So im guessing you are gonna vote for mitt romney? You do realize that if he wins he plans on making cannabis illegal completely right? and whats wrong with obama helping the middle class?
You agree that the rich should get richer and the mid class should be poor? he believes in fair opportunity,i haven't seen too many people with that.Either way obama most likely win and if romney does say goodbye MJ and hello Anti-Christ.
romney cannot make cannabis any more illegal than it is now. he is running for President not Emperor.
obama has certainly helped the "Middle Class" and the "Upper Class" while fucking the "Working Class" with a broken champagne bottle.
the "Middle Class" is a euphemism, designed to convince you that the people he is talking about are hard working tradesmen, plumbers, auto mechanics and whatnot. the "Middle Class" are the guys who "work" in offices creating ad campaigns and moving forms from pile A to pile B. the "Middle Class" are the merchants, middle managers, bureaucrats, and mandarins. the guys with stock options, investment portfolios, retirement plans, summer homes in the catskills, and a BMW or mercedes in the driveway. those people are doing just fine, its the working poor, the rural poor, and the poor in general that get fucked by washington's fixation on the "Middle Class"
the rich will ALWAYS get richer, unless they are idiots and blow it all on their profligate lifestyle (MC Hammer, Paris Hilton, etc...) the "Middle Class" likewise doesnt need any special favours or handouts. they are doin pretty good already. the people who are drilled the hardest by the "Recession" (which from down here looks more like a depression) are the cats with NO capital. the poor cant simply "start their own business" despite the claims of amway, melaleuca and all the other pyramid schemers, nor can they simply will themselves into the position of being convenience store owners or carwash impresarios. most of us are tapped in dead end jobs scraping to get by, while the tax man takes a bigger bite every year through all the little taxes that the "Middle Class" doesnt consider bothersome.
why do you suppose wal-mart got so big? too many people down on the bottom, making life decisions over 15 cent coupons for rice. if everybody were as comfortably situated as the "Middle Class" wal-mart would go out of business.