What do you think about the lighting setup?


Well-Known Member
Alright, sounds good. The other question is 3 gal or 3/4 gal next, from what I understand it's acceptable to transplant more than once, but is it beneficial? Stepping up sizes I mean. The other factor to consider is the space limitation (about 4'up and 2.5'x2x wide for each shelf). I certainly have the floorspace for (4) 3 gal pots, but will that paint me in a corner when it comes to height?

Basically I have (4) 3/4 gal and (4) 3 gal pots. Which should I use.
Place in final grow container unless you like playing in the dirt. Especially since handling the roots at all seems to make you giddy.


Well-Known Member
Alright, sounds good. The other question is 3 gal or 3/4 gal next, from what I understand it's acceptable to transplant more than once, but is it beneficial? Stepping up sizes I mean. The other factor to consider is the space limitation (about 4'up and 2.5'x2x wide for each shelf). I certainly have the floorspace for (4) 3 gal pots, but will that paint me in a corner when it comes to height?

Basically I have (4) 3/4 gal and (4) 3 gal pots. Which should I use.
I'd go to the 3/4 pots next, then for last transplant before putting them into flowering put them in the 3 gallon pots. I think the reason for transplanting multiple times, and not jumping to flowering pot, is because if you don't water properly, your plant can still get root bounded in your big flowering pot, then won't get any taller, if you get root bounded in smaller pots and work up, you will always be sure you can still gain some kind of height or benefit from transplant.


Active Member
is because if you don't water properly, your plant can still get root bounded in your big flowering pot
Well, ok that makes sense. I mean, is the way I described my root system consistent with improper watering?

I'm not sure if I've been doing it wrong, but here's my method:

-plant seedling 1/2" under soil.
-water until runoff
-wait until the top 1" or so is completely dry
-water until runoff

maybe 2 plants 3/4 and 2 in 3 gals off the bat to see the difference.


Well-Known Member
Well, ok that makes sense. I mean, is the way I described my root system consistent with improper watering?

I'm not sure if I've been doing it wrong, but here's my method:

-plant seedling 1/2" under soil.
-water until runoff
-wait until the top 1" or so is completely dry
-water until runoff

maybe 2 plants 3/4 and 2 in 3 gals off the bat to see the difference.
Yeah I think doing 2 in each would be best. Thing I tell most people is that most of this is trial and error Your setup is not exactly the same as anyone elses so if you compare yours to someone elses, you might be getting the wrong idea.


Well-Known Member
Right, the idea is that I have no idea what I'm doing, so I need all the data I can get.
Yeah I was there once, but I will always be learning new things. The best way to learn is just to dive in and do some stuff, if it screws up the plant, then you change and learn from what you did.


Active Member
Ok, so I transplanted the oldest at day 14, and the second largest one at day 10 (their roots looked identical, and have slowed growth on both...)

The day 14 into the 3 gal pot, the day 10 into the 3/4 gal pot. Let's see how this plays out.

Thanks for all the help Allday, Somebeech, Hotrod.


Active Member
Ok, so a little update today.

Just for reference. this is the soil I've been using, mixed with about 1/4 perlite:

And here are some pics of the transplant:

And finally some plant updates:

Day 16:

Day 12:

Why so droopy? Looks healthy otherwise though.

Coming along nicely, most healthy starter of the bunch.

The fourth one died.... just couldn't make it after I wreked it .... broke a leaf off of the baby leaves.

Day 5:

(ak-48 ) Well, when this one sprouted from the ground, the seed shell was still attached pretty good and just wouldn't come off. Yesterday I saw that it was choking my baby so bad that the tips of the first set of leaves were shriveling up. So I ended up carefully pulling the seed shell off, but I'm not sure if this one will make it. Time will tell. It had to fight like hell to get out of that thing though.


Active Member
Ok, a couple of questions.

1. Am I so droopy on the second plant because of over watering? I was trying to be careful, only watering when the soil was dry for about a full inch down, and only until I saw a little runoff. Could humidity play a role in this symptom? My RH is (low?) at about a constant 30%.

2. Is there anything that I could've done to prevent whats happening to my baby ak-48? I mean the seed shell literally choked and strangled the plant... is this an uncommon but natural occurrence?



Well-Known Member
Ok, a couple of questions.

