you have to pay $13.50 to vote in pennsylvania


Well-Known Member
No. SSN should not be used as ID. the voter roll has been used to great effect in my state for many years.

What I have most difficulty with is the right's contention that THIS time, THIS election, THIS year, voter fraud is a problem that has to be handled this very moment. We could't wait and give the voters 2 years or 4. Most other legislation allows a grace period or a long transition time in order to accomodate millions but not this time, some of these laws were voted in mere months ago.

Gee, I wonder why. And gee, I wonder why they are changed in states that went to Obama last election and until recently, in Ohio, they were selective about it - in counties that went to Mccain, why they get plenty of extra time to vote, in ones that Obama collected, no, no accomodations for black people.

Beenthere doesn't know why those rules were changed and he doesn't know why they were changed just now. He hasn't a clue, shit just.... happens.
Yes, It was set up like a small town speed trap using a hidden speed limit sign.
But in times of "Too Much Govt." Why in the world create another agency when it's not needed. just throwing money at a "perceived problem" is reckless, and fool-hearted and Not to mention just plain un "American".

They act like Bullies at the playground, never thinking of other people.


Well-Known Member
i have no problm with the voter ID laws virginia put into place, as you can bring in any number of documents you get for free without having to pay money to the government. you can use a utility bill or other form that proves your residency, and they are sending out voter cards and everything, courtesy of the state. no fee or tax required.

PA takes it too far when they mandate that you must pay money to the government to be able to vote.


Well-Known Member
Yes, It was set up like a small town speed trap using a hidden speed limit sign.
But in times of "Too Much Govt." Why in the world create another agency when it's not needed. just throwing money at a "perceived problem" is reckless, and fool-hearted and Not to mention just plain un "American".

They act like Bullies at the playground, never thinking of other people.

Good point - they all claim that there is too much government, too much regulation, too many government people in the way but let there be something that helps republicans to the detriment of dems and more government is just fine, isn't it.


Well-Known Member
Good point - they all claim that there is too much government, too much regulation, too many government people in the way but let there be something that helps republicans to the detriment of dems and more government is just fine, isn't it.
republicans love regulation out the ass, especially when it can shut down every abortion clinic in the state because they don't have regulation sized coat closets and the right types of plastic hangers (non-wire!) in that coat closet.

hypocrites and douchebags.

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
Good point - they all claim that there is too much government, too much regulation, too many government people in the way but let there be something that helps republicans to the detriment of dems and more government is just fine, isn't it.
These republicans we have now want to outspend the democrats as much as they can get away with in the name of saving money.


Well-Known Member
(They will never think of counterfeit cards)
Yes because people so lazy they cannot or will not try to obtain an ID with spend 10x on a fake ID.

Ok lets put it this way. Anywhere from 30-50% of Americans don't vote on any given election, on top of that we have anywhere from 11-13million illegal immigrants. We also have 63million registered democrats which is, ironically the majority party that has been caught committing voter fraud. So its not about taking someones right, its about someone possibly stealing someone else's right. A state issued ID is a good way to make everyone play nice, hell I don't think its enough I wouldn't mind them requiring me to scan my ID so it proves I actually presented it and make absentee ballots get notarized.


Well-Known Member
Yes because people so lazy they cannot or will not try to obtain an ID with spend 10x on a fake ID.

Ok lets put it this way. Anywhere from 30-50% of Americans don't vote on any given election, on top of that we have anywhere from 11-13million illegal immigrants. We also have 63million registered democrats which is, ironically the majority party that has been caught committing voter fraud. So its not about taking someones right, its about someone possibly stealing someone else's right. A state issued ID is a good way to make everyone play nice, hell I don't think its enough I wouldn't mind them requiring me to scan my ID so it proves I actually presented it and make absentee ballots get notarized.
now that the douchebag sock puppet is done making his sock puppet accounts (confirmed by site admin), he tries to offer a rationale for his support of unconstitutional laws.

too bad there is no amount of voter fraud to justify disenfranchising nearly 10% of the population to fix a problem that even the republicans lawyers association could only find less than 350 cases of within the last 10 years, with the majority of those cases being voter registration fraud, which can not be prevented with an ID.

the douchebag GOP sock puppet is voicing his support for government intrusion, more taxes, and complete and utter disregard for the constitution. funny thing is that the douchebag sock puppet is too dumb to even realize all this. maybe once he graduates high school in another 4 years, but i doubt it.


