Wow man this is totally sad, my prayers go out to you brother. I've been dealing with thieves in my yard too and I promise that if you get a set of cameras and a good outdoor dog you will be set. Before I even put anything outside I bought a set of 4 cameras, I know you don't have too much money but it's usually $130 on Newegg for a 4 channel security system and sometimes it goes on sale for $99.99! You'll likely only need one or two for your grow so that means you can put 2 more anywhere you want, really helps with the piece of mind thing. Plus if you have a smart phone you can stream the feed onto you phone anywhere you go, you can also download a program online that will not only allow you to watch the feed from any computer in your home but it will also allow you to record the feed onto your computer.
But even after a while the cameras only help so much, I've confronted people at least 2-3 times and having a bat only helps so much. That's why I got a German Shepherd, she's my best buddy now and she's so damn smart. You get a dog like that after a while she'll sense how much you care about the plants and will protect them fiercely, if she even hears anyone but me or my girl in there she goes apeshit. So even though I know it's not as easy as going out and getting that stuff, it will really help out for next time.
This breaks my heart because I'm just like you. It's like "these people are my neighbors, surely they wouldn't fuck me" but boy was I wrong. I'll be praying that your next venture goes much better and that you get a good pup who will help protect your girls because that just should NOT have happened to you. And don't be too quick to dismiss the Oxy idea, I know it sounds sketchy but I mean getting 50-70 a pill does seem pretty attractive to help get you back on your feet..
Just keep your head high, stay safe and do your best to keep that positive attitude you seem to have. Best of luck friend