lol clint eastwood

ink the world

Well-Known Member
He did a decent job, not spectacular but not a fail.

He played to the base, his speech isnt gonna sway moderates. At the end of the speech it pretty much reminded me of a classic Cold War style speech.

Tax cuts for "job creators"
Banning abortion
Poor people are lazy

Same old song and dance, nothing new or different between Mitt and W


Well-Known Member
i feel the same way about your sock puppet account.

posting on rollitup is not to be counted in your 112 hour never ending work weeks, little bitch boy.

Its funny how you call people sock puppets, yet of all the people posting on this site you fall right in with the biggest of all.

Do you not realize that, or are you delusional?


Well-Known Member
i mean, even romney's people were wincing backstage and released an excuse for his rambling incoherence.

that was a disaster.
Pretty much being hailed as a great speach, as far as speachs go, I am sure that Jimmy Carter will out do him at the DNC

ink the world

Well-Known Member
A Fox commentator called it "workmanlike," and I agree.

It wasn't great, he offered no grand solution or any real specific policy. Great speeches aren't overshadowed by the undercard. His was.


Well-Known Member
I don't think it was a disaster, I thought it was funny and effective actually. I am not sure he should have done with the intonation that Obama would use foul language but other than that I think it all worked rather well - grandpa Republican getting his edged tease in before the main event. It seems I am outnumbered on the left though - they all figure it was some sort of horrible aboration.

I liked the tweet Bob Newhart sent about Eastwood "Channeling" him, and he was in the process of drafting a suit with his lawyers.

But here is another thing - Shultz today is harping on Romney's line "It takes an American". Romney was talking about the world stage, he was talking about the big things, he was not in any way claiming that Obama was not an American.

See this is the crap, this is no different than the right and their fake indignation over the "chains" comment and true to form Shultz is right there performing the same gymnastics.


New Member
Something I have noticed, You and Cheesus don't really need to give us your opinions when Buck has already done so, it just mucks up the forums with copycatting everything he says. Just let Buck do the talking for you, he is funnier and more articulate than either of you anyway.
The more I watch these two in their perfectly coordinated hate harmony and how chummy they are with one another, I ask myself, could it be Chesus who has the rich parents?


Ursus marijanus
We need a "bookmark" option. Where, like right now, i can check it as read and revisit it tomorrow after seeping. Cuz that's where i'm headed.

Do we have that already?
We do actually, and it's made life for me much easier in active threads/fora like this.
To the left of the thread name is a little blue arrow circle thingy. Click that, and it takes you to the first new or unread post since your last visit to the thread. It's spared me many a reread or inadvertent skipping of a block of posts. cn


Well-Known Member
We do actually, and it's made life for me much easier in active threads/fora like this.
To the left of the thread name is a little blue arrow circle thingy. Click that, and it takes you to the first new or unread post since your last visit to the thread. It's spared me many a reread or inadvertent skipping of a block of posts. cn
+rep for that bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Its funny how you call people sock puppets, yet of all the people posting on this site you fall right in with the biggest of all.

Do you not realize that, or are you delusional?
a sock puppet is someone who starts a new, fake account.

not sure if you realize that.

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
It was good to see Clint again, still alive. I always liked him in movies, never knew of his political views. I will never understand why people get so upset about the things he said. Even though I don't agree with the republicans, I thought he did good for a man of that age. At 82 it is probably real hard just to stand up.