Obama gave us commerce by gun to your head; enslavement to health care sector


Well-Known Member
More crap. We are less "enslaved" under the health care reform act than under uncontroled health insurance companies.

Or are you in favor of recision, yearly caps, lifetime caps, refusal to insure due to pre existing conditions and rationing?

Everyone likes to pile on, agreeing between themselves about how absoutely horrrrrible Obama and his health plan is when for the most part they actually know nothing of the plan and less about the situation with insurers before it was enacted.


Well-Known Member
its not considerd being enslaved man. americans want and need the right to proper helth care regardless if they make 3 mill a year or not.


Well-Known Member
Amercians seem to have gotten to the same level as 6 year olds. "you can't make me", "you are not the boss of me" being the more typical understanding. If we are forced to do anything we don't like it is the moral equivelent of slavery.

We are a nation of whiners.


Well-Known Member
More crap. We are less "enslaved" under the health care reform act than under uncontroled health insurance companies.

Or are you in favor of recision, yearly caps, lifetime caps, refusal to insure due to pre existing conditions and rationing?

Everyone likes to pile on, agreeing between themselves about how absoutely horrrrrible Obama and his health plan is when for the most part they actually know nothing of the plan and less about the situation with insurers before it was enacted.
This is provably false...

Before you had the choice to get insurance or not. Now you have to get it or pay a fine. Either way you have to pay more money that you earn to either a private company or the government.

How you can possibly say this is more freedom is beyond me...


Well-Known Member
Amazing what lengths people will go to argue for free stuff!

How can you talk out of two positions at once Beenthere? On the one hand it is an anti-American curse that we are FORCED to pay for something we may not want and on the other, you contend that we want this health care change because we want free stuff.

Even you don't get to have it both ways. Of course I see that you no longer respond to me, and that is a shame.


Well-Known Member
This is provably false...

Before you had the choice to get insurance or not. Now you have to get it or pay a fine. Either way you have to pay more money that you earn to either a private company or the government.

How you can possibly say this is more freedom is beyond me...

Depends on the scope of freedom. You see freedom as not having to do things you don't want to do. I see it as being unburdened of he abuse perpetrated by Insurance Companies.


Well-Known Member
The son of a bitch still hasn't watered my lawn. What the fuck? Seriously. This President SUCKS.


Well-Known Member
Depends on the scope of freedom. You see freedom as not having to do things you don't want to do. I see it as being unburdened of he abuse perpetrated by Insurance Companies.

And Obama unburdened us by FORCING us to pay the abusive insurance companies more money?

More crap. We are less "enslaved" under the health care reform act than under uncontroled health insurance companies.

Or are you in favor of recision, yearly caps, lifetime caps, refusal to insure due to pre existing conditions and rationing?

Everyone likes to pile on, agreeing between themselves about how absoutely horrrrrible Obama and his health plan is when for the most part they actually know nothing of the plan and less about the situation with insurers before it was enacted.
If you're comfortable with commerce by gun to your head, enslavement to the health care sector, and democratic dictatorship, then by all means vote for Barack Obama. I'm just passing along information here. I'm not trying to tell anyone how to vote.


Well-Known Member
If you're comfortable with commerce by gun to your head, enslavement to the health care sector, and democratic dictatorship, then by all means vote for Barack Obama. I'm just passing along information here. I'm not trying to tell anyone how to vote.
since you're just innocently and passively "passing along information", why don't you cite what the actual penalty for noncompliance is in this case. :lol:

i bet you won't.


Well-Known Member
If you're comfortable with commerce by gun to your head, enslavement to the health care sector, and democratic dictatorship, then by all means vote for Barack Obama. I'm just passing along information here. I'm not trying to tell anyone how to vote.

Gun to my head commerce is a very sick person going to the hospital and getting treated for free, and then the cost being extended to me in higher taxes and higher premiums for which I get Nothing. I'd much rather everyone be forced to pay something so maybe I won't have to pay for other people's health care.

So long as we all just suck up what we are told about the mean nasty health care plan that "makes" us do stuff we dont want to do, then we won't ever really understand what is going on around us.


Well-Known Member
This is provably false...

Before you had the choice to Force everyone else to pay for your care. Now you have to get it or pay a small fine. Either way you have to pay less money that you earn to either a private company or the government.

How you can possibly say this is more freedom is beyond me becuase I am a idiot...
I agree with you


Well-Known Member
I agree with you
Well, except that no-one has ever paid for my health care. I have blue cross-blue shield and have every time I have been self employed or an employer didnt offer care.

So, your assumptions are one big pile of fail...

What this does is force young and poor people to pay a tax to subsidize the healthcare of the old.

It is a redistribution of wealth.

But hey, keep believing what the Omessiah tells you... You know... Like by now every family would be paying 2500 less in health care per year. Yeah, that worked out... Oh wait... There were no savings... DAMNIT!!

There are going to be plenty of shovel ready jobs once the death panels get up and running and start denying care to save on costs!! It will be like the VA on steroids. JUST CANT WAIT FOR THAT!!!


Well-Known Member
Well, except that no-one has ever paid for my health care. I have blue cross-blue shield and have every time I have been self employed or an employer didnt offer care.

So, your assumptions are one big pile of fail...

What this does is force young and poor people to pay a tax to subsidize the healthcare of the old.

It is a redistribution of wealth.

But hey, keep believing what the Omessiah tells you... You know... Like by now every family would be paying 2500 less in health care per year. Yeah, that worked out... Oh wait... There were no savings... DAMNIT!!

Then you should be grateful for Obamacare