Spelling… At Least ATTEMPT to get it right!

I'm in a position where I have to hire people from time to time. I see this shit on applications every now and then. They go straight into the circular file. Perhaps they'd stand a better chance obtaining a job picking up my trash every week.

squeeze me?....waz dat a supposed to be a cliche?:roll:...i would dump your trashcan full of tampons if you actually had a job..be cool..you dont want cyber problems with cannaboy...your such a joke...now speak.....
On a serious note, I see this as another aspect of "The Dumbing Down of America". We have been gradually losing our "intellectual edge" against other nations around the globe for at least 2 decades now.

Yes!!! I agreee!

I'd also like to point out that America is only a few hundred years old... which is tantamount to a newborn in terms of its its life.

Sadly.... we have raised a nation of coddled idiots who never so much as mowed a lawn for $5.oo...and we are leaving our Country to them.

Very Sad!
Dude, am I the only one who thinks we're like championing mediocrity these days? I mean, we give out rewards for EVERYTHING. We tell kids they're ALL special, which is a nice thought, but let's be real. You don't get to be special just for BEING. Just cuz you eat, drink and shit doesn't make you special. You have to put forth some effort at something. I mean, I understand motivating small kids by being positive, but eventually you have to stop coddling them.
you dont want cyber problems with cannaboy...your such a joke...now speak.....
Affirmative...I take pity on the mentally challenged. There's only so many synapses in there to go around, yes? We certainly wouldn't want to use them to comprehend difficult concepts lest they burn out, correct? Go back to your video game son and leave the real work to those of us who have the intellectual fortitude and stamina to actually produce. ;)
Dude, am I the only one who thinks we're like championing mediocrity these days? I mean, we give out rewards for EVERYTHING. We tell kids they're ALL special, which is a nice thought, but let's be real. You don't get to be special just for BEING. Just cuz you eat, drink and shit doesn't make you special. You have to put forth some effort at something. I mean, I understand motivating small kids by being positive, but eventually you have to stop coddling them.

wise words indeed:joint:
Affirmative...I take pity on the mentally challenged. There's only so many synapses in there to go around, yes? We certainly wouldn't want to use them to comprehend difficult concepts lest they burn out, correct? ;)

thanx for speaking my easily influenced friend:eek:...it only took you a nice 10-15 mins but we'll work on that....but why would you pity sumthing your apart of??...it just doesent make sense, sumthing like your pathetic attempt at trying to sound a fraction of intelligent8-)...your a bigger ass in this comment then the last,now entertain me summore
School sucks. End of story. :D
I took care of over 12 young men in various degrees of problems with the law. I've heard this before and my retort was always..."Aspiring to be a Walmart Greeter when you grow up?" :D
I don't think disliking school necessarily means our stupid, lol
I agree. I used it as an example because many of these boys were borderline on dropping out. I played a harsh hand with them, sometimes physically, but I kept them out of jail and in school.
I took care of over 12 young men in various degrees of problems with the law. I've heard this before and my retort was always..."Aspiring to be a Walmart Greeter when you grow up?" :D
I know what you mean, but that doesn't mean school doesn't suck. I think schools don't encourage kids to learn enough. "Oh, well, if you get good grades, you can go to a good college and be a lawyer." Some kids don't want to go to college, but that shouldn't keep them from aspiring to be someone and furthering their intellectual knowledge. Grades aren't everything, college isn't everything. :peace:
I know what you mean, but that doesn't mean school doesn't suck. I think schools don't encourage kids to learn enough. "Oh, well, if you get good grades, you can go to a good college and be a lawyer." Some kids don't want to go to college, but that shouldn't keep them from aspiring to be someone and furthering their intellectual knowledge. Grades aren't everything, college isn't everything. :peace:
I couldn't agree more. Take my son for example. When he was 16 he told me that he didn't want to go to college. I said "That's fine, but I'll be damned if my boy is going to be 35 and working a parts counter at the local auto store." I suggested a skilled trade or the military. He chose the military and scored so high on the ASVAB that he had his choice of anything short of Nuclear Engineering. He's now a Hull Tech/Radiographer inspecting welds on fast attack subs utilizing radioactive source material. He's a smart kid and I'm proud of what he's accomplished....even when he tells me "Sometimes I think I should have gone to college Dad." :lol:
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.[/FONT]
no really don't do it...

but I know the perfect cure for this (and its not the firefox dictionary.. well that could help :-?) its just to ignore people like that haha...
Dude, am I the only one who thinks we're like championing mediocrity these days? I mean, we give out rewards for EVERYTHING. We tell kids they're ALL special, which is a nice thought, but let's be real. You don't get to be special just for BEING. Just cuz you eat, drink and shit doesn't make you special. You have to put forth some effort at something. I mean, I understand motivating small kids by being positive, but eventually you have to stop coddling them.
Thats why I always told my kid....Eat your spinach, Or you'll be a Loser and a Fatty....Now get your 50 percentile ass up there and brush you teeth...Dumb Ass:shock:
Thats why I always told my kid....Eat your spinach, Or you'll be a Loser and a Fatty....Now get your 50 percentile ass up there and brush you teeth...Dumb Ass:shock:

lol, I dunno, I guess I was just raised differently. I joke about it now, but it was kinda fucked up when I really think about it. But still, if my parents had coddled me, I wouldn't be the person I am. And I like who I am.
I agree with you, Wiki. When I was a kid school bored me to TEARS, I cannot adequately describe just how boring it usually was. When I was much younger and going to grade school in Shreveport, I distinctly remember getting into trouble because I was a 1rst grader who snuck the 6th grade reading books. MAN did I get in trouble over that! But, who the fuck wants to read, "See Dick and Jane run" when they've already progressed to National Geographic?

By the time I'd gotten to high school it was even worse. Most of my teachers were overwhelmed and didn't want to be bothered, I'd been raised with the dogma that called school "The 12 Year Sentence" as I watched idiots get better grades than I NOT because they scored so well on tests, but because they did the fucking homework. I had teacher after teacher tell me that in order to help the kids who weren't so smart get better grades the scoring was based on the amount of work produced and not at all the quality. One day, just to find out how important that homework was I turned in my "assignment" with nothing but "Mary had a little lamb" written over and over. Not only was I complimented by the teacher for turning in homework but I got a better grade because of that fucking piece of paper. Nevermind getting A's and B's on my tests, it was all about the homework.

That was the last time I made any effort (outside classes like chemistry and my honors class that I ended up being kicked out of, but it was ok because the teacher couldn't fucking SPELL and I told him that he had no business teaching any English class, let alone an HONORS class if he couldn't fucking SPELL!) in public school. College was different, but after a couple of years I got itchy again, left and went to work.

cannaboy, you're a fucking RIOT! :lol: