Official 'FUCK THE POLICE' Thread. (Examples of Police Brutality)

I grew up with this kid. This just happened August 25.

24 years old, was preparing dinner at his house, chopping onions and celery, the police came to serve a felony search warrant for his dad for drug charges, Aaron answers the door holding the knife he was using (not having any idea who was at the door, police never notified as is federal law anytime a search warrant is issued), cop shoots him once in the chest, kid dies on the way to the hospital.

As it turns out, the cop that shot him had a previous relationship with Aaron's dad's ex-wife.

This hit home as it's actually a dude I fucking knew. My mom grew up with his mother, they both had us at the exact same time, she was pretty upset about it.

And to tell you the truth, this is the story that pushed me over the edge.

I'll never respect law enforcement as long as I'm alive.



RIP, man..

get mad at me if you want but FUCK THE POLICE!.... in general. there are a few people who are the exceptions. not all are bad but wtf? i hang out with my buddy and all his brothers at their house all the time and everyone we know is always over there too. so my buddy has an older cousin( about in his 40's) who is a cop (this is in so cal btw).
so his cop cousin likes to come over and chill and drink beers with us and we all even smoke weed right in front of him. no big deal. he's not up tight or anything and hes actually a cool ass dude. so mr. cop likes
to get HAMMERED WASTED AND THEN DRIVE ABOUT 45 MINS HOME! talk about a double standard! if you or me do that shit, guess what???? D.U.i mother fucker!

too many cops abuse their power WAAAAAAAYYY too much! he could just as easily dose off and cream some poor person as you or I. there goes that " blue code of silence" shit again.

on top of that, i KNOW FOR A FACT hes been pulled over before and just flashes his badge and gets away with it.
Fuck the police, coming straight from the underground. I realize we need some form of police force to stop the stupid fucks from acting so fucking stupid on a regular basis, BUT THE FACT IS WE NEED THIS SAME FORCE TO NOT BE CORRUPT LITTLE BASTARDS. If you kill a person wrongfully you should be held responsible, 10X more so if you're a pig, because you're supposed to have so much training about the law and when/when not to use your weapon. It disgusts me to the fullest extent that people like this are responsible for our safety.

This happened right around the corner from me. One time I called the cops because the bitch next door wouldn't stop using my yard as a parking lot. The cop showed up and grabbed me by the arm and forced me to walk along side of him while he told me to leave that lady alone. I waited a couple hours and called them again, a different cop showed up and made the bitch move.

Every single fucking cop in the nation should be wearing one of these devices during active duty hours. Absolutely non negotiable.

Fuck your 5th armored vehicle next year, we're spending that money and buying the entire county mic/cam's. You wear it or you're fired, not suspended for a couple weeks with pay, fucking fired and never allowed back on any force in the country. Footage goes mysteriously missing, you're suspended without pay and an investigation gets opened by internal affairs and they determine if foul play was present. If it was, not only do you get fired but you get arrested for tampering with police evidence and go through the justice system just like everybody else.

I'd love to hear any opposition to this proposition. Who the fuck would possibly oppose something like this other than shady cops who don't want to be recorded on the job?

Write your fucking congresspeople.
I have nothing against police in general, but i think all people should be held to the same standards. If you commit murder, or another violent crime, you should get charged and tried, regardless of your choice of job.

they have always been nice to me.

That's usually what the argument breaks down to.

A few cops have been relatively professional with me, too. But that doesn't render all the abuse by cops, every day, moot.

The system needs a dramatic overhaul, as it is now, hardly anyone trusts cops.

Every single fucking cop in the nation should be wearing one of these devices during active duty hours. Absolutely non negotiable.

Fuck your 5th armored vehicle next year, we're spending that money and buying the entire county mic/cam's. You wear it or you're fired, not suspended for a couple weeks with pay, fucking fired and never allowed back on any force in the country. Footage goes mysteriously missing, you're suspended without pay and an investigation gets opened by internal affairs and they determine if foul play was present. If it was, not only do you get fired but you get arrested for tampering with police evidence and go through the justice system just like everybody else.

I'd love to hear any opposition to this proposition. Who the fuck would possibly oppose something like this other than shady cops who don't want to be recorded on the job?

Write your fucking congresspeople.

