Club 600


Well-Known Member
Keep at it, soon the world will need to be totally rebuilt the way things are going mate!

I was talking to my business partner about a chat we had in 2007 about how the economy was fucked then and not getting better. 5 years on and still in the poop, lol. The so called leaders should all be sacked. Any other business andthe whole lot would go. Fukkin eedgits!

Something nice to sooth our souls...more in my outdoor thread.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
here's my ladies at 3 weeks. they're clones from my last crop.

cinderella 88, malawi gold, a bubble gum cross and a BOG cross.

i have tons of crosses to try but i like these genetics so much, i'll probably grow them out at least once more.

my biggest yeild under my 600 watt was 17 oz. i'm averaging 14 oz per grow. it's a big drop from my 1000 watt but it meets my needs. :)

cindy malawi bubble gum 3 weeks 002.jpg

cindy malawi bubble gum 3 weeks 005.jpg

cindy malawi bubble gum 3 weeks 008.jpg

happy growing people. :)
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Well-Known Member
Howdy folks, feels like its been an age since I took time out. Fekin good to b back on the grow though!
Hope to catch some old faces later!


Well-Known Member

Been running a 600 watt hps for about 3 years now in a 3x3x6.5 tent.

I went from dwc to ebb and flow all scrog to coco with airpots, bottom fed and I no longer scrog.

I now top and defoliate.

I only run two plants at a time. It is hard to access the back of the tent and watering more than two plants sucks.
I am currently growing a Blockhead and a NYCD.

The NYCD had a bit of a calcium deficiency at first, my fault for not charging the coco enough. NYCD is a bit finnicky.
It slowed it down to the point I had to boost it up. The blockhead has taken over a bit more than half the tent, which is usual for me growing 2 varieties.
I should crush my record yield (knock on wood) this time. I'll try to get some pictures up today, they sleep until 3 pm.

I also have a Blueberry and an Island Sweet Skunk in my mini veg room that are going to be a seed crop, link in my signature. (That is under a 650 watt t5)


Well-Known Member
Happy tuesday everyone. New faces, old faces, all good faces to me. Looking forward to the pics Trousers.

As far as my grow goes, so far I've managed to kill 2 of the 10 clones. Only makes more room for the survivors. Plus I know they are hardy lol. (is that how you spell hardy? hearty? wtf is that word)

lovely shot dst

and nice buds ogof



Well-Known Member
here's my ladies at 3 weeks. they're clones from my last crop.

cinderella 88, malawi gold, a bubble gum cross and a BOG cross.

i have tons of crosses to try but i like these genetics so much, i'll probably grow them out at least once more.

my biggest yeild under my 600 watt was 17 oz. i'm averaging 14 oz per grow. it's a big drop from my 1000 watt but it meets my needs. :)

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View attachment 2320882

View attachment 2320883

happy growing people. :)
How many plants you got going there? Pot size? Veg time? :-P


Well-Known Member
Keep at it, soon the world will need to be totally rebuilt the way things are going mate!

I was talking to my business partner about a chat we had in 2007 about how the economy was fucked then and not getting better. 5 years on and still in the poop, lol. The so called leaders should all be sacked. Any other business andthe whole lot would go. Fukkin eedgits!

Something nice to sooth our souls...more in my outdoor thread.

Peace, DST
Hear, hear!

Howdy folks, feels like its been an age since I took time out. Fekin good to b back on the grow though!
Hope to catch some old faces later!
Hey C, welcome back. I just poked my head up again after being away myself. Still the good old feeling here.


Been running a 600 watt hps for about 3 years now in a 3x3x6.5 tent.

I went from dwc to ebb and flow all scrog to coco with airpots, bottom fed and I no longer scrog.

I now top and defoliate.

I only run two plants at a time. It is hard to access the back of the tent and watering more than two plants sucks.
I am currently growing a Blockhead and a NYCD.

The NYCD had a bit of a calcium deficiency at first, my fault for not charging the coco enough. NYCD is a bit finnicky.
It slowed it down to the point I had to boost it up. The blockhead has taken over a bit more than half the tent, which is usual for me growing 2 varieties.
I should crush my record yield (knock on wood) this time. I'll try to get some pictures up today, they sleep until 3 pm.

