Outdoor grow.


Active Member
Going to build a turn house, A frame style. and wrap it in white film. Thinking of building it 14 feet tall. I grow a ton of Veg for healthy eating thats why my raised bed is so thick, 2.5'. I cant eat store bought veg. any more I get to sick and throw them up.

It was destruction. My plants where getting to tall, and I knew it. It is my fault in a way. I was just hoping they would deal with it. Or come walk over and talk to me. I been topping them but once they went full flower i did not want to top any more. They shot up like a weed and it was over and I knew it. Like I said - it was my first grow, learned a ton as you can tell. I am growing some new ones that dont get over 3 - 4' soon. Should fix this issue along with the green house.


Well-Known Member
Going to build a turn house, A frame style. and wrap it in white film. Thinking of building it 14 feet tall. I grow a ton of Veg for healthy eating thats why my raised bed is so thick, 2.5'. I cant eat store bought veg. any more I get to sick and throw them up.

It was destruction. My plants where getting to tall, and I knew it. It is my fault in a way. I was just hoping they would deal with it. Or come walk over and talk to me. I been topping them but once they went full flower i did not want to top any more. They shot up like a weed and it was over and I knew it. Like I said - it was my first grow, learned a ton as you can tell. I am growing some new ones that dont get over 3 - 4' soon. Should fix this issue along with the green house.
You should have supercropped them or just tied them down bro. too late now but at least you know for next time. Was this a medical grow?


Well-Known Member
OK, not sure what a turn house is, but a wooden solid frame would be good. I would suggest purchase "wire lock" to secure the 6mil greenhouse film to it. Its a professional product that can withstand storms and weather. Lots of good things on this site


also will probably need a heater for the winter


Active Member
Yes it was a scrpt medical grow. The day I found them like this I had strings in had to tie them down.


Well-Known Member
Yes it was a scrpt medical grow. The day I found them like this I had strings in had to tie them down.
why don't you buy a bag of sand and a funnel and pay your neighbors gas tank a visit? I would.......they can't "prove" you did it......just like you can't "prove" they fucked with your plants ;)


Active Member
I really dont want to mess with them. I think 10 people live in the house. I am a tall but very weak person. 6'0" and 140 pounds. They look like 250'ish. I am going to lock them up next week and keep going on this project. I have new small plants going in. We shall see what happens.


Active Member
Digging around in my garden I think two plants are alive. There base is split, but they are still growing and healthy.
One of the at the base has 4 -6 branches on it, still blooming like mad. I think even after this mess I might end up with near a pound. I am going to baby them and see what happens. My fingers are crossed.

I also found a 500watt metal halide lamp. So now I have that also. What do you think for the winter, indoor SOG?


Well-Known Member
I am going to just do a couple plants indoor over the winter under a 600w or 1000w hps. Hoping to get at least 3/4 of a pound


Active Member
Taking it indoors now guys. I scraped up some money, got a 1500 watt lighting system. I have some tubs, fans, and piping. I just need to figure out what to do.


Well-Known Member
You will figure out bro....don't worry....just make sure when you set it up you run it for 24-48 hours to see what the temps and ventilation will be like. Just in case yoiu have to make adjustments.


Active Member
Thanks man.
All in all, for what has happened they ermm, what's left looks really healthy. I hope it stays this way and they keep putting energy into bud making. Come on little guys you can do it!


Well-Known Member
I'm glad to see you were able to salvage something from these beautiful amazonian beasts. I'm still disgusted that they were vandalized.


Hell yea brotha. Marijuana really is a resilient plant and can take a beating. I would keep a sharp eye on that sour P though, make sure those asshats don't come back.