Extra super likelikelike. cn
[h=1]Civil Rights Suit Filed Against Fairfield Police for Racial Profiling, Battery and False Arrest at Local In-N-Out Burger[/h]

my lovely town. its been quiet for a little while , now they wait til they get to the jail to beat everybody

March 3, 2010 – A lawsuit was filed yesterday in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California on behalf of three African-American college students who are charging the City of Fairfield, several of its police officers, and In-N-Out Burger with civil rights violations, false arrest and battery (Hall, Rankin and Sanders v. City of Fairfield, et. al.; Case No. 2:10-CV-00508-GEB-DAD).

The lawsuit stems from a July 4, 2009 incident at the In-N-Out Burger in Fairfield, Calif. A group of six African-American college students, three of whom are plaintiffs, entered the restaurant at 12:55 a.m., shortly after the restaurant's manager called the police to report a disturbance by an unrelated group. The complaint indicates that the unrelated group departed when the officers arrived. However, the officers allegedly targeted the second group of students, ordering them out of the restaurant for trespassing without further explanation, following them to their vehicle, and demanding they leave the parking lot – despite the fact that they were not parties to the disturbance, were not at the restaurant when the manager called the police, and the driver of their vehicle was still inside waiting for food she had ordered.
The complaint describes a situation in the parking lot that quickly became charged, with officers pulling one female student from the vehicle, throwing another a distance of seven feet and slamming her against the car, and throwing another to the ground, after which all were handcuffed. The third plaintiff in the case, a male student who was leaving the parking lot per police orders, allegedly was grabbed by an arriving officer, forced to the ground and handcuffed. The incident was captured on video by a bystander and is posted on YouTube:
"I've spent the majority of my career defending police departments and officers against charges of brutality, false arrest and the like, however, this situation is egregious enough to make me work on the other side. In-N-Out surveillance cameras captured the entire incident on a date- and time-stamped recording. The officers clearly over-reacted, profiled and targeted our clients because of their race," said Edwin J. Wilson, Jr., a partner with Wendel, Rosen, Black & Dean LLP, who is representing the plaintiffs.
"These cases often come down to the credibility of the parties and witnesses, but this case is different because most of what happened was caught on video. If the City of Fairfield and the District Attorney's office just took a few minutes to review these videos, they would see that these kids did nothing wrong. Instead, these kids now have arrest records and are facing criminal prosecution, because they happened to be black and at the wrong place at the wrong time," added Garret D. Murai, also a Wendel Rosen partner.
According to the complaint, a female, Caucasian bystander attempted to provide the officers with information that these students had done nothing wrong, but one of the officers pulled out a taser gun, pointed it at her head and told her "this is none of your concern."
The complaint also names the In-N-Out Burger manager, who was not present during the incident outside the restaurant, and describes his completion of a citizen's arrest complaint after the officers had already arrested the students. In-N-Out Burger's Assistant General Counsel, Allen McNamee, requested that the charges against the three students be dropped in a July 14 letter to the Deputy District Attorney; however, this request has been ignored.

2000-11-04 04:00:00 PDT FAIRFIELD -- A Fairfield police officer accused of improper conduct with a juvenile female police cadet now faces new allegations, including statutory rape, child molestation and oral copulation with a minor, authorities said yesterday.
Officer Alan Johnson surrendered to police yesterday and posted $50,000 bail. Johnson, 32, had been placed on administrative leave last June following a joint investigation by the Fairfield Police Department and the Solano County District Attorney's office.
Fairfield Police Lt. Brent Baird said the new allegations stem from the continuing investigation. But he would not comment on whether there has been any sexual contact between Johnson and the victim, who is under age 18, since June.
Johnson has served with the department since 1995.

i just found this video on youtube..

i think it says fuck the police quite nicely... :D

i just found this video on youtube..

i think it says fuck the police quite nicely... :D

Although I'd be super pissed if I was stuck in that traffic, it was quite amusing to watch.
that was great, dude can ride that shit quick as hell,, at first i thought he was on a motorcycle how fast he was going.. :D
fuckin pigs.. we got someone on this site who used to be a cop also.. whats up dick?
fuckin pigs.. we got someone on this site who used to be a cop also.. whats up dick?

who's that srh88?? i know that keandar dude wanted to be cop, but that's about it..