Texas Growers Unite!


Well-Known Member
Austin is just as far as Dallas for me. But won't have no harvest for a while. But I can still bring plenty of oil and edible goodies!
@bigeofftidwell ok I got you the kings Kush and black Russian look pretty mature there trichs are cloudy n a liltle amberish a lil on the top coala , so like 3 or 4 days on the drying right? It is hot as shit outside smh . I'm still debating on the pics tho... But I am thinking about it.


Well-Known Member
Dude your name scares us.

Not to mention your join date of Oct 09 and 16 post...

Post your pics or leave... Fuck the S.W.A.T teams, not even cool....

BTW its not to hard to find were your from....:finger:

@bigeofftidwell ok I got you the kings Kush and black Russian look pretty mature there trichs are cloudy n a liltle amberish a lil on the top coala , so like 3 or 4 days on the drying right? It is hot as shit outside smh . I'm still debating on the pics tho... But I am thinking about it.
@bigeofftidwell Yup I'm from the west, I take it you from the Nawf lol it's cool no plex lol. @Odanksta I'm not posting pics because you say so... And I wasn't talking to you or asking you anything so if you don't have something positive to say keep my name out your mouth troll. Like I said earlier I don't need anybody "laws" tracking my ip adress over some pics and fucking up my op!


Whoa, there's a thread dedicated to people from Texas?

Boy do I personally want to know some people here that are like minded and love to toke ;)

I live in the Arlington area (Between Dallas and Ft. Worth)

I have two Critical from Seedmakers growing indoors :D Will post pics as they become bigger! Can't wait to share my experience with RIU
Hell yea its Htown all around baby, but That's just some real shit they been busting grow ops left and right here in Houston like 60 in 2 months something like that.
@bigeofftidwell Yup I'm from the west, I take it you from the Nawf lol it's cool no plex lol. @Odanksta I'm not posting pics because you say so... And I wasn't talking to you or asking you anything so if you don't have something positive to say keep my name out your mouth troll. Like I said earlier I don't need anybody "laws" tracking my ip adress over some pics and fucking up my op!


Well-Known Member
Whoa, there's a thread dedicated to people from TEXAS.

Not giving my exact location or posting many pics the popo will get u if they want to,but awesome TEXAS thread goin.
I wanna get in on some seed ordering action(attitude).How do u order seeds on the down lo,I was thinking i could get a pre-paid visa and have' em sent to a empty house(w/mailbox by curb)in my hood,what do ya'll think?GOD BLESS TEXAS

GO COWBOYS!!!!!!!! GO TEXANS!!!!!!!!!
@bigeofftidwell I'm trying to tell you, I can't play them games! I stop going to buy materials from local grow shops because rumor is laws sometimes steak them out takeing surveillance, I order all my shit online. Like I said I'm a paranoid smoker, they got me fucked up lol
@b166er420 I got a walmart prepaid card and sent them to a friends house who didn't know what it was lol,attitude is discreet with there shipping but I still believe in the anonymous pre paid card and different address to be safe.
@b166er420 be careful with the empty house thing tho, cuz the mailman/lady will know if somebody dosent stay there or if it's a different name then there use to delivering to that address and might keep it and throw it away.
But anyway let's flip the script, all this popo talk fucking my high up lol! So I been thinking new strains, any suggestions? Looking for a 8 week or SHORTtER 8 week max. Has to be Super dank, yields decent. I was thinking barbets vanilla Kush, greenhouse cheese, bc sweetgod, bc bud sweet tooth but I read on attitude it was outdoors only or maybe Cali connection Larry og. Don't know how may I want to add maybe 3 or 4. Anybody grow any of these or have any other suggestions?...


Well-Known Member
Whats up ppl have had computer virus.SAGE is gonna be a BEAUT.MK looks dank and the BB is bigbudding,like all get out.


Well-Known Member
Good looking out s.w.a.t.U say u order online,from who?(seeds).I've never grown any badass seeds,just the same dank ass reggie seeds I've been savin over the years.Do you have any indoor strain suggestions,something I'd b impressed with,it's gonna b my first time ordering.