You're good on all except for one thing. It should never take a "massive Civil Disobedience", unless it is for a revolution and abolishment of the current establishment. The people need to learn that government should fear them, and not vice-versa.
Where would we be if black leaders followed revolted and tried to abolish the government instead of engaging in massive civil disobedience?
The constitution is a great document, but we don't live in the era of muskets and sailboats anymore. We live in a highly advanced, highly technological society where communication and the power of display are our best weapons.
I've been arrested fighting for Living Wages in California. This tactic works, I promise. We had 500 people sit down on Century BLVD in LA (including RATM guitarist Tom Morello).
We stopped traffic to LAX. It was amazing. I spent the night in Van Nuys prison, but we won! We got hotel workers around LAX $10.00/hr and health benefits.
And all without abolishing the government of Los Angeles, although don't get me wrong, Villaragosa can eat my ass