Is outdoor... Less then indoor? And why?

ok so u mean to tell me that the type of light u use has an affect on the smell??? have u ever even grown before? ur from alabama correct? im pretty sure all ur guys' weed smells like hay anyways so there is probably not much validity to wat u say on this matter. edit: p.s. i like how u quoted me sayin that and called it bs but u neglected to quote kush who stated basically the same thing when he says organically grown bud tastes better.
Get your man panties out of knot guy, I'd be a damn to say that organically grown doesnt have a much better taste than chemically grown, but thats not what u said, you said "smell and taste are more dependent on whether u use organic or chem nutes, not whether its grown indoors or outdoors" thats what you said. & jus because your weed smells like hay & ammonia doesnt mean ours does.
ok so u mean to tell me that the type of light u use has an affect on the smell??? have u ever even grown before? ur from alabama correct? im pretty sure all ur guys' weed smells like hay anyways so there is probably not much validity to wat u say on this matter.


p.s. i like how u quoted me sayin that and called it bs but u neglected to quote kush who stated basically the same thing when he says organically grown bud tastes better.
south sac, it sounds like u are very biased in your own methods, and if anything is said contradicting your methods, it isnt correct in your eyes. i havent done my own experiments on this, so cant say myself. but based off what wheezer said last year, in a similar thread in his opinion, outdoor takes the cake with potency, nearly every time. and he's got lots of experience in both fields, and is also what i consider to be, shall we say, one of the growing guru's on this site
If you did some true living organics, it could get real messy and stinky indoors. Imagine topping off the girls with the horse poo from out back. Or add some fish emulsion. It all got ruined when the chronic album came out. Imo fuckin snoop and dre ruined it for us purist.
yes thats exactly what i said... u said it depends on whether its grown outdoors or indoors. the sun doesnt make weed taste any better than an hps. and sorry but im from norcal, nobody here even attempts to sell weed that smells like hay. go do some research, all the strains that u grow probably come from cali.
south sac, it sounds like u are very biased in your own methods, and if anything is said contradicting your methods, it isnt correct in your eyes. i havent done my own experiments on this, so cant say myself. but based off what wheezer said last year, in a similar thread in his opinion, outdoor takes the cake with potency, nearly every time. and he's got lots of experience in both fields, and is also what i consider to be, shall we say, one of the growing guru's on this site

so ur basing everything ur saying off of wat another man says and not from personal experience... right. and what do u mean im biased on my own methods, did u miss the part where i said I GROW OUTDOORS AND PREFER IT TO GROWING INDOORS?
yes thats exactly what i said... u said it depends on whether its grown outdoors or indoors. the sun doesnt make weed taste any better than an hps. and sorry but im from norcal, nobody here even attempts to sell weed that smells like hay. go do some research, all the strains that u grow probably come from cali.
I guess so if DrGreenthumb & Sannies strains are from cali, but you keep talkin about weed smelling like hay, ii'm guess that suppose to be joke about bama, LoL----- Not Funny Shit Apple,,, because if the weed from Alabama smelled like hay, the state wouldnt be 1 of the top producers of marijuana. Get your grade 10 & stop growing hemp.
Southsacboy is right and we are wrong

Indoors takes the cake in smell ,yield,taste, potency, bag appeal and everything else ....

Is that what you want us to say ?
Everybody has a opinion ..its just that , a opinion

No need to down talk us like you're the all mighty growing God ...

That being said I'm about to go smoke some fire indoor ......
But my outdoor will be much better when its ready ;)
but since were basing our arguments off of what other people say here are two quotes from

"Flowers from indoor plants are usually very dense, extra shiny/crsytally, and have a more astringent smell. Outdoor plants, on the other hand, smell mustier. Indoor flowers have a higher THC content on average and usually feel much more potent. These higher potencies don’t necessarily translate to better highs. The conditions they’re grown in produce a different cannabinoid balance from outdoor, which may contribute to indoor’s rapid and intense onset."

"Flowers from outdoor plants are usually less dense, but often much larger than indoor plants. They have a more earthy, musty aroma, and are usually less shiny/crystally. Their cannabinoid balance usually produces a high that sets in gradually and and with less volatility."

and if i had my jorge cervantes book or my ed rosenthal book on hand i would quote them directly too cuz they both say the same as me. so no offense to wheezer at all cuz i know he knows his shit, i follow his grows, but im gonna have to side with jorge and ed on this one.
Daaamn, there's some real misinformed, inexperienced ideas in this thread. The quality of outdoor grown bud depends on many many variables. There are several things that have to be right on, to get top shelf quality outdoor.. One, you gotts be in the right place, geographically. Your not gonna grow outdoors and get real good quality, in places where it rains alot during flower, or has too much hunidity. If your too far north, or south, the sun isn't as intense as it is in other places. Some strains grow to their full potential under different variables as well.
Indoors, you can get the same results no matter where you are, and you can control the variables to match said strain, therefore getting full potential every time, with every strain.
But I can guarantee you one thing, Norcal is one place that has almost perfect weather and light schedule, to get full potential out of most strains. if we have a good weather year and get no early rains, and we keep them bug free, and have no use for pesticides or fungicides, and feed organically, the outdoor bud grown under the power of the sun will be, more tasty, less harsh, more crystally, better smell, and more potency.
Indoor vs. outdoor, both under perfect conditions...outdoor wins by far...but how often does that happen, and where??
I guess so if DrGreenthumb & Sannies strains are from cali, but you keep talkin about weed smelling like hay, ii'm guess that suppose to be joke about bama, LoL----- Not Funny Shit Apple,,, because if the weed from Alabama smelled like hay, the state wouldnt be 1 of the top producers of marijuana. Get your grade 10 & stop growing hemp.

one of the top producers, not the top... im pretty sure u know which state that is. and just cuz u produce a bunch doesnt mean its good weed. i hope ur not really tryna argue whether we produce better buds in cali than ya'll do in bama. cuz its really not even close.
Thanks weezer well said !!
Forgot to mention I'm in the bay area

Almost perfect conditions for outdoor growing
im from norcal and our whether is great and i still think indoor is better. i agree with u 99% on this wheezer. i dont think if they are both grown to full potential that outdoor takes it everytime, there are a lot of outdoor bud that is better than indoor i know. but i highly doubt that all these people grow in a place that has such good weather like we do here, especially not the guy from bama. and hes the main one sayin outdoors is better, i bet hes never even grown indoors.
but i was going to ask wheezer... when have u ever had a year where all the stars aligned like u said and everythin went perfect? it just doesnt really happen outdoors. ur gonna have to at least spray for caterpillars regardless if nothin else...
I guess so if DrGreenthumb & Sannies strains are from cali, but you keep talkin about weed smelling like hay, ii'm guess that suppose to be joke about bama, LoL----- Not Funny Shit Apple,,, because if the weed from Alabama smelled like hay, the state wouldnt be 1 of the top producers of marijuana. Get your grade 10 & stop growing hemp.
Bama isn't the top marijuana producing state !!! Cali and Colorado have to be the two top states
last time i checked cali produced roughly 80% of the entire country's outdoor... florida was the number one indoor producer but i forget the percentage. that was a couple years back so i wouldnt be surprised if colorado was the largest indoor producer these days.
I prefer outdoor over indoor and soil over hydro any day.

Me too. Tastes better and is at least as potent to me. It's true you have to deal with inclement weather outdoors, but the sun beats artificial lighting. And bug indoors are more a problem than outdoors, since they don't have much in the way of natural predators, just perfect conditions to breed and multiply.