dude, as more people start to realize what's in the health care bill more people are against it. It's now a large majority against it. The Senate is actually acting AGAINST the will of the people and have a good chance of actually losing control by dems because of it. So yes, the will of the people is to repeal Obamacare, and the dems are blocking the will of the people. Spin it anyway you want, but this is not about the right, this is about "the people". It's over 70% against it now. Not against health care reform mind you, but against Obamacare.
Also, he absolutely DID rape medicare to fund this, how can this even be questioned?
Actually, gin you are incorrect on several fronts.
I just started Wendell Potter's book after having followed the health care debate since the beginning of H.R. 3200. When I saw a viral e-mail listing all the horrible provisions in the bill I simply didn't believe that anyone would be stupid enough politicaly, if not in the capacity of a human being, to actually want to put forward such a thing. I found that there were some outright lies in that little hit list but for the most part it was a list of a particular reading or interpretation that was hidiously misleading - only now am I finding out that it was purposeful.
Potter was in PR for Cigna and what he (so far) is saying is that health care PR accomplished every bit and more of what they intended to. What people object to is what has been floated by those PR firms with a little help from the rightist machine.
When the law is broken down into its individual pieces you find that the public is all for each piece - this could be seen as an indicator that they don't really know what is in the law.
It may well be the will of the people to have the law repealed but when they discover what they will lose they will be quite upset.
And he absolutely did not rape mdeicare to fund this but made agreements with the insurance companies to defund certain practices in return for his assurance that he would have all the people in one plan or another. The money he saved from waste, abuse, and inducements for insurance companies to be involved in parts of medicare and medicaid winds up being about 700 billion, that money is going as you say, back into his plan. I can't believe (well, I can actually) that Republicans being all for cutting waste and corporate "welfare" would be smearing Obama over this.
In short, health insurance and FOX have so obscured the reality of this plan and the motivations surrounding it that the people really don't know what to believe.