1. Am I so droopy on the second plant because of over watering? I was trying to be careful, only watering when the soil was dry for about a full inch down, and only until I saw a little runoff. Could humidity play a role in this symptom? My RH is (low?) at about a constant 30%.

2. Is there anything that I could've done to prevent whats happening to my baby ak-48? I mean the seed shell literally choked and strangled the plant... is this an uncommon but natural occurrence?


If you water every time it's dry an inch down, I'd say that's overwatering. I let my soil get real dry, but that's just personal choice. I'd suggest moving to like 3-4inch down and if it's dry then water.

Also if they are looking droopy, I'd suggest not watering again until they perk up, then get droopy again. Droopiness can be caused by under and overwatering, so it might be deceiving. If you give it a few days to a week you should see the plant perk up again. Since the plant is so small it doesn't need all that water.


Active Member
Just an update, I think that the ak-48 is going to pull through. New, slow growth, new leaf set. Very slow, but its not dead.


Active Member
Thanks sm00thslp!

Alright, here's a little update;

Day 21 (in the 3 gallon):

Day 17 (both in the3/4 gallon):

New growth is a lot more perky, but the old growth remains droopy. Much deeper darker green than the others.

Super bushy, but still coming along.

Day 10 ak-48 (party cup)



Active Member
Alright, a little update:

So first of all, I'm a bit concerned with a few problems on my eldest girls and have started a thread here. So please feel free to check it out and give me some advice. Maybe those who have been following from the beginning have a bit of insight. Thanks.

Also, I've put those very two into flower, just because I'm not sure how tall they will stretch and I want to leave some room for error.
To deal with this, I've built a small veg cab cooled with air from under my house (I have a convenient vent in my room) and its been getting decent temps around 75-84f.

So, on with the pics.

1st bagseed (26 days veg, 1 day 12/12) standing at about 8 inches:

And a quick closeup at the issue I've been seeing on this one, you can read a more detailed description in the link:

2nd bagseed (23 days veg, 1 day 12/12) standing at about 6 inches:

3rd bagseed (24 days veg) didn't measure, but its like 3 inches:

AK-48 (16 days veg)

TH Seeds Darkstar (5 days veg)

And the new cab:



Active Member
Alright, time for an update:

Started feeding the two flowering plants at 1/6 strength, and it seems to be doing something, as the big one grew into the lights (about 2 inches horizontally) within 16 hours.

1st bagseed (26 days veg, 6 days 12/12) standing at about 9 inches:

2nd bagseed (23 days veg, 6 days 12/12) standing at about 7 inches:
Topped about a week ago, you can see the two main branches coming along nicely. The drooping leaves have completely perked up and overall we're looking good here.

3rd bagseed (29 days veg) standing at about 4.5 inches

Transplanted into 3 gal pot, going to move into flowering as soon as its too big for the small cab. I only got about 3 inches headroom with the added pot height, so probably in a few days.

AK-48 (21 days veg)

TH Seeds Darkstar (10 days veg)

Also, I germed another bagseed.


Active Member
Another update:

1st bagseed (26 days veg, 13 days 12/12) standing at about 10 inches:

This week barely saw any growth for the eldest, but this drooping only started about 36 hours ago. Looks so sad.

So, what are we looking at here?

2nd bagseed (23 days veg, 13 days 12/12) standing at about 8.5 inches:
This one just exploded this week with about an inch and a half upward and pretty much double outward.

Fem? I think so.

3rd bagseed (36 days veg) standing at about 5 inches
Some issues this week in the veg cab. Temps a little on the high side for some reason at about 85-89 f all week. Yellowing of the oldest leaves for all the plants, this one had the lowest fan leaf just die and fall off. But otherwise it seems to be recovering, but growth was stunted this week for sure, It thought I could drop it in the flower closet like Wednesday. But I'll give it another week or so to grow.

AK-48 (28 days veg) standing at about 4.5 inches
Gives no fucks about the temp, the oldest leaves are yellowing, but none of the younger ones like we see above. About 2 inches growth this week.

TH Seeds Darkstar (17 days veg) standing at about 2 inches
Yellow, but new growth is coming in.

Newest bagseed is coming along. Sprouted, no pics. From the same bag as the two eldest.


Active Member
Oh, also I just watered the droopy girl and its already perking up, it just needed a watering. Probably around Wednesday and this stunted growth may not have been an issue.