Tired of people say MG is not for Cannabis. I'm going to shut all of you up.

if where talking about miricle grow soil..... well just remember NOT to water. the more you water the more nutrients released ive grown a couple in MG soil, good results but far from the best.
if where talking about miricle grow soil..... well just remember NOT to water. the more you water the more nutrients released ive grown a couple in MG soil, good results but far from the best.

this is my biggest issue. i give my plants A LOT of water at one time to make sure they are watered all the way through.
dude i tryed just barley and it doesnt work my plants still get lock out from excess salts and u flush to get rid of the lock out then in a few more weeks it gets worse. but yea a soil that u have to put that much effort into to make it not kill ur plants is obviously not good soil at all and it also releases to much nitrogen during flowering makeing airy buds. so if u want to ignore gnat infestation salt build up nute burn and all the effort to make shure it doesnt kill ur plants its just not worth it dude
dude i tryed just barley and it doesnt work my plants still get lock out from excess salts and u flush to get rid of the lock out then in a few more weeks it gets worse. but yea a soil that u have to put that much effort into to make it not kill ur plants is obviously not good soil at all and it also releases to much nitrogen during flowering makeing airy buds. so if u want to ignore gnat infestation salt build up nute burn and all the effort to make shure it doesnt kill ur plants its just not worth it dude

That doesn't make any sense considering the salts only feed your plant for a couple months then you need to feed them yourself so iuf you get airy buds its your own fault from using the wrong fertz
ive got a friend that used MG's organic soil with good results and i was going to try MG's jungle growth outdoors this year but my local stores dont carry it so i tried a company called stagreen. cheap soil but seems to work OK. just starting to use it and it has very very minimal amounts of ferts in it. only problem ive seen so far is the plants tend to start out light green like they need nitrogen. other than that so far so good. only 7 or 8 bucks for 2.5 cubic feet so thats pretty cheap!
Re read the OP I am going to get some MG and prove that all these epople bitching just hate MG for some reason and are biased as fuck
Your opinion is your opinion. I would never use it. You mean theory? Settle down.

wait your knocking something you never tried? soil is soil time release synthetic nutrients is scientifically researched and more efficient and safe. it is up to YOU as the grower to utilize your tools properly.

hell i bet theres someone out there who could pull an awesome yield using only peat dol. lime.
That doesn't make any sense considering the salts only feed your plant for a couple months then you need to feed them yourself so iuf you get airy buds its your own fault from using the wrong fertz
lol i didnt use any ferts mg has more than enough if u use ferts with mg u will shurely kill ur plants i thought we already went over this
i try to do the opposite its hard it easier to fix dry than to fix wet.

lol well none of my grow spaces ever have enough height to them so i grow in smaller pots than i would like to and i hear if you dont water good enough the roots dont fill in as much as they grow so i water them real good when i do in hopes that roots grow in better and dont hit the bottom of the pots as quick and get root bound. all my pots and soil have very good drainage so its not like im going to over water them.
wait your knocking something you never tried? soil is soil time release synthetic nutrients is scientifically researched and more efficient and safe. it is up to YOU as the grower to utilize your tools properly.

hell i bet theres someone out there who could pull an awesome yield using only peat dol. lime.

I'm not knocking anything. My friend uses only mg, I help him with his grow as well all the time, I know what's what. I said I would never use it for personal reasons, those being political.
Re read the OP I am going to get some MG and prove that all these epople bitching just hate MG for some reason and are biased as fuck
u can use fert with organic or moister controll though only the 3 and 6 month soil is bad no one is biast mg organic and mg moister controll is fine but not 3 or 6 month mg. bur getting all pissy but u have never even fucking tryed it and obviously u dont know shit if you going to nute mg 6 month soil lol. and why did u tell that dude that was haveing nute lock out to fert his plants he was useing mg 6 month soil bad advice unless u wanted him to kill it
good drainage is important with that theory, and works equaly well so long as you have a large qty of perlite maybe some sand you should be good. but see my soil is mad different with more amts of peat and coco coir which works more like a sponge and real light and airy for actual gas exchange(your soil sucks air in with the water which works well!) therefore needs to have the right moisture content for the plants roots to stay small but spread like a web(your roots will be larger feeder roots) just showing the difference between growing styles. in short what im saying is we just grow different but can still both have great results. same applies for MG.