How close can I put my 400watts...


Active Member
I only have a small 150w hps and i have to keep my plants about 8 inches to a foot away or the leaves will burn. Idk about the kind of heat a mh puts out.

I think the reflector i have makes hot spots tho.
The first thing I ever done years ago was in a make shift ramshackle thing I threw together, with a 150 HPS, god knows how old it was(bulb age) b4 my mentor gave me it.

anyhow, i digress... it was white Widow, and it floored myself and a couple of close friends... I always say that my first was my best,, anyone back me up on this... or did I hit lucky with clones, and mentor ???

happy adventures ....


Well-Known Member
You probably will think I'm crazy, but I use heavy duty black electricians tape which I tape around the back side of the taller colas then I tape the colas 1/16th. of and inch from 1,000 W HPS bulb. Sometimes I go ahead and tape all the colas right on the bulb. I love the way the buds sizzle and pop. This method also cures the herb at the same time. Believe me you're cured if you do it MY way.

Sorry, I'm vaporized...:fire:
Yeah, you probably need to retract this...! Not because it isn't funny (it is) but because someone will try it. And rather than say something judgmental about that person, perhaps the kindest thing to do would be to either delete the post or follow up with a "JUST KIDDING!!!!!!!"


Well-Known Member
Why try to prove a point when it's just going to make somebody go out and make a mistake?? Sure some of you can put them 2-3 inches and thats great if you can but obviously you got great cooling and ventilation unlike the vast majority. Which is why just about every publication tells you in between 6-18" depending on intensity of light, type of reflector used, and whether or not you are air cooling the light. Best wishes!


Well-Known Member
Why try to prove a point when it's just going to make somebody go out and make a mistake?? Sure some of you can put them 2-3 inches and thats great if you can but obviously you got great cooling and ventilation unlike the vast majority. Which is why just about every publication tells you in between 6-18" depending on intensity of light, type of reflector used, and whether or not you are air cooling the light. Best wishes!
Did you read his post? He said he doesn't believe you can put them 2-3" away when clearly you can. That's my point. I'm not telling the idiots here to go out and do the same thing. No, they'd just end up burning their house down. I'm simply saying it CAN and HAS been done.


Well-Known Member
Did you read his post? He said he doesn't believe you can put them 2-3" away when clearly you can. That's my point. I'm not telling the idiots here to go out and do the same thing. No, they'd just end up burning their house down. I'm simply saying it CAN and HAS been done.

lol I went to the thread and jumped a few pages, and first thing I saw was "HEAT STRESS" posted by somebody....I also call heat stress...later pictures of the same grow clearly show some of the tops having bleached out spots where the light was clearly WAY too close. Who wants to vaporize all the THC off a bud top by having it that close anyway? Just counterproductive to me...I want dense, tight rock can't get that with lights that close in an un-aircooled fixture. Sure you CAN keep the lights that close, but its not gonna get you good results.

Dice Clay

Active Member
^^^ Haha you need a better MH bulb then buddy. sounds like a home depot 20$ popper

For this reason ^^^^

Nope wrong again... my bulb was about 75 bucks and throws out almost 60k lumens.. it is what we in the biz call a super mh bulb. I love how everyone tells me what I am doing is impossible, or they know better with no information.. it is truly amazing.


Well-Known Member
What are y'all using for cooling these said MH bulbs 2-3" away? Portable A/C? Central air? Imagination? and btw that light wasn't even on lol i think you tryna fool me lol and 75$ for that bulb somebody got over on you. lol

Dice Clay

Active Member
What are y'all using for cooling these said MH bulbs 2-3" away? Portable A/C? Central air? Imagination? and btw that light wasn't even on lol i think you tryna fool me lol and 75$ for that bulb somebody got over on you. lol
So some exact information.. to which I am sure you will have some witty retort. I forgot to mention that it is a conversion bulb that puts out 55K lumens. Here are some pictures for you... mind you I just moved some younger clones into the middle.. and those are propped up as close as I can get them without them falling over. As you can see.. and others have in many of my posted pictures, that I literally keep my light 2-3 inches from the plant tops. The hood is large, vented at the top, but has absolutely no cool tube nor is it ported for use with a booster fan.. like I said it is 12 years old. There is also safety glass on the hood (which if you are at all familiar with thermodynamics you would know) that absorbs and transfers the heat away. On top of that there is a window box fan adjacent to the closet and there is a 16" oscillating fan pointed at the glass at all times.


The post with the HPS off was not mine...

Also as I said before.. I have a 1000w HPS for my budding room, that is in a cool tube with a 240cfm booster fan , as well as enough exhaust to exchange the whole room's air volume in under a minute. Even in that environment with oscillating fans as well... I can't get the light any closer than 12-14". Different lights different restrictions. I don't have to prove anything to you... I will continue to keep my eyes and ears open and learn from others (even though Ive been doing this for almost 15 years)... that is the spice of life, and that is how one learns...

Peace out

Oh and I say keep your enemies close.. but your grow lights even closer ;)


Well-Known Member
I have yet to get some real or good advice on here mabe one or two times . Ficking jokr what is this a bunch of titty boppers on here? If you cant help dont answer the thread . I have mh i can get it about 8 inches with no problem a little less mabe just put your hand under easy way to tell.


Active Member
titty boppers straight up. if they get heat damage, they are too close, if they stop growing they are too far. might as well put them close they need so much attention anyway