Spelling… At Least ATTEMPT to get it right!

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
I’m so sick of forums where childish posters think it’s cool to post pure nonsense with their ghetto-type! No I’m not trying to be the spelling police …. we all make mistakes….. but intentional typing shortcuts like:

“wazup I juz kneed sum help wit my plantzz”

That shit is BULLSHIT and I can’t stand it! No one thinks you are “cool” (except maybe your 12 year old counterparts {Websters…. look it up!}.

You look like a complete MORON when you type shit like that! There are some shortcuts that are ok …. Internet Shortcuts… GOOGLE THEM! However typing shit like “cuz” when you mean “because” is SO NOT COOL!

For you kids who think it’s “cool” to exercise your ignorance I say IXNAY! (that’s slang from my day that means JUST DON’T!!!!!)

I hope I didn't offend anyone.... it just had to be said! Peace :peace:
Dude, rep to you for that, because I feel the same way! I mean, I can see shortening some words up, but when you go out of your way to type some bullshit, that gets on my nerves.

Or PeOpLE WhO tYpE LiKE tHiS.
JohnnyBravo, that spelling is for that other thread!
hah funny shit,funny shit,i agree by 2000% some post are like: heyz ids needs helpz whit dis shit.likes dontz knowz zwats da do.and other shit like this santobonto craraptor some russian shit
On a serious note, I see this as another aspect of "The Dumbing Down of America". We have been gradually losing our "intellectual edge" against other nations around the globe for at least 2 decades now.
Dude, rep to you for that, because I feel the same way! I mean, I can see shortening some words up, but when you go out of your way to type some bullshit, that gets on my nerves.

Or PeOpLE WhO tYpE LiKE tHiS.

Thanks!!! I threw this post out there because I wasn't sure if it was just me who felt this way!!!

I COMPLETELY agree about the UpPer LowEr CaSe thing.... it drives me up a wall! The first time I saw it I just thought I was missing the super secret decoder ring.......shortly after I realized it was just MORON kids posting in type they THINK is cool! Ohhh how I hate it!!
On a serious note, I see this as another aspect of "The Dumbing Down of America". We have been gradually losing our "intellectual edge" against other nations around the globe for at least 2 decades now.

wow thats deep...simply typing to shorten your sentence or typing to make it seem cool has set america back 2 decades...thats almost deeper then pussy...well most pussy:mrgreen:
wow thats deep...simply typing to shorten your sentence or typing to make it seem cool has set america back 2 decades...thats almost deeper then pussy...well most pussy:mrgreen:
I'm in a position where I have to hire people from time to time. I see this shit on applications every now and then. They go straight into the circular file. Perhaps they'd stand a better chance obtaining a job picking up my trash every week.
I'm in a position where I have to hire people from time to time. I see this shit on applications every now and then. They go straight into the circular file. Perhaps they'd stand a better chance obtaining a job picking up my trash every week.

thats funny,some people dont take a job serious.i work with dipshits that go to work to have fun and not work,and then the dumb shits quit or get fired.