Stop trying to convince the Fright wingers about vote fraud
They already know it doesnt exist and the only reason they support it is that it disenfranchises more democrats than republicans by a wide margin
It is far more insidious than that Ches. What we are observing is the mechanism of the right. The right claims to love this country and it's customs and liberties. Only a select few in the upper ranks are calous enough to be willing to do anything, including limiting the vote in order to place their "candidate" (I put that word in quotes because candidate has elements of choice inherent) into office.
The rest are fed something that on the surface seems reasonable, after all ID is a way of verification, and we can't have voter fraud now, can we? After all, we use ID for everything else. Reasonable. But the right, as we so clearly see from my discussion with Beenthere, will swallow what they are fed and think no further on it. Beenthere creates some lame reasoning for why Tuvaris says what he says. for, you see, once the right is instructed, even outright blunders by their leaders will not alter their beliefs.
These are honest people, intelligent folk, they believe themselves not only to be reasonable but posess "common sense", and yet as I say, once they have been indoctrinated they will cling to falsehood in the very face of reality. they cannot stand to realize that they are in support of American citizens being deprived of their right to vote, that would be too harsh a confronatation with their own morality and so they erect a series of mental blocks.
You can see those blocks with your own eyes if you review the discussion on this thread. It is quite literaly impossible for Beenthere to see the truth, let alone acknowlege that he is in support of the immoral.
I even asked Beenthere what it would take for him to change his mind, and he has no answer because the reality is that there is no proof, evidence, logic or reason that will cause that to happen. He is very well indoctrinated.
He, as others, will cling to theory and avert his thoughts. ID is protecting My right, ID is normal, everyone is like me and I have ID. This is how the right behaves, this is the mechanism and this is the machine at work. Anyone who thinks I am an alarmist or my observations are extreme need only look at the posts and realize what is at stake. Why would anyone vote for any member of a party that is reduced to this?