veg how long


So i see alot of people flowering small clones and only for like 30 days. Is that really possible? How can you get yield by flowering a little clone. Doesnt it pay off to be patient? I mean this one guy is flowering a 25 inch 1 month veg plant. Isnt that a bit premature? Im going at least 2 months veg then to flower room. Here are my 2 super silver haze after 28 days. Whats up with supercropping? increase yield?SPR SLVR HAZE 28 days.jpgSSHAZE2 28days.jpg


Well-Known Member
Not at all premature its how to use an indoor light unless you're using a 1000w light growing monsters our a vert grow I would flower at 12" all depends on your space


Well-Known Member
Are you growing under 1 cfl 4ft away? Don't think I've ever seen a plant be that tall growing indoors that soon. THAT being said, I really never veg past 30 days. My longest veg is my current plant which was 31 days. It's not tall at all but she's really wide.



Well-Known Member
ok i looked closer did you take a few leafes off or are the alternateing the internode i though was streched had another node on the back side i couldnt see the first time doesnt look to streched out now probably just the strain


Well-Known Member
ok so anywhoo lets answer your queston super croping/increase yield yea. By terminating the top growth you divert the magic guys to go to the lower branches and giving them time tocatch up a bit so they are closer to the light with a more even canopy,along with producing 2 or more dominant branches at the top rather than one. so with that said I think your too far along for that and a little streched . I like to see people top early at the 4th node than do it again a week later that gives you several top colas and no undergrowth so you get fat hard nugs and not a bunch of bull this point for you I would suggest fiming, just go inn there and Cut of everything from the 4th or 5th node up
So i see alot of people flowering small clones and only for like 30 days. Is that really possible? How can you get yield by flowering a little clone. Doesnt it pay off to be patient? I mean this one guy is flowering a 25 inch 1 month veg plant. Isnt that a bit premature? Im going at least 2 months veg then to flower room. Here are my 2 super silver haze after 28 days. Whats up with supercropping? increase yield?View attachment 2317012View attachment 2317013


Mr. Ganja

Thank you for taking the time to post for me. I now realize I've made one of the noob mistakes and let these two get too tall. So you say I should cut everything off from the 4th node up? So that means I'm cutting it almost in half then right? Couldnt I just tie it down? Just asking. I'm a super noob and you are obviously a season veteran. Thank you so much.


Well-Known Member
well you could tie it down too thats a less agressive option and may be easier on the plant in the long run I just don't have the patiance for fidling with plants anymore, I like when they are on auto pilot. so yes you could start pulling it down a little every day and tie it. probbly would save a little yield somewhere maybe. I would just chop the bitch in half but I'm a lazy stoner


Well-Known Member
so going back to the question, now that im not looking at the little screen on my phone. there is a school of thought where you can more efficiantly flower 20 clones to get a pound rather than growing 4 huge indoor plants through veg and flower to get a lb or whatever. If you can just pop 20 clones in a 4x4 and get a lb why waste a 6x6 area 40 days veg or an extra veg room and another 400 watts to produce the same harvest(im working with made up numbers here so don't anyone give me a hard time because you can produce x amount in an x x x space) does that make sence to you???? I could break it down more for you if need be. its called a sea of green(sog) by just keeping a couplle mothers and flowering clones youve saved some time energy and cost


I have been reading, but I like to ask experienced growers for advice. Just like I dont try to diagnose myself if I'm ill. I leave that to my Dr. In case you didnt know, not everything on the internet is credible. I'm also trying to network with other growers. One can never have too much information and I trust the real Arizona based Medical growers. So i'm wondering why you bothered to respond to my post. To let me know that I can read stuff? I know that. Thanks though. I'm a little paranoid about anything going wrong with my grow and I've made a few mistakes. I am, of course learning from my mistakes as I go. Peace Mr. Shim.


Well-Known Member
I hope I was able to help you learn something.
I have been reading, but I like to ask experienced growers for advice. Just like I dont try to diagnose myself if I'm ill. I leave that to my Dr. In case you didnt know, not everything on the internet is credible. I'm also trying to network with other growers. One can never have too much information and I trust the real Arizona based Medical growers. So i'm wondering why you bothered to respond to my post. To let me know that I can read stuff? I know that. Thanks though. I'm a little paranoid about anything going wrong with my grow and I've made a few mistakes. I am, of course learning from my mistakes as I go. Peace Mr. Shim.


Thanks for pointing that out. I am a noob on steroids as you can tell.I truly appreciate you and all that take the time to help us virgins. I got my room up and running and figured I'd get started and learn on the go. So about my lights. I mistakenly used a 1000wHPS for first 2 weeks of veg until I found out MH is what I need for veg. So I have a 400wMH and its 20 inches from top of plants. I am going to tie down the 2 tall ones you commented on. That should get the lower parts going and solve my height problem. I'm gonna use the 1000wHPS for flower. Question? the 2 pictures you saw of my tall nodeless bitches I'm gonna tie down as I said. How much longer can I leave them veging with tie downs? sorry about all gthe questions/


Absolutely. I am very appreciative of your responses and I am good with criticism if necessary and definitely constructive criticism. So keep it coming because it all lends to my expansion of knowledge. i was hoping to have met someone to help a little with grow 1 &2 but couldnt find anyone so it trial and error. Thanks dude


Well-Known Member
you can drop that 400 watt down to about 14-8 inches just keep a fan blowing over the plant. I say 14-8 as in set it at 14 and if your plants start growing up to it raise your light. I may hang a 12" piece of wire and keep the light arond there if I were you
Thanks for pointing that out. I am a noob on steroids as you can tell.I truly appreciate you and all that take the time to help us virgins. I got my room up and running and figured I'd get started and learn on the go. So about my lights. I mistakenly used a 1000wHPS for first 2 weeks of veg until I found out MH is what I need for veg. So I have a 400wMH and its 20 inches from top of plants. I am going to tie down the 2 tall ones you commented on. That should get the lower parts going and solve my height problem. I'm gonna use the 1000wHPS for flower. Question? the 2 pictures you saw of my tall nodeless bitches I'm gonna tie down as I said. How much longer can I leave them veging with tie downs? sorry about all gthe questions/


Well-Known Member
no substitute for trial and error most noobs are gonna do what they want to do no matter how many people holler at them
Absolutely. I am very appreciative of your responses and I am good with criticism if necessary and definitely constructive criticism. So keep it coming because it all lends to my expansion of knowledge. i was hoping to have met someone to help a little with grow 1 &2 but couldnt find anyone so it trial and error. Thanks dude