Obama's Pre-crime indefinite preventive detention for future crimes

Oh no!!! Now I'm a pedophile, too? UncleShitBritches is too stupid to see all the results are all on RIU...........lol..........Poor babies, do your butts hurt that bad?
Oh no!!! Now I'm a pedophile, too? UncleShitBritches is too stupid to see all the results are all on RIU...........lol..........Poor babies, do your butts hurt that bad?

here are some words I searched for
racist bigot pedophile child molester
I guess your butt does hurt that bad. You're just too easy. But nice Chicago style politicking there. Can't beat them with wit, dig up some dirt on them. Can't find any dirt, make up lies. Nobody believes them, just keep on blathering anyway.
this sucks as i will openly admit i voted for the man first time around.. mostly because i was so sick of bush and the repubs, but the longer he's in office the less and less i'm liking the man and his presidency, and i find this to be extremely disturbing to say the least...

now i'm all fucked up on what to do come november.. i really don't see myself getting behind this man again, and i'm surely not a fan of mitt... what's a man to do.. i'm starting to think about simply writing in ron paul, but i kind of feel like that's throwing away a vote, and i just don't know at this point in time..

Throwing away a vote would be to perpetuate the two party system. What do you win if the person you settle for is a douche bag? The satisfaction of NOT voting for the other douche bag? Follow your instinct, don't support either douchebag.
Voting AGAINST a candidate is a perfectly legitimate vote. If, of two viable candidates, one is worse than the other, then you should vote for the better of the two. No candidate can be perfect for everybody.
I can't talk about this...it makes me afraid and like I want to airmail myself and my family to another country and just start over.
Voting AGAINST a candidate is a perfectly legitimate vote. If, of two viable candidates, one is worse than the other, then you should vote for the better of the two. No candidate can be perfect for everybody.

Carrying your logic a bit further out....why not vote against both ? Do you really think things will be improve regardless of whether Obama or Romney is President?
Voting AGAINST a candidate is a perfectly legitimate vote. If, of two viable candidates, one is worse than the other, then you should vote for the better of the two. No candidate can be perfect for everybody.

but what do you do if none of the lesses are evil, only different...you can pick which evil you can live with the most...and the preventative detainment thing is already done..that has happened...so a new president won't fix it..we know this...

I am not sure that there is a lesser evil really in this race.
I don't know if I can stomach Mitt Romney...I mean he just seems to be a bit too outrageous with the abortions and the birth control and just everything he thinks and believes. He seems to be a little too much of a zealot for my tastes.
I don't know if I can stomach Mitt Romney...I mean he just seems to be a bit too outrageous with the abortions and the birth control and just everything he thinks and believes. He seems to be a little too much of a zealot for my tastes.

But killing Americans without a trial and indefinite detention for being labeled a terrorist by a law enforcement official is a step up? How about covering up a gun walking operation that has killed untold number of Mexicans and a border patrol agent? How about eclipsing 8 years of executive orders in 3.5? More money into MMJ raids than any other president? Do you guys just forget immediately the stupid shit Obama admin does?
but what do you do if none of the lesses are evil, only different...you can pick which evil you can live with the most...and the preventative detainment thing is already done..that has happened...so a new president won't fix it..we know this...

I am not sure that there is a lesser evil really in this race.

If Obama wins I want the pubs to take the Senate, if Romney wins i hope the dems hold it. Neither party has shown they are responsible enough to hold the holy trinity.

300 Million Americans and these are 2 at the top, that's harsh.
Carrying your logic a bit further out....why not vote against both ? Do you really think things will be improve regardless of whether Obama or Romney is President?
The idea was to vote for the one who will do the least damage. I know things aren't improving with Obama, they're getting worse for most. A vote for Romney might jeopardize my job, but I've never had trouble finding work. I feel a duty to vote for the candidate who will serve the whole country the best.
The idea was to vote for the one who will do the least damage. I know things aren't improving with Obama, they're getting worse for most. A vote for Romney might jeopardize my job, but I've never had trouble finding work. I feel a duty to vote for the candidate who will serve the whole country the best.

And somehow you think that Romney will do that? How?
The idea was to vote for the one who will do the least damage. I know things aren't improving with Obama, they're getting worse for most. A vote for Romney might jeopardize my job, but I've never had trouble finding work. I feel a duty to vote for the candidate who will serve the whole country the best.

I know you watch Fox News
Did you know they have a Business News division?

Fox Business disagrees with your OPINION
The number of Americans filing new claims for jobless benefits unexpectedly fell last week,
government data showed on Thursday, suggesting a modest improvement in the labor market.

Read more: http://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/2012/08/09/jobless-claims/#ixzz23kvtLgra
But Romney wants to take away the rights of women all over the world...he wants us all to be pregnant and barefoot...I am just glad that my husband got a vasectomy before sir Mormon outlaws such a thing in all the states like he has backed the states that have already passed some of the bills.
I don't want to vote for anyone that is wishing to take my rights away. And both parties want to, apparently hardcore.
I agree, I think Romney is part of the Nancy Reagan moral majority that tried to force their ideals on people. They've been replaced by the PC crowd that is trying to do the same.

It's sad.
I just think the odds of me being named a threat to the US is less likely to happen then me getting pregnant is. So Obama effects me worse, but the evils are the same in the end. I feel like Obama has no views on anything...so that is a downfall, but I disagree with just about everything Romney has as convictions...so Do I want a wishy washy president with no back bone, or one with stupid ideas and more backbone than is good for any one person to have? Neither...what I want is a large shipping crate that will seat 5 with as much comfort as 5 people in a box can have.
Well we all complain that you can't pass legislation on morality, but Romney wants to like nobody else I have heard so far. It is amazing the things he plans to do away with to save all the lawless heathens in America...
I mean you can't outlaw abortions and Birth control...what the hell will happen to the economy then?