Fact check: 4.5 million new jobs created under Obama?


Well-Known Member
here we are again - "well, of course Ryan is 'full of it' - ALL of them are". this is a way to molify the fact that Ryan lied outright. The right can't come out and repudiate their candidate for their lies, they have to point somewhere else. Obama has not made the same caliber of fabrication anywhere. the closest he came was the cancer woman and that didn't come out of his mouth.

I am constantly surprised at those who profess to be moral individuals supporting such things

I am not sure what you are saying?

You are saying that because Republicans lie than Obama doesnt?
We know thats not true. Obama has been caught lying, hell most of his campaign promises in 2008 were lies.

Thing is, you guys want to call me Republican, I am NOT a Republican. I am an independant. Most of the Republican party is much too far right to me. Not to mention all politicians are full of shit. The few decent people who get involved in politics are sniped at the local level. They never make it far enough to make any difference. I just find it hilarious how some of you are so blinded by Obama. You seem to think your side is right, when clearly it isnt close to right. Not saying the Republicans are, they are just as wrong. Obama has failed for four years, sorry you cant see it. Just like when Bush was re-elected, for some reason Republicans couldnt see how screwed up his presidency was. I was for Kerry during that election. If Romney wins, most likely I will be voting for the next candidate in 2016, unless Romney shocks the shit out of me and actually gets something done which is highly unlikely.

Number 1 reason Obama should be voted out, IMO, is because the rift is too wide. For whatever reasons, blame the Republicans if that makes you sleep better at night, Congress and the President are at odds with each other. There will be no compromises. They will fight and shift blame back and forth and America will continue its downward spiral. Romney just might be able to get something done because, atleast according to the posters on this site, the democrats are just better people and will be willing to work things out.
If you really want to blame someone for holding the economy hostage, you should be pointing directly at the teabaggers.


Well-Known Member
I am not sure what you are saying?

You are saying that because Republicans lie than Obama doesnt?
We know thats not true. Obama has been caught lying, hell most of his campaign promises in 2008 were lies.

Thing is, you guys want to call me Republican, I am NOT a Republican. I am an independant. Most of the Republican party is much too far right to me. Not to mention all politicians are full of shit. The few decent people who get involved in politics are sniped at the local level. They never make it far enough to make any difference. I just find it hilarious how some of you are so blinded by Obama. You seem to think your side is right, when clearly it isnt close to right. Not saying the Republicans are, they are just as wrong. Obama has failed for four years, sorry you cant see it. Just like when Bush was re-elected, for some reason Republicans couldnt see how screwed up his presidency was. I was for Kerry during that election. If Romney wins, most likely I will be voting for the next candidate in 2016, unless Romney shocks the shit out of me and actually gets something done which is highly unlikely.

Number 1 reason Obama should be voted out, IMO, is because the rift is too wide. For whatever reasons, blame the Republicans if that makes you sleep better at night, Congress and the President are at odds with each other. There will be no compromises. They will fight and shift blame back and forth and America will continue its downward spiral. Romney just might be able to get something done because, atleast according to the posters on this site, the democrats are just better people and will be willing to work things out.
If you really want to blame someone for holding the economy hostage, you should be pointing directly at the teabaggers.

Romney outright lies, about things that are easily checked - his campaign stated that it would continue to lie.

Obama has not (yet) fabricated from whole cloth.

Now, how can anyone vote for someone who lies as Romney has? How can we trust him to ever tell us the truth?