Well-Known Member
u can use fert with organic or moister controll though only the 3 and 6 month soil is bad no one is biast mg organic and mg moister controll is fine but not 3 or 6 month mg. bur getting all pissy but u have never even fucking tryed it and obviously u dont know shit if you going to nute mg 6 month soil lol. and why did u tell that dude that was haveing nute lock out to fert his plants he was useing mg 6 month soil bad advice unless u wanted him to kill it
......I am sure I didn't tell him to DO anything.....also I am sure he is talking about a past grow....why are you assuming that I am trying to tell him what to do. I am in no place to tell people what to do. I just don't like people blasting a cheap product that can actually help people start growing sooner without having to spend $100 on fucking soil