Is outdoor... Less then indoor? And why?


Well-Known Member
I grow outdoor as the lord intended... yet I read that indoor is SOOOOOO much better.. and seen specs say soo too..

granted outdoor vs indoor has advantages... and vice versa..

I have seen the prices higher on indoor.. over out.. is this due to the control and money spent into the grow vs the light nature gives us...
or is it hype?
Indoor is considered higher quality because of controlled environment. Also costs associated wiht indoor ops.
imo indoor looks better,tastes better,smells more...draws higher prices..thc levels very by strain....some good outdoor og is probably going to be stronger than indoor jillybean...
i think the main reason in the cost difference is in fact that indoor costs a lot more to run so people gotta make their money. but ya indoor does have the potential to be better than outdoor because there isnt any windy or rainy days, or animals (if u grow guerilla style) brushing up against ur shit knockin off crystals. also sometimes outdoor gets that what me and my boys just call that "outdoor look". u know when it just has like like yellowish tint to it, we call it sunburned weed. also indoors u can increase the co2 ppm which doesnt really make it any better quality but it allows u to feed more often. but like senor stated, its really all about strain. but i think if u took two identical cuttings and grew one indoors and one outdoors with all the nutes and everything being the same, the only difference being artificial lighting and co2, i think the indoor is going to turn out higher quality everytime. and this is coming from a die hard outdoor grower. i love growing outdoors and prefer it to indoors. but i also can accept the fact that the best indoor is gonna be better than the best outdoor. but u can grow some good outdoor and pass it off as indoors and get more money for it, like i do.
imo indoor looks better,tastes better,smells more...draws higher prices..thc levels very by strain....some good outdoor og is probably going to be stronger than indoor jillybean...
Thats bs , 9x out of 10, the weed will smell & taste better grown outdoors, being able to controll the environmentis the only + in my book, outdoors you dont have to increase co2 because more than enough is already there, I also noticed that when most of the indoor growers I know gets mites bugs ect, they act like the world is going to end but outdoors their are natural predators, a few lady bugs & or mantis in your garden cuts the chance of you having to spray pesticides & insecticides on your ladies, but like I said in another thread, '' artificial lights dont compare to the sun", Not Even Close. Jus my 2 cents
It seems counterintuitive that indoor should be better than outdoor. Nothing can beat the sun. We can control the environment to a good extent to offset issues with pests and weather. I don't see indoor as being superior at all to a well-managed outdoor grow.
to me its like synthesized music vs a live band. its a skill to generate good sounding music with machinery but when u hear music that is just as pristine but its being done live with the basics, u have to appreciate that a little more. theres nothing better than matching with a friend and your outdoor is waay better than his club-bought indoor that he paid too much for. imo mama nature always wins.
the only thing thats better about outdoors is the light... the light alone doesnt make for higher quality tho. ya ur gonna get more bud per square foot outdoors but that doesnt make it bettter. its really not even an argument about which is better... and once again this is coming from a die hard outdoor grower, but im also a realist.
and smell and taste are more dependent on whether u use organic or chem nutes, not whether its grown indoors or outdoors.
It seems counterintuitive that indoor should be better than outdoor. Nothing can beat the sun. We can control the environment to a good extent to offset issues with pests and weather. I don't see indoor as being superior at all to a well-managed outdoor grow.
I agree 116% with you!
I blame rap music as to why people think indoor is better than outdoor ...
Yes indoor might look better but when it comes to taste I have to say organic sun grown bud takes the cake

Good outdoor bud usually keeps me high longer than good indoor too
its impossible to get the crystal count outdoors that u can get indoors, simply impossible. unless of course u have a greenhouse, which is essentially indoors but with the sun instead of lights... which gives u the best of both worlds. the control on the environment that u have indoors plus the sun.
Yes indoor might look better but when it comes to taste I have to say organic grown bud takes the cake

so you're saying u cant grow organically indoors? i believe i just stated above that the smell and taste are more dependent on whether u use organic or chem nutes...
oh and btw when im talkin indoors im not talkin hydro... im not a fan of hydro and would never grow that way myself. when im referring to indoors im talking about soil grown.
ok so u mean to tell me that the type of light u use has an affect on the smell??? have u ever even grown before? ur from alabama correct? im pretty sure all ur guys' weed smells like hay anyways so there is probably not much validity to wat u say on this matter.


p.s. i like how u quoted me sayin that and called it bs but u neglected to quote kush who stated basically the same thing when he says organically grown bud tastes better.
its impossible to get the crystal count outdoors that u can get indoors, simply impossible. unless of course u have a greenhouse, which is essentially indoors but with the sun instead of lights... which gives u the best of both worlds. the control on the environment that u have indoors plus the sun.

...... Impossible huh???

Im guessing you Have never checked out the pics in my thread.
I blame rap music as to why people think indoor is better than outdoor ... Yes indoor might look better but when it comes to taste I have to say organic sun grown bud takes the cake Good outdoor bud usually keeps me high longer than good indoor too
I also agree with you on that. Fir example, some people that knows nothing about weed except for selling it thinks that popcorn buds is a strain. LoL, but its the truth where from, like the other day I called my cousin & asked him did he have any "loud" (( High Grade), he says, " Yeah I got that baby dro" What the fuck is baby dro? Ge's a fucking dumb ass tho listening to too much waka flocka, & starting to sound ignorant .