you have to pay $13.50 to vote in pennsylvania

All trolling aside. You didn't. Not even one attempt to answer it. It was by far the worst I've ever seen you at ducking a question, and that's saying a lot, considering how deep of a well I'm pulling from to make that claim.

again, you ask a loaded question, i am forced to reject the question.

when are you going to stop masturbating to images of retarded wombats on wednesday evenings?

i love how republican logic works.
so, i started this thread to talk about how the GOP is embarking upon an unconstitutional poll tax to "fix" a problem that they can't even document happening.

so why has this become about a race baiting right wing talking point from 4 years ago?

desperate to change the subject, rightards?

Guess what fucktard... I will take the credit for hi jacking your failed thread... lol. How does it feel to be owned by a so called sock puppet.
Guess what fucktard... I will take the credit for hi jacking your failed thread... lol. How does it feel to be owned by a so called sock puppet.

which part was the part where you owned me?

was it the part where you denied that having to pay the government a sum of money in order to cast a vote was a poll tax?

was it the part where you were so uncomfortable defending something so blatantly unconstitutional that you had to change the subject to your favorite race bait?

i'm all confused here. sock puppet logic is beyond me.
My grandmother
has a Drivers license
it expired 25 years ago and doesnt even have a picture
last time she was at the bank was probably 1995
All her checks go there They never ask for ID

She cannot get a state Id though
See her birth certificate has her listed as boy
And even though she has lived worked and raised a family here in teh USA for all her life

She cannot get what is needed to vote

She is one of thousands of people in the USA who are now disenfranchised
But the Republicans have done the math and since it affects a lot more Likely democrat voters than Republican ones
They are OK with it
You know what the sad part is, that the people that have to pay probably don't even earn enough to claim it come Apr. 15.
Isn't he the guy that sold a tanker heating oil to Mass. for next to nothing during a nasty winter when citizens could not afford to heat their homes a few years ago?

Yea, what a joke. He wanted to embarass the USA.

He gets elected by promising the poor lots of government programs. But when he wanted to change their laws so he could be president for life, they voted against it.
what's intellectually dishonest here? you need the card to vote, and you need to pay the government a sum of money to obtain the card..

Yes but if you have one you don't have to spend any money getting it. A poll tax is paid by everybody. You know what? Bread is a poll tax cause we have to buy it cuz the goverment won't give it to us.
Yes but if you have one you don't have to spend any money getting it. A poll tax is paid by everybody. You know what? Bread is a poll tax cause we have to buy it cuz the goverment won't give it to us.

A poll tax wasnt paid by everyone
But was required of those the majority didnt want to vote
Yea, what a joke. He wanted to embarass the USA.

He gets elected by promising the poor lots of government programs. But when he wanted to change their laws so he could be president for life, they voted against it.
Yep, Just like Mexican Aid reaching Katrina Victims before FEMA

Lets hope we are as smart.
United StatesMain article: Poll tax (United States)
A poll tax (in the sense of capitation) plays a significant role in the history of taxation in the United States and the adoption of income tax as a significant source of government funding. The second meaning of poll tax, namely a tax to be paid as a prerequisite to voting, is more widely known in the United States today. The term was widely used in the South at the turn of the 20th century in combination with other measures as a means of disfranchisement to bar poor people, especially blacks, from voter registration and voting.
Recent debate has arisen about whether requiring citizens to purchase a state identification card acts as a poll tax and bars poor voters from voting.[SUP][3][/SUP] To reduce cost, some state offer free identification cards for those who can demonstrate the need. However, significant additional costs can be incurred by individuals to acquire a "free" ID, as they need to provide other proof of identity. In addition to travel costs or potential lost wages, a certified copy of a birth certificate costs from $10 to $45 depending on the state, a passport costs $85, and certified naturalization papers cost $19.95. About 12 percent of voting-age Americans lack a driver's license and would need such state identification cards.[SUP][4][/SUP]
What tax?,,,,,,,

I am required by fema to buy flood ins. It's not called a tax but since government mandates it, it becomes a tax and therefore deductible on my taxes.

As such, I can claim my "voting fee" on my end of year taxes.
I guess everyone pays a poll tax then. Or at least most of us.

Gotta pay for the gas to get there, or to ride the bus. Lost wages as well.

I guess the only way to avoid any poll tax is to be unemployed and walk to your polling location.
Yes but if you have one you don't have to spend any money getting it. A poll tax is paid by everybody. You know what? Bread is a poll tax cause we have to buy it cuz the goverment won't give it to us.

that's silly. you silly.

people who already have a voting license had to pay to get it.

you have to pay $13.50 at some point or the other in PA, or you will not be allowed to vote (pending appeal).

what say we jack up the price? how about $135 or you will not be allowed to vote?

if precedent is established that you have to pay some amount of money to the government to vote, what is limiting them from upping the cost?
I guess everyone pays a poll tax then. Or at least most of us.

Gotta pay for the gas to get there, or to ride the bus. Lost wages as well.

I guess the only way to avoid any poll tax is to be unemployed and walk to your polling location.

or request an absentee ballot and mail it in. that kind of destroys whatever you just said.
so, i started this thread to talk about how the GOP is embarking upon an unconstitutional poll tax to "fix" a problem that they can't even document happening.

so why has this become about a race baiting right wing talking point from 4 years ago?

desperate to change the subject, rightards?

This is a rhetorical question right? There is no where for Americans who are actually supporting depriving other citizens from voting to go then to race bait or hide behind theory or use old talking points.
If a state requires ID to vote they should make your first ID free. If not, it's an obvious deterrent to an adult who in 2012 has yet to ever receive an ID. It's also obvious this person would most likely vote democrat.

Making the ID free is still not enough. The process itself inhibits the right to vote. The requirement for a specific ID is as well. I heard a guy on the radio from PA say that he just discovered that his military ID was not sufficent because it had "indefinite" or something to that effect on it - in other words it did not expire. The documents required to get an acceptabel ID is also a barrier. I think it is interesting that so many on the right are now claiming that it is "in the best interest of the citizen to have an ID anyway so why not force them to get one". Now, all of a sudden, the non-nannystaters are interested in the welfare of the common aged voter.