Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
from my perspective that dog not only hunts, but doesnt shy from the gun, retrieves fallen fowl, and can tree a bear all by it's lonesome.That dog dont hunt either
in short it's a damn fine sporting breed, with an immaculate pedigree and trained to perfection.
Obama made a lot of promises, most of them were very nebulous, and wound up being as empty as his chubby wife's head.
of the few promises he made that had substance and could be verified (unlike Hope and Change) were:
No Lobbyists in the White House. he broke that one before the inauguration. his "shadow government" of pre-administration administration (which is unheard of in all US history) was populated pretty much exclusively with political hacks and lobbyists
No More War On Drugs that oine lasted till he finished taking the oath and then he selected Eric "CockBreath" Holder as attorney generalisimo of his war on cannabis
No More Czars and that one was broken within the first week, before he even got his awesome Nobel Hope and Change Award
No More Secret Prisons and Waterboarding he didnt even consider keeping that promise. apparently it's only torture if republicans are in the whitehouse.
An Immediate end to the War in Iraq but he just kept to bush's timetable
No More Crony Capitalism instead he shuffled the deck chairs and changed a few faces, not even all the faces, just a few. most of the cronies that bush installed kept their positions and patronage.
A Balanced Budget and Return to Sound Fiscal Policy he obviously just sounded those alien words out from the Teleprompter In Chief. if he knew what he was saying he would have choked on a lie that huge
his lies were bald faced, deliberate and openly renounced without a word of contrition, and without remark from the "Legitimate Press" who you seem to fell can do no wrong, because Fox and Rush are evil in league with satan.