I am going to be a politician. Please vote for alternative dude who makes sense


Well-Known Member
yes. I am going to become a politician. I might even start a religion. A politician religion.

i am educated, can debate anyone under the table, and the sadly demonstrated ability of our current members of elected office has got me pissed

so if u see a dark skinned stoner preaching facts: dont be scurred vote for him


Ursus marijanus
Someone whose avatar is a dung beetle's dowry lacks the temperament for effective public service. Stellar critique delivered. cn


Well-Known Member

if u left his world, it would be better off

i still love u and i am still a politician, just grow up man/woman bi-polar bear

you attempt to judge my presidential quality by my trichome filled "avatar" basically a thc planet ON A STONER WEBSITE. what the fuck is wrong with you. I dont want to know.


Well-Known Member
You will make a good liberal.
i am above political labels. why must you hate your truest most local rep

even dudes at the flea market know left/right is a joke. when did you stop learning and start regurgitating crap? how is a dude who slangs chinese(child labor) made subwoofer boxes on the weekend more intelligent than you about politics. Oh ya, obama told us not to send children to college, to trade school. LOL

btw i still love u and hopefully u vote for me


Well-Known Member
Vote for me instead! I'm an idiot like every real politician. As soon as I'm president I promise to legalize pot & I'll invite all my buddy on this forum to smoke a big one with me in the oval office


Well-Known Member
if u have ever used the ignore feature of this indian-coded vbulliten forum u would know that despite being on an ignore list a person can choose to "show comment" when they see fit. yes, i was wondering what stupid shit emanated from your fingertips into, another, of my threads. thanks for not disappointing.

and that dog looks like my brutus that got murdered by a car. fuck you for that.
Just lost my vote.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Vote for me instead! I'm an idiot like every real politician. As soon as I'm president I promise to legalize pot & I'll invite all my buddy on this forum to smoke a big one with me in the oval office
awesome! you got my vote geronimo!

all you really gotta do is deschedule it under the controlled substances act by executive order. since the FDA and CSA are managed by the executive branch nobody can say shit, even those shitlickers in congress.

turn the white house into the Greenhouse! grow better flowers in the rose garden.

hells yeah.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Just lost my vote.
dont hate him just because he is racist.

i cant wait to hear his views on korean shopkeepers,, seikh merchants,, and jewish landowners as well.

perhaps we will be regaled with another rousing chorus of Hymie-Town like that wise and benevolent elder statesman Al Sharpton used to sing at every opportunity.


Well-Known Member
since when is stating facts racist. i have nothing against indian people, but just droppin knowledge! not my fault u are offended for simply mentioning a country of origin

good god

africa! iceland! racist! lol


Well-Known Member
I don't want to be associated with racism or anything intolerant so that don't leave me too much choice for vice-president. I'll take this guy 150px-Pirate_parrot_pirates_mascot.jpeg Pirate Parrot (Pitts. Pirates).


Well-Known Member
ur a good person, but once ur balls drop you will become intolerant as well. in my mind, people are tolerant, intolerant, or ignorant. when i said tolerant i meant ignorant.