I also have a Blueberry and an Island Sweet Skunk in my mini veg room that are going to be a seed crop, link in my signature. (That is under a 650 watt t5)
Welcome Trousers. Looking forward to seeing what you got going on.

Good day everyone. Pretty rainy up here today. I think it may be some remnants of that Hurricane down south last week. Hope anyone down that way is well.


Well-Known Member
Fixed that for you.
Hahaha I feel like a dope. I have been looking at that picture for the last day thinking what the hell did he fix?!? Didn't even notice that you had done some photo shopping lol. I like the show breaking bud way better any ways. STAY HIGH!!!


Well-Known Member
Happy tuesday everyone. New faces, old faces, all good faces to me. Looking forward to the pics Trousers.

As far as my grow goes, so far I've managed to kill 2 of the 10 clones. Only makes more room for the survivors. Plus I know they are hardy lol. (is that how you spell hardy? hearty? wtf is that word)

lovely shot dst

and nice buds ogof


I'm not sure about the proper spelling, but I have heard that Hardee's is where you eat every day if you want to risk having a hearty attack.
Hmm, I wonder if that's the etymology of the phrase "a hearty meal"?

Well, either way, for lunch I'm having a big plate of 6-egg scrambled eggs (using half & half instead of milk), a plate of deep-fried 3-Sausage Medley (made with a box of Hormel breakfast sausages, a package of L'il Smokies, and a box of Jimmy Dean pure pork sausages) laddled with a generous portion of bacon grease gravy, a fried cube of butter (infused with Wonder Bread crumbs), fondue using a blend of 20 cheeses (no brie, though), with a 5-gallon side of Neopolitan ice cream, all chased down with a 3-gallon milkshake made from the finest foie gras this side of the Rhine River and sprinkled with hot dog bits.


Well-Known Member
doobie the intolerant said:
fondue using a blend of 20 cheeses (no brie, though)
Yeah doob!!! Stick it to the french!!! (at least the french who still hold the region of brie close to their hearts)


Well-Known Member
The sad thing, jig: my description actually made me hungry...
But, still: no brie.

Forgot to add a thick layer of ketchup to the foie gras, too.
Take THAT, haute cuisine!!!


Well-Known Member
foie gras, is that the shit when they force feed the ducks? They just made that illegal in california. Not saying that's a huge world issue in my book, but I am quite proud to live in a state that passes laws like that.

That is a little sick that what you wrote made you hungry. It made me a bit sick. My heart went and hid a little, haha


Well-Known Member
I was being facetious about it making me hungry.

Yeah, foie gras is pretty nasty stuff, just on principal.
A wise man once said: "Hey, sewer rat may taste like pumpkin pie, but I'd never know 'cause I wouldn't eat the filthy motherfucker."
I'm not into organ meat, and especially animals that are confined & force-fed.

And can you believe Burger King and their bacon milkshake?
Jeez Louise....


Well-Known Member
My tombstone?

I don't mind some well made scrambled eggs & sausage, the rest was pure hyperbolic prose.
lol. Always a good laugh going on here somewhere. Funny shit. I'm eating pretty good today too (leftovers even) of my Italian sausage Ragu that I made from the San Marzano plums, Shepherd Peppers and basil, all from my garden. And, I don't care if I sound all snobby about it, but I'll put it up against any Italian Mama out there. :razz: No, really, in all seriousness, it turned out real good.

Barristers called today. First lowball offer returned. I think I'll pick up a passport application the next time I'm out. :) You never know.


Well-Known Member
Passport application, yes. Do it now, it takes a little while (at least here in the us).

And doob... bacon fucking sundae. What the hell. I had no idea. That shit is real. WOW!


Well-Known Member
Sounding like the future is a little brighter for you, duchie!
Fingers crossed, and all that!
And that plum & pepper Ragu sounds like a treat!

And, jig: I know!
My wife told me about it (I don't watch TV so am isolated from such info, but she still watches the tube) and I thought she was the one being facetious. But, damned if it's not real!
What will they think of next?

I got nothing.
I can't even think of the next thing... my mind is boggled.


Well-Known Member
I have to add that, while I try to eat relatively healthily, I do enjoy the taste of some of the food that's bad for us, I just try to avoid it because I know what the consequences are.
But I will indulge once in a while.
It may taste great, but it usually makes me feel like crap after it's in my belly.