Tired of people say MG is not for Cannabis. I'm going to shut all of you up.

u can use fert with organic or moister controll though only the 3 and 6 month soil is bad no one is biast mg organic and mg moister controll is fine but not 3 or 6 month mg. bur getting all pissy but u have never even fucking tryed it and obviously u dont know shit if you going to nute mg 6 month soil lol. and why did u tell that dude that was haveing nute lock out to fert his plants he was useing mg 6 month soil bad advice unless u wanted him to kill it

......I am sure I didn't tell him to DO anything.....also I am sure he is talking about a past grow....why are you assuming that I am trying to tell him what to do. I am in no place to tell people what to do. I just don't like people blasting a cheap product that can actually help people start growing sooner without having to spend $100 on fucking soil
......I am sure I didn't tell him to DO anything.....also I am sure he is talking about a past grow....why are you assuming that I am trying to tell him what to do. I am in no place to tell people what to do. I just don't like people blasting a cheap product that can actually help people start growing sooner without having to spend $100 on fucking soil
like i said im only blasting 3 month and 6 month mg dude how many times do i have to say that. and a bag of mg organic is only like 3 dollers cheaper than ffof fyi
the ferts can last more than 6 months dumb ass

You are another one of those ass holes ont his forum with a shit attitude that goes staright to name calling and won't take criticism or advice or READ or RE READ a fucking post. GO F yourself punk. I said I am going to prove it by gorwing with it. Now you are just pissing me off and making this personal GTFO

Ignored don't bother posting on my fuckin threads anymore
That doesn't make any sense considering the salts only feed your plant for a couple months then you need to feed them yourself so iuf you get airy buds its your own fault from using the wrong fertz
no it feeds up to 6 months u need to do ur recherch and no mj plant is going to be growing for more than 6 months unless its a mother plant
yea the truth hurts doesnt it lol ur just mad because i know wtf im talking about and ur just makeing ur self feel stupid for saying to fert it lol let me say this 1 more time before u ignore me mg HAS TIME RELEASED NUTES IN IT ur plants will be nute burned and nute locked out i bet u wont prove me wrong with 3 or 6 month mg i bet it i will bet anything that u plant will look like shit
yea the truth hurts doesnt it lol ur just mad because i know wtf im talking about and ur just makeing ur self feel stupid for saying to fert it lol let me say this 1 more time before u ignore me mg HAS TIME RELEASED NUTES IN IT ur plants will be nute burned and nute locked out i bet u wont prove me wrong with 3 or 6 month mg i bet it i will bet anything that u plant will look like shit

You are hopeless the company makes more than 1 type of soil.
......I am sure I didn't tell him to DO anything.....also I am sure he is talking about a past grow....why are you assuming that I am trying to tell him what to do. I am in no place to tell people what to do. I just don't like people blasting a cheap product that can actually help people start growing sooner without having to spend $100 on fucking soil

most of us that really knock MG stuff have our own very good reasons why we dont use it. i mean why would i go spend a fortune on soil if MG stuff was good to use and so much cheaper. if that were the case i would use it and so would everyone else probably. fact is that experienced growers that get the chance to use other products over their years will end up pushing MG stuff to the bottom of the list. also this isnt normal indoor/outdoor house hold flowers we're growing here. not that MG stuff is bad, its just not suitable for the particular plants at hand.

and btw as far as MG helping people start growing sooner....MG tends to be one of the leading causes of plant death by noob growers...just saying...
fertz in mg only last a fixed amount of time. Then you need to add more!
why did u delete that post lol? starting to feel pretty stupid for killing that noobs plant and yea he did fert it and im talking about a post from 3 days ago u told him he would be fine if he used good ferts after he told u he was useing mg 6 month soil
Truth doesn't hurt I love learning. I am going to do a grow with it and It will not look like shit then you can go cry in a corner or go spend massive amounts of money on expensive products.
why did u delete that post lol? starting to feel pretty stupid for killing that noobs plant and yea he did fert it and im talking about a post from 3 days ago u told him he would be fine if he used good ferts after he told u he was useing mg 6 month soil

Are you that retarded did I specifically tell him to add nutes? Show me Where I said Hey ADD NUTES. 3 days ago?

Show me. I thought you were talking about this post.
most of us that really knock MG stuff have our own very good reasons why we dont use it. i mean why would i go spend a fortune on soil if MG stuff was good to use and so much cheaper. if that were the case i would use it and so would everyone else probably. fact is that experienced growers that get the chance to use other products over their years will end up pushing MG stuff to the bottom of the list. also this isnt normal indoor/outdoor house hold flowers we're growing here. not that MG stuff is bad, its just not suitable for the particular plants at hand.

and btw as far as MG helping people start growing sooner....MG tends to be one of the leading causes of plant death by noob growers...just saying...
exactly thank u
I have grown guerrilla many years now..used the 3 and 6 month in patches..needed to add a lot of perlite ...but it works good...you go out there and hit em with pond water and leave em be ...but every time they needed more bloom P and K before they finished...maybe a tomato plant or cucumber can feed for 6 months off that soil but not marijuana man...when those plants are 7 feet those time released ferts ain't shit.
Truth doesn't hurt I love learning. I am going to do a grow with it and It will not look like shit then you can go cry in a corner or go spend massive amounts of money on expensive products.
im the one who tells people u dont have to use expencive stuff to grow weed but that has nothing to do with mg dude it is actully expencive and will kill ur plants if u use the 3 or 6 month soil
Whatever I Will Stop arguing. He started egtting cocky and pulling that shitty name calling shit so he is going to get it right back in his face
lol not a problem now cant you 2 just get along. argue it out after we see some pics of his "MG grow"
yea ur right i over reaceted a little i just dont want any new growers suffering from this advice is all.. and the title of his post kinda pissed me off lol "Tired of people say MG is not for Cannabis. I'm going to shut all of you up."