Fact check: 4.5 million new jobs created under Obama?


Well-Known Member
Yet his campaign has promised not to let facts stand in the way of their attempts to lie to the country.
Not that it means Obama's campaign wont be lying and twisting as much as they possibly can.

4.5 million jobs is not a real truth, however you twist it and turn it. In Obama's term as president there have been around 400k jobs added.


Well-Known Member
Not that it means Obama's campaign wont be lying and twisting as much as they possibly can.

4.5 million jobs is not a real truth, however you twist it and turn it. In Obama's term as president there have been around 400k jobs added.
It is the real "truth" not even the Republicunts will deny it. They just try to downplay it like every other success of this administration


Well-Known Member
It is the real "truth" not even the Republicunts will deny it. They just try to downplay it like every other success of this administration
No, plenty of people are denying it.
If you want to go on that gauge, taking the lowest point and starting from there, Obama still is terrible in comparison to every other president.


Well-Known Member
Not that it means Obama's campaign wont be lying and twisting as much as they possibly can.

4.5 million jobs is not a real truth, however you twist it and turn it. In Obama's term as president there have been around 400k jobs added.
still more than bush added in 8 years.


Well-Known Member
In the aftermath of the 1981-82 recession, private-sector jobs bottomed out in December 1982, the month after that recession ended. Twenty-nine months later, the private sector under Reagan had created 8 million jobs — nearly twice as many as under Obama.
How about Bush? Surely job growth during his administration was worse. After all, the president keeps telling us that his predecessor's policies "resulted in the most sluggish job growth in decades."
Except if you use the Cutter method, the private sector created 4.7 million jobs in the 29 months after July 2003, when the job market bottomed. In other words, Bush beat Obama by his own preferred measuring technique by 200,000 jobs.


Well-Known Member
In the aftermath of the 1981-82 recession, private-sector jobs bottomed out in December 1982, the month after that recession ended. Twenty-nine months later, the private sector under Reagan had created 8 million jobs — nearly twice as many as under Obama.
How about Bush? Surely job growth during his administration was worse. After all, the president keeps telling us that his predecessor's policies "resulted in the most sluggish job growth in decades."
Except if you use the Cutter method, the private sector created 4.7 million jobs in the 29 months after July 2003, when the job market bottomed. In other words, Bush beat Obama by his own preferred measuring technique by 200,000 jobs.
And Bush doubled the national debt
and Reagan quadrupled it

So should we do as Reagan and Bush?


Well-Known Member
With the Democratic National Convention in full swing, a number of party leaders are attempting to boost President Barack Obama's re-election effort by asserting that 4.5 million new jobs have been created during his term.


Typical, nothing but lies from the 0bama crowd.... Must be why they are rolling out Slick Willy to prop up the 0bama disaster, everyone knows he is a proven liar scum.
didn't even bother reading your post.



Well-Known Member
So basically its like a running back who gets hit at the line of scrimmage, knocked back 5 yards but falls forwards 2 yards. Instead of a "3 yard loss" you give him credit for a 2 yard gain....

Shall I ask again?

Now can you tell me a way to look at Ryan's statement about gutting medicare that has that be accurate? how about his welfare to work statement?

And might you actually explain the Romney Camp's statement that they will not be concerned with fact checkers?


Well-Known Member
back in this post here: https://www.rollitup.org/politics/560213-fact-check-4-5-million.html#post7959902

Since clicking links is too much for the inept here is a summary:

In the week ending September 1, the advance figure for seasonally adjusted initial claims was 365,000, a decrease of 12,000 from the previous week's revised figure of 377,000. The 4-week moving average was 371,250, an increase of 250 from the previous week's revised average of 371,000.


Well-Known Member
Shall I ask again?

Now can you tell me a way to look at Ryan's statement about gutting medicare that has that be accurate? how about his welfare to work statement?

And might you actually explain the Romney Camp's statement that they will not be concerned with fact checkers?
I have no problem saying they are full of it. It goes both ways, ALL politicians are full of it. Seems some people on here one side is holy and the other side is evil. They are both the same.


Well-Known Member
I have no problem saying they are full of it. It goes both ways, ALL politicians are full of it. Seems some people on here one side is holy and the other side is evil. They are both the same.

here we are again - "well, of course Ryan is 'full of it' - ALL of them are". this is a way to molify the fact that Ryan lied outright. The right can't come out and repudiate their candidate for their lies, they have to point somewhere else. Obama has not made the same caliber of fabrication anywhere. the closest he came was the cancer woman and that didn't come out of his mouth.

I am constantly surprised at those who profess to be moral individuals supporting such things