And there is a long history of sprite manufacture in your family right doc? Over the years the big bottling companies finally decided it would be easier for them to do it and you appreciate that.
the fact is that for many if not most products, especialy eatable ones, your desire is manufactured and then catered to. A bunch of people ddin't cry out in the wilderness for a lemony/limey sweet sparkling drink with no redeaming value until finally a large corporation got the hint and began producing it.
the drink and your desire for that drink was researched, focus grouped, tested, test marketed, taste tested and tested even more simply so you would think that you could never have gotten along with out it - and then you are told that your choice of this important consumer item is even more important than THEIR soft drink. Now, rather than a choice to drink this shit or not, your only real choice is between one or the other.
Yeah, sure.... corporations are only providing what we the public demand of them.
yes. a VERY long history
my grandpappy was a moonshiner as was his daddy, and his daddy, and his daddy etc... he brewed beer, made whiskey and yes, he also brewed homemade sodas for the kids.
sasparilla, cherry lime rickey, and blackberry were my favorites.
the first soda pops were made by local proprietors at small delis and malt shops and druggists shops around the nation. these products, (like EVERY PRODUCT KNOWN TO MAN) did not get invented by some nefarious "corporation" for their schemes and evil profits, they were invented, like all inventions by ordinary people who came up with a brilliant idea, or fucked up on the process while trying to make something else.
you demonstrate a FUNDAMENTAL lack of comprehension as to what a corporation is, why they are created, and how they work. despite the extensive marketing campaigns and evil mind control powers that corporations have, i have never been tricked coerced or forced to buy anything except by the government.
i never liked coke, OR pepsi, i once enjoyed mountain dew (before it became sickly sweet and syrupy) but it was never my first choice. in fact i like coffee and tea far more than soda pop except my grandpappy's or my own home brewed stuff, and then only on occasion. my latest batches of orange fizz and root beer will be ready for consumption at my leisure sometime this week, but i may not hit my first bottle for months. its MY CHOICE. some people cant bake bread, i can, so i may buy a nice rye,, or i may make my own sourdough, it depends on my own cost/benefit analysis. some people do not have a yard and thus are not able to grow their own vegetables, so i turn a couple bucks selling my excess vegetables at the farmers market. its commerce. thats why it works. they offer, i choose whether i desire the object enough to pay the price they ask. i cannot manufacture my own bolts and screws (well i COULD but i would have to build a smelter and forge...) so i buy them when i wanna fix my fence. i dont have a tree to cut down and saw into boards either so i MUST buy the wood. see how it works? i trade my sweat, skills and it's proceeds (money) for the things i need that i cannot make or could make but the setup cost would exceed it's utility.
if you are so easily influenced to buy consumer products you dont want or need then might i suggest some therapy, or perhaps some mental conditioning?
the drink i desire is BEER. frosty, cold, and fresh. good thing i made some last month, and i will soon have to brew again.
sometimes i desire coffee, this i must trade for as growing my own coffee tree would be inefficient.
i also like tea, but tea bushes do not thrive in my climate either, so i must trade for that too.
i really like guava juice but i cannot grow a guava tree, so...
when i want strawberries or tomatoes or fresh basil, or thyme, or corn, or bell peppers or scotch bonnet peppers etc etc etc i got that shit on lock. weed too. if i could buy dope for less than it costs me to grow my own, and the quality was the same, and the supply was as steady i would possibly stop growing weed, and just buy it from a respectable grower unfortunately weed is rarely good, and supplies are unstable at the best of times, and the prices are exorbitant, so i grow my own. all in spite of the decades of focus grouping, advertising and propaganda that tells me drugs are bad m'kay...
i guess my mind is just more resiliant than yours. sorry homey. wear a helmet.