mr. green thumb 01
New Member
You are having to pull rockwool out of your reservoir. That is what is wrong with it.. I never made any mention to your yields, i am talking about how your netpot is setup. If you are getting rockwool in your res then ti's setup wrong lol
How should it be set up? I put a layer hydroton-h.t then r.w then fill w/ h.t. Well no R.W anymore. It started for me when I didnt have it so I didnt use it then relized my clones were rooting FASTER
r.w&h.t fall in. Not every time but it has happened. Hydroton falls through the net cup so why wouldnt or why shouldnt the r.w? What would you suggest a lareger more expensive piece of r.w and a larger more expensive net pot?
please share your set up with me