So do you "flush or not"?


Well-Known Member
I'm curious how many people think your starving the plant if you go only water for the last 2 weeks, since you aren't going to get rid of any of the nuts you put into the plant, giving it water for a week or two or a month will never remove them from the plant, which is why I'm confused why anyone would want to flush, besides maybe a little better taste but the downside to that your hurting your plant, am I right or wrong, and what do you do, and what works for you?


Active Member
Growing organicaly in soil I mostly just give my plants water anyways. I do make teas but my soil is alive and it feeds my plants.
Some people say to flush, others say it does nothing so I guess it's whatever makes you sleep easier at night.


Active Member
People are supost to use water for the last 2 weeks of flowering because it 'flushes' all the nutrient build up, so you get 100% medical benifit. Also makes the taste better, and makes the plant use all its Nitrogen from the leavs into the bud.

Cheers, Chris


Active Member
You have to flush, if you dont flush your smoke will taste like chemicals. Trust me ive made this mistake twice. You want to flush all of the nutes completely out of the roots, its like frying chicken and draining the grease! You wouldnt wanna eat some greasy ass chicken would you?? Hell no because its unhealthy, so you drain it as much as possible. Same thing with your plants roots, flush her good bro and she will taste alot better, and burn a hell of alot smoother!


Well-Known Member
People are supost to use water for the last 2 weeks of flowering because it 'flushes' all the nutrient build up, so you get 100% medical benifit. Also makes the taste better, and makes the plant use all its Nitrogen from the leavs into the bud.

Cheers, Chris

So has this been proven or just from your perspective? Because I've seen it where someone did flush and didn't grown next to each other, a lab test showed no sign of decline of any of the chemicals that were in the other plant, and the one that was being only fed water seemed as it was not as good as the other.. but do you think it's mainly taste? I would think 1 week would be well enough and not starving your plants.. although I guess it depends how often you feed them the stuff too if it's daily, or weekly could make a big difference. I would like to hear lots of others that have done it both ways to see what they say.


Well-Known Member
You have to flush, if you dont flush your smoke will taste like chemicals. Trust me ive made this mistake twice. You want to flush all of the nutes completely out of the roots, its like frying chicken and draining the grease! You wouldnt wanna eat some greasy ass chicken would you?? Hell no because its unhealthy, so you drain it as much as possible. Same thing with your plants roots, flush her good bro and she will taste alot better, and burn a hell of alot smoother!
But it's been proven that none of the chemicals ever leave the plant even if you gave it water for the last month, it's like giving someone steroids then taking them away and expecting them to be the same, they won't be, well I doubt it, doesn't it make sense though? Only benefit I could see is taste, I might go 1 week for watering but not any longer then that, unless others chime in.


Well-Known Member
Of course the chemicals never leave the plant... if they did the plant would cease to be. The plant uses the chemicals that you provide it to grow. Flushing just forces the plant to use all of the excess nutrients that it has taken up. in organics flushing isn't really needed as most people just use water to begin with since the soil feeds the plant. when I would grow in DWC I would flush for the last week, and yes, I do notice a taste in the plant. tbh I think the taste is more due to the plant than the chemicals used to feed it. when you feed right up to harvest the plant is storing chemicals that it would normally burn through. When you flush the plant it forces the plant to use up all of the chemicals that it has stored. mostly excess nitrogen...sugars....things of this nature. Also it is in no way harmful tot he plant to flush. as the leaves are basically batteries. you are not depriving the plant of anything that it doesn't already have. I'm not saying that if left for a long period of time the plant wouldn't suffer, but a flush of a week or two at the most the plant wont be starving as it should have taken up enough nutrients to finish flowering properly.


Active Member
Question is where is the plant using these stored nutrients from? If it's the leaves I don't smoke them anyways.


bud bootlegger
imho, if flushing were so important to taste, everyone would be doing it.. there would be no flush or flush debate.. if it made that much of a difference, the people who have tried both flushing and not flushing would smoke their not flushed bud and be like wtf is wrong with this stuff, it taste like black sweaty ass on a hot summers day..
but people who have tried smoking bud that wasn't flushed don't say this that i've read, myself included.. they simply say it has lil or no difference in taste or effects, which i agree..
i'll never understand how dumping tons of water through the dirt is going to effect the taste of the bud for the life of me.. people say it makes the plant use up it's stored nutes... idk, i don't believe that you should starve a plant, ever.. and that the plant will only store as much nutrients as it can use in a few days, if that long.. and what exactly does nitrogen and pottasium taste like??


Well-Known Member
imho, if flushing were so important to taste, everyone would be doing it.. there would be no flush or flush debate.. if it made that much of a difference, the people who have tried both flushing and not flushing would smoke their not flushed bud and be like wtf is wrong with this stuff, it taste like black sweaty ass on a hot summers day..
but people who have tried smoking bud that wasn't flushed don't say this that i've read, myself included.. they simply say it has lil or no difference in taste or effects, which i agree..
i'll never understand how dumping tons of water through the dirt is going to effect the taste of the bud for the life of me.. people say it makes the plant use up it's stored nutes... idk, i don't believe that you should starve a plant, ever.. and that the plant will only store as much nutrients as it can use in a few days, if that long.. and what exactly does nitrogen and pottasium taste like??
as I said, in soil it doesn't really matter, well with organic nutrients or a properly amended soil. with hydro you can get ppm up to like 15-1700 and force your plants to take on all of those extra nutrients and if you harvest when your ppm is that high your plants still have a lot of energy stored in them. when growing in soil you have just enough nutrients in the soil for it to finish. there is absolutely no reason to keep feeding your plants until you chop them.


Active Member
So has this been proven or just from your perspective? Because I've seen it where someone did flush and didn't grown next to each other, a lab test showed no sign of decline of any of the chemicals that were in the other plant, and the one that was being only fed water seemed as it was not as good as the other.. but do you think it's mainly taste? I would think 1 week would be well enough and not starving your plants.. although I guess it depends how often you feed them the stuff too if it's daily, or weekly could make a big difference. I would like to hear lots of others that have done it both ways to see what they say.
When the plant uses all the nitrogen from its leaves, it makes the buds a little bit bigger, not only is the laste better, the medical quality is better, and the buds are a bit bigger, But it also just helps get rid of every last chemical, to improve everything, to have a nice 100% clean product. And it has been proven, not just my prespective, ask any regular grower. Also some nutes, Chem or Organic and just some brands, stay in the growing medium for longer, so usually people flush at 2 weeks to make sure everything is out.

Cheers, Chris.


bud bootlegger
When the plant uses all the nitrogen from its leaves, it makes the buds a little bit bigger, not only is the laste better, the medical quality is better, and the buds are a bit bigger, But it also just helps get rid of every last chemical, to improve everything, to have a nice 100% clean product. And it has been proven, not just my prespective, ask any regular grower. Also some nutes, Chem or Organic and just some brands, stay in the growing medium for longer, so usually people flush at 2 weeks to make sure everything is out.

Cheers, Chris.
why, are people smoking the medium now??


Well-Known Member
I agree flushing could mean many things, and I tend to prove it, probably won't be for a good six months but I'll grow the same strain side to side, flushed and not, get them lab tested and smoke it and go from there, and get a few lab rats as test subjects ahaha.