you have to pay $13.50 to vote in pennsylvania


Well-Known Member
judge just upheld PA's voter ID law. up to 9% of the population doesn't have the ID required to vote, and they couldn't even find a case of voter fraud that ID would have stopped. not one.

so they just put a $13.50 poll tax in order to vote in PA. awesome news, right?
What A bargain. I pay more for my I.D (drivers license) in Pa. Do you hear me bitching... suck it up and do with out your cigs and box wine for a day or two!
one stared.................
You will have a hard time convincing me that someone that doesn't have or can obtain or ever obtained 13dollars in their lifetime has enough initiative to vote or know what they're voting for.
voter suppression is common sense for republicans, they can't win when more people come out to vote.

so you support unconstitutional poll taxes then?

But, I bet voter intimidation is fine with you. I bet you supported what the Black Panther party did in Philly last election.
I support voter identification requirements 10000%
So it's ok to deny people the right to vote in a democracy? If a law disenfranchises more voters than it prevents in fraud it isn't moral. In a democracy everyone has a right to vote... If you're worried about fraud take a thumb print on the back of the ballot for people that don't have ID's.
So it's ok to deny people the right to vote in a democracy? If a law disenfranchises more voters than it prevents in fraud it isn't moral. In a democracy everyone has a right to vote... If you're worried about fraud take a thumb print on the back of the ballot for people that don't have ID's.

First, we are not a democracy, we are a constitutional republic.....well, we are SUPPOSED to be at least.

Second, yes, I absolutely positively support the "right" to deny individuals from voting if they can not prove they are a citizen. The form of identification doesn't matter to me, thumb print, I.D. card, whatever, as long as there is legitimate proof of citizenship, and that the individual is who they say they are.

When non-citizens vote, it disenfranchises citizen voters, and we have MILLIONS of non-citizens roaming around the nation for one reason or another.
But, I bet voter intimidation is fine with you. I bet you supported what the Black Panther party did in Philly last election.

i remember how bush dismissed that case due to lack of evidence. hard to claim voter intimidation without an intimidated voter.

but way to try to change the subject away from your support of an unconstitutional poll tax.
You will have a hard time convincing me that someone that doesn't have or can obtain or ever obtained 13dollars in their lifetime has enough initiative to vote or know what they're voting for.

you'll have a hard time convincing me that your stereotypes and idiocy make violating the constitution a good thing.
Clearly Eric Holder and the justice dept are know for their transparency and honesty.

Oh yea, my bad. I almost forgot Obama and his administration is the most transparent in history. So how were Obamas grades @ Columbia?

the sock puppets can't justify why they support a clear violation of the constitution so they try to change the subject.

sock puppets like getting fisted in the ass.