salary YTD$0.00
Pay FrequencyBi-weekly
Federal Filing StatusMarried
# of Federal Allowances2
Additional Federal Withholding$0.00
State for withholdingWisconsin
Total Allowances2
Additional State Withholding0
Exempt Statefalse
Filing StatusM


Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
No I don't believe the republican party panders to the wealthy for tax cuts.

Anyone who believes this is foolish. The wealthy you are speaking of make up probably 2% of the electorate, how naive to think the right panders to the rich for this reason when the rich are so few.

I believe the right understands that the wealthy are the job creators and the only hope for a prosperous economy.
lol job creators.... your brainwashed kid.


Well-Known Member
My next paycheck
I am one of those 47% who romney says depends on the goverment because I support Obama

Bi-weekly Gross Pay$2,184.00
Federal Withholding$203.56
Social Security$91.73

-Net Pay

Net Pay$1,725.70

-Calculation Based On

Check Date09/18/2012
Gross Pay$2,184.00
Gross Salary YTD$0.00
Pay FrequencyBi-weekly
Federal Filing StatusMarried
# of Federal Allowances2
Additional Federal Withholding$0.00
State for withholdingWisconsin
Total Allowances2
Additional State Withholding0
Exempt Statefalse
Filing StatusM

You earn over a thousand dollars a week and you pay no taxes?

You're a pretty shit leftie, no offense.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
You earn over a thousand dollars a week and you pay no taxes?

You're a pretty shit leftie, no offense.
he doesnt pay any INCOME taxes, what between the EIC deductions, etc, but wee all get fucked by other taxes, "sosh security" medicare, state income taxes and state levies, dmv fees, excise and import dutis, gas taxes, property taxes utilitiy taxes, etc etc etc etc.

he dodges most of the income tax burden (as do i) but its the other shit that hits the little guy square in the nuts over and over again. rather like europe's VAT taxes, but many of them, and each one is a little tiny papercut, slowly bleeding you to death.

then at the end of the year you get to play the awesome "whats my tax this year" game.

no matter how hard he tries to deny it, at the end of march he is gonna start worrying, will the feds disallow his deductions? have they raised the rates or lowered the caps for shit and i might wind up having to write a fat ass check? did i do the math right last year or will i be boned?

then you have to do some algebra, and justify your existence to the IRS while they roughly sodomize you in all available holes, as you whimper and just wait for it to be over until next year.

for most people who arent running around with BMW money, tax day is just a humiliating intrusion, a rough violation and then a quick "See you Next Year Baby" from the tax man. for those who won the lottery, struck it rich in the gold fields (it still happens) or just got lucky or brilliant with a patent, a record deal or some other cinderella story, your first REAL tax day is a shocking wake up call. thats when most people go from being poor democrats to rich republicans, or your first mugging, either way, but the mugging is usually less violent.

if i won $20 million in the California lottery, the man takes half. yep, half. and thats just off the top. he continues to nibble away with all the other taxes until my $20 million becomes chump change. enough to open a bar and buy a decent mid range mercedes, or buy a small farm. not a big farm, just a small one. that would make me more than satisfied, but if you only win $1 million, it immediately becomes $500k, and you still got other taxes comin to make it even smaller.

truth is, the odds of winning the lottery are WAY better than the odds youll get to keep much of it.

once an american touches that corona, and achieves the "Federal Maximum Allowed Income" the income taxes go from an annoyance to highway robbery in a split second. one of my mates was in a band, they got a record deal, and the tax man turned them all into republicans overnight.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
some people will see taxes as a paper cut, i see taxes in another light, as the bridges/roads i use on my commute, as the school i went to as a child that gave me an education. none of it is free, taxes are not the boogeyman. my only problem with taxes IMO is they go to under-performing politicians who live off a pension and get medical coverage the average united states citizen could only dream of.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
some people will see taxes as a paper cut, i see taxes in another light, as the bridges/roads i use on my commute, as the school i went to as a child that gave me an education. none of it is free, taxes are not the boogeyman. my only problem with taxes IMO is they go to under-performing politicians who live off a pension and get medical coverage the average united states citizen could only dream of.
im not arguing against taxes, im arguing against confiscatory taxes that keep the little guy in his place while the fat cats and the middle class whine about their 401ks and gamble in the casinos of wall street, knowing that the government will always be ther through thick and thin to cover their losses and give them cab fare home.

poor folks get no such treatment.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
i agree, i wish we had a "Bludgeon those Dirty Politicians" week. for poor people of course, and only politicians that have been caught, like that fuck who was trying to sell a seat in the senate lol... that would've sent a message.