Well-Known Member
Yes because people so lazy they cannot or will not try to obtain an ID with spend 10x on a fake ID.

Ok lets put it this way. Anywhere from 30-50% of Americans don't vote on any given election, on top of that we have anywhere from 11-13million illegal immigrants. We also have 63million registered democrats which is, ironically the majority party that has been caught committing voter fraud. So its not about taking someones right, its about someone possibly stealing someone else's right. A state issued ID is a good way to make everyone play nice, hell I don't think its enough I wouldn't mind them requiring me to scan my ID so it proves I actually presented it and make absentee ballots get notarized.



Well-Known Member
You highlighted a specific sentence which had two parts. You then said provide evidence.

His claim of registered voters was low. Part one of his statement.

His claim of democrats committing voter fraud more... That's what he needs to back up. Part two of his statement.


Well-Known Member
YOu mean the case the Bush admin dropped because they could find anyone that was intimidated?
Bush was leaving office. Don't misstate facts. Holder refused to prosecute because "the voting rights act was meant to only protect minority voters".


Well-Known Member
So it's ok to deny people the right to vote in a democracy? If a law disenfranchises more voters than it prevents in fraud it isn't moral. In a democracy everyone has a right to vote... If you're worried about fraud take a thumb print on the back of the ballot for people that don't have ID's.
Shame on you for denying the thumb-less the right to vote. As if they didn't have enough problems. Can't even hitch-hike. poor souls. "If a law disenfranchises more voters than it prevents in fraud it isn't moral." Says who? Who disenfranchised? Even if your claim is true (it isn't), you would have to know the exact number of each, and you don't know the number of either.


Well-Known Member
Bush was leaving office. Don't misstate facts. Holder refused to prosecute because "the voting rights act was meant to only protect minority voters".
too bad holder never said that. that must have been something you heard over on stormfront.

now that we are done with you misstating facts, let's get down and dirty here. bush's DOJ did drop the case.

The Department of Justice became aware of the incident on Election Day and started an inquiry. Under the Bush administration, a criminal investigation into the incident was started, but later dropped.[SUP][10][/SUP][SUP][11]


fucking dumbass stormfront members need to realize that shit don't fly when they're not surrounded by fellow white supremacists.


Well-Known Member
Shame on you for denying the thumb-less the right to vote. As if they didn't have enough problems. Can't even hitch-hike. poor souls. "If a law disenfranchises more voters than it prevents in fraud it isn't moral." Says who? Who disenfranchised? Even if your claim is true (it isn't), you would have to know the exact number of each, and you don't know the number of either.
we know thanks to the republican lawyers association, that there were less than 350 cases of fraud in the last 10 years, most of it being voter registration fraud which voter ID can't prevent.

we know that about 9% of the electorate in PA would be disenfranchised by their voter ID law, which is WAAAAAYYYYYYY more than 343 people (especially over 10 years!).

you should stop calling people liars when you are such a shitty liar yourself.

i hear you also fuck penguins.


New Member
voter suppression is common sense for republicans, they can't win when more people come out to vote.

so you support unconstitutional poll taxes then?
I'll go record saying I do not support unconstitutional poll taxes.
But I do support requiring all voters, republicans, independents and democrats to show an ID so every legitimate vote counts!


Well-Known Member
I'll go record saying I do not support unconstitutional poll taxes.
But I do support requiring all voters, republicans, independents and democrats to show an ID so every legitimate vote counts!
we are in agreement.

so what part of paying money to the government in order to vote do you support?