Obama Tries To Sway Marijuana Voters, Marijuana Voters Toss Him The Finger


Well-Known Member
My solution is to vote for someone who actually might represent you on some level. IE: Gary Johnson or some other candidate less bought and paid for.
LOL, like I said. Let's be realistic. Tell me the last time an Independent has won.. I'll give you a hint. You have to go back at least 100 years.

Honestly, you have to be a jackass to actually think you're going to get that guy voted into office. How many Libertarians serve in Congress? House? Senate? Oh, right.. none


Active Member
You're good on all except for one thing. It should never take a "massive Civil Disobedience", unless it is for a revolution and abolishment of the current establishment. The people need to learn that government should fear them, and not vice-versa.
Where would we be if black leaders followed revolted and tried to abolish the government instead of engaging in massive civil disobedience?

The constitution is a great document, but we don't live in the era of muskets and sailboats anymore. We live in a highly advanced, highly technological society where communication and the power of display are our best weapons.

I've been arrested fighting for Living Wages in California. This tactic works, I promise. We had 500 people sit down on Century BLVD in LA (including RATM guitarist Tom Morello). We stopped traffic to LAX. It was amazing. I spent the night in Van Nuys prison, but we won! We got hotel workers around LAX $10.00/hr and health benefits.

And all without abolishing the government of Los Angeles, although don't get me wrong, Villaragosa can eat my ass:fire:


Well-Known Member
A.K.A. the Holder Memo.
"Hey Eric, It's Barrack, didn't I tell you guys over there to lay off of those damn pot houses? you are crucifying me with the pot smokers"

"Yeah, I know I know but I don't agree, I think they are a percentage that might put us over the top"

"I don't care Eric, end it NOW"

"Yeah Yeah of course, stay on the cartel stuff and the border stuff, why an I telling you this?"


Active Member
Thought I would bring some more dreaded "facts" into this article.

How would any of you not vote for this?

1. The end of torture.
2. Reduction in world nuclear stockpile.
3. Directed military to END THE WAR IN IRAQ.
4. Repeal Don't Ask Don't Tell.

How is that not awesome? This man is moving heaven and earth to get around the most fucked up Republican partisan group in decades, along with the most fucked up bunch of conservative pussy-ass democrats I've ever seen. HARRY REID CAN EAT MY ASS TOO:fire:


Well-Known Member
Thought I would bring some more dreaded "facts" into this article.

How would any of you not vote for this?

1. The end of torture.
2. Reduction in world nuclear stockpile.
3. Directed military to END THE WAR IN IRAQ.
4. Repeal Don't Ask Don't Tell.

How is that not awesome? This man is moving heaven and earth to get around the most fucked up Republican partisan group in decades, along with the most fucked up bunch of conservative pussy-ass democrats I've ever seen. HARRY REID CAN EAT MY ASS TOO:fire:

He hasn't "ended" torture, just placed it more under wraps.


Well-Known Member
Thought I would bring some more dreaded "facts" into this article.

How would any of you not vote for this?

1. The end of torture.

2. Reduction in world nuclear stockpile.
3. Directed military to END THE WAR IN IRAQ.
4. Repeal Don't Ask Don't Tell.

How is that not awesome? This man is moving heaven and earth to get around the most fucked up Republican partisan group in decades, along with the most fucked up bunch of conservative pussy-ass democrats I've ever seen. HARRY REID CAN EAT MY ASS TOO:fire:

Cmon man..how about this....Torture is still going on..just not on this continent

How about lead by example and completely dismantle all nukes
:directed military to end war in Iraq".Day 1 in office.."you have 90 days to get every troop and piece of machinery and equipment back to the US!"
And "don't ask don't tell...more like Gays have as much right to be a pawn in the military as a straight person....that would be something


Well-Known Member
Water boarding a guy is what got him to give up Bin Laden or that is the story so far. That is torture to Obama.


Well-Known Member
You torture someone long/hard enough they will tell whatever you want to hear...it won't be true...torture has provided absolutely zero solid info...the 25 million dollars is what finally gave Binladen up.


Well-Known Member
Water boarding a guy is what got him to give up Bin Laden or that is the story so far. That is torture to Obama.
Please refrain from posting in another political debate thread until you realize how incorrect you are or for the rest of your life. I'm putting my money on the latter.

Have you ever been tortured? It does nothing more than get innocent people to say they're guilty so it can stop.


Well-Known Member
You torture someone long/hard enough they will tell whatever you want to hear...it won't be true...torture has provided absolutely zero solid info...the 25 million dollars is what finally gave Binladen up.
Yeah, that's exactly why they do it, because it doesn't work.


Well-Known Member
its funny the guy with bob marley avatar loves babylon, isn't ironic
Ron Paul 2012


Active Member
Cmon man..how about this....Torture is still going on..just not on this continent

How about lead by example and completely dismantle all nukes
:directed military to end war in Iraq".Day 1 in office.."you have 90 days to get every troop and piece of machinery and equipment back to the US!"
And "don't ask don't tell...more like Gays have as much right to be a pawn in the military as a straight person....that would be something
Lol well thanks captain glass-half-empty:wink:

I agree with you idealistically, but unfortunately we have a heavily entrenched military industrial complex which you cannot really expect Obama to do much about. Dismantling that beast will take at least a generation, but we at least have reversed the flow from eminent war with Iran to just casually fucking the world over like we normally do.