Well-Known Member
he doesnt pay any INCOME taxes, what between the EIC deductions, etc, but wee all get fucked by other taxes, "sosh security" medicare, state income taxes and state levies, dmv fees, excise and import dutis, gas taxes, property taxes utilitiy taxes, etc etc etc etc.

he dodges most of the income tax burden (as do i) but its the other shit that hits the little guy square in the nuts over and over again. rather like europe's VAT taxes, but many of them, and each one is a little tiny papercut, slowly bleeding you to death.

then at the end of the year you get to play the awesome "whats my tax this year" game.

no matter how hard he tries to deny it, at the end of march he is gonna start worrying, will the feds disallow his deductions? have they raised the rates or lowered the caps for shit and i might wind up having to write a fat ass check? did i do the math right last year or will i be boned?

then you have to do some algebra, and justify your existence to the IRS while they roughly sodomize you in all available holes, as you whimper and just wait for it to be over until next year.

for most people who arent running around with BMW money, tax day is just a humiliating intrusion, a rough violation and then a quick "See you Next Year Baby" from the tax man. for those who won the lottery, struck it rich in the gold fields (it still happens) or just got lucky or brilliant with a patent, a record deal or some other cinderella story, your first REAL tax day is a shocking wake up call. thats when most people go from being poor democrats to rich republicans, or your first mugging, either way, but the mugging is usually less violent.

if i won $20 million in the California lottery, the man takes half. yep, half. and thats just off the top. he continues to nibble away with all the other taxes until my $20 million becomes chump change. enough to open a bar and buy a decent mid range mercedes, or buy a small farm. not a big farm, just a small one. that would make me more than satisfied, but if you only win $1 million, it immediately becomes $500k, and you still got other taxes comin to make it even smaller.

truth is, the odds of winning the lottery are WAY better than the odds youll get to keep much of it.

once an american touches that corona, and achieves the "Federal Maximum Allowed Income" the income taxes go from an annoyance to highway robbery in a split second. one of my mates was in a band, they got a record deal, and the tax man turned them all into republicans overnight.
If you earn over €26,000 here it's an automatic 42% income tax with no deductions on that amount. 23% VAT on everything you buy. We've to pay Social Security, an "Income Levy" and a "Health Levy".

It encourages people to suckle the Govt tit tho, why bother being successful? Social Welfare will look after you and fuck the successful people to fund it.

Flat tax me up, capital gains included, no deductions.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
If you earn over €26,000 here it's an automatic 42% income tax with no deductions on that amount. 23% VAT on everything you buy. We've to pay Social Security, an "Income Levy" and a "Health Levy".

It encourages people to suckle the Govt tit tho, why bother being successful? Social Welfare will look after you and fuck the successful people to fund it.

Flat tax me up, capital gains included, no deductions.
Youre worse than hitler. welcome to the club. margarita monday just passed though, so bad timing mate.


Well-Known Member
if you look
I pay taxes
Next january I will be looking to see if I overpaid
This year we got back around 300 bucks from the feds and 1100 from the state of wisonsin
My wife who makes a shit load more than me claims 1

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I will not because you distort it throught the lense of the selfish right. Did you think that maybe the 47 percenters are the ones who believe in what this country actually stands for and that the Democratic party is not pandering for votes but acting according to the will of those who are members?

Now, my question, will you admit that the Republicans pander the vote of the rich in order that the rich might avoid paying the taxes that they accuse the 47 percent of not paying?
Wow, how the fuck does that work? People with no money have magical powers?



Well-Known Member
If you earn over €26,000 here it's an automatic 42% income tax with no deductions on that amount. 23% VAT on everything you buy. We've to pay Social Security, an "Income Levy" and a "Health Levy".
I'm interested where you got the €26000 @42% tax rate info from


Well-Known Member
if you look
I pay taxes
Next january I will be looking to see if I overpaid
This year we got back around 300 bucks from the feds and 1100 from the state of wisonsin
My wife who makes a shit load more than me claims 1

Wow, how does that work? Making 1000 bucks a week and you get back 1400 total bucks from taxes??
I make a little over 1k a week and I paid quite a freaking bit in taxes, was nothing coming back from Feds or State. I had to PAY PAY PAY.
Matter of fact, paid my last 1300 bucks Sept. 13th.