lol clint eastwood


Well-Known Member
Yeah. Let's blame someone.
blame is all we have now.

romney skipped his chance to list how he was going to fix anything and chose the blame game instead. and of course he is sure to remind obama not to blame anyone for the mess he inherited. and of course obama is not allowed to accept blame for anything that goes well.


Well-Known Member
"i mean, what do you say to people? do you just - you know- i know - people were wondering - you don't - handle that OK"

thanks for the new sig, clint. maybe the mods will leave this one alone.


King Tut
blame is all we have now.

romney skipped his chance to list how he was going to fix anything and chose the blame game instead. and of course he is sure to remind obama not to blame anyone for the mess he inherited. and of course obama is not allowed to accept blame for anything that goes well.

We need a "bookmark" option. Where, like right now, i can check it as read and revisit it tomorrow after seeping. Cuz that's where i'm headed.

Do we have that already?


Well-Known Member
you are aware they decided the night he was elected to block everything he proposed, even their own ideas, right?

that happened.
True, like Romney/Obama care. However, a good President can bring parties together. I've heard it about 3000 times so it must be true. Therefore, Obama is a bad President.


Well-Known Member
True, like Romney/Obama care. However, a good President can bring parties together. I've heard it about 3000 times so it must be true. Therefore, Obama is a bad President.
what can you do when the other party is rejecting their very own ideas?

we've seen obama slowly realize this and start using executive order, what else can he do?


Well-Known Member
what can you do when the other party is rejecting their very own ideas?

we've seen obama slowly realize this and start using executive order, what else can he do?

Bring the fascist and socialist parties together so they can work as one to destroy America.


Well-Known Member
Wow, people actually wasted their time viewing all those douchebag politicians lie out their ass

Funny thing is, people will believe in them


Well-Known Member
Wow, people actually wasted their time viewing all those douchebag politicians lie out their ass

Funny thing is, people will believe in them
Yep but I watch it to recount the lies later. I will be watching the Democrats as well, Obama has some damn good writers so I am sure he will rip into the GOP pretty good. I want to see Biden speak I bet his ass will be glued to that teleprompter, I think his ab lib days are over.


Well-Known Member
Nope I found him.... 4 more years of TOTUS!!!
i have a tortoise named TOTUS.

and in case you missed in, teleprompter attacks are off limits since romney realllllllllyyyyyyy can't speak without one.

when biden speaks without one and slips up, he lets it be known that he favors equality. what a gaffe!


Well-Known Member
i have a tortoise named TOTUS.

and in case you missed in, teleprompter attacks are off limits since romney realllllllllyyyyyyy can't speak without one.

when biden speaks without one and slips up, he lets it be known that he favors equality. what a gaffe!
I don't support Romney one bit, I DO support the Teleprompter though. Prompter jokes are free for all.

In all seriousness though, I am willing to bet my life savings that a teleprompter could do a better job of things than either of the shit stains we get to choose from.


Well-Known Member
I don't support Romney one bit, I DO support the Teleprompter though. Prompter jokes are free for all.

In all seriousness though, I am willing to bet my life savings that a teleprompter could do a better job of things than either of the shit stains we get to choose from.



Well-Known Member
I don't support Romney one bit, I DO support the Teleprompter though. Prompter jokes are free for all.

In all seriousness though, I am willing to bet my life savings that a teleprompter could do a better job of things than either of the shit stains we get to choose from.
i feel like you missed a chance to comment on my tortoise ownership, and the fact that i egotistically named it "tortoise of the united states" (TOTUS for short).

also, i plan on leaving the greenhouse up over winter, not only as a shelter for the outdoor birds, but also to grow our own lettuce for the shelled motherfucker.

unlike you, i will receive zero government dollars in order to plant my crop.

shouldn't you change your signature to "i didn't grow that!"? :lol:

too funny.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
"Romney had invested—at minimum—more than $10 million as of 2011 (that number is based on the low end of ranges he has disclosed—the true number is almost certainly significantly higher). Almost all of them are affiliated with Bain Capital, the secretive private equity firm Romney co-founded in 1984 and ran until his departure in 1999 (or 2002, depending on whom you ask). Many of them are offshore funds based in the Cayman Islands."

I think hes going to be like bush, and use his presidency to help his buisness partners...

As explained by Kevin Phillips in his book, American Dynasty: Aristocracy, Fortune, and the Politics of Deceit in the House of Bush, George W. Bush's businesses fail but he makes millions. Among Mr. Bush's business ventures:
  • Arbusto, an oil exploration company, lost money, but it got considerable investments (nearly $5 million) because even losing oil investments were useful as tax shelters.
  • Spectrum 7 Energy Corp. bought out Arbusto in 1984 and hired Mr. Bush to run the company's oil interests in Midland, Texas. The oil business collapsed as oil prices plummeted by 1986, and Spectrum 7 Energy was near failure.
  • Harken Energy acquired Mr. Bush's Spectrum 7 Energy shares, and he got Harken shares, a directorship, and a consulting arrangement in return. Harken, under Bush, brought in Saudi real estate tycoon Sheikh Abdullah Bakhsh as a board member and a major investor. Over the next few years, Harken would turn out to have links to: Saudi money, CIA-connected Filipinos, the Harvard Endowment, the emir of Bahrain, and the shadowy Bank of Credit and Commerce International.
    • A 1991 internal SEC document suggested George W. Bush violated federal securities law at least 4 times in the late 1980s and early 1990s in selling Harken stock while serving as a director of Harken. This is essentially the same kind of activity that Martha Stewart is going to prison over. Except at the time of the investigation, Mr. Bush's father was president and the case was quietly dropped.

IMO bush used the presidency to start a war to protect his/his buisnesspartners interests in the oil industry. and it seems like people forget about that already. Like i said before i Mitt is going to try and do the same thing.


Well-Known Member
finally, someone willing to look at it honestly.

there were also some funny moments, too. where we might disagree is that this may matter in that it will take away from the reflection on other speeches. that might have blown the night for them.

romney was doing OK with his speech until the last 15 or 20 minutes, at which point he started getting into lies, pessimism, and never gave a single specific about his vision. not gonna hit many in the center with that speech.
He was pretty specific in regards to a Romney presidency and Iran

looks Like he wants to be a "war" president like Bush