Obama's Pre-crime indefinite preventive detention for future crimes

The earths temperature fluctuates over time for god sake, the last 100 years is irrelevant and outright deceptive to graph alone. 100/4,000,000,000 = .000007% of earths life. He got called on his bullshit long before me.


We are in the 327th conseutive month of higher than 20'th century average temperatures. We are in the midst of an 800 year drought with every indication that more are on the way, perhaps some that are decades long and you are still talking about theoreticals?

every indicator is that we are in the midst of a very serious problem but you are still clinging to "yeah but it's all natural and we didn't cause it". time to look around - CO2 is increasing. That increase will not be met with sequestration if we have widepread drought because pants won't grow. the Western United States will soon have fresh water problems it has never seen before and that may well spread but you are still trying to compare our situation on a giant time scale as though this makes any difference.
We are in the 327th conseutive month of higher than 20'th century average temperatures. We are in the midst of an 800 year drought with every indication that more are on the way, perhaps some that are decades long and you are still talking about theoreticals?

every indicator is that we are in the midst of a very serious problem but you are still clinging to "yeah but it's all natural and we didn't cause it". time to look around - CO2 is increasing. That increase will not be met with sequestration if we have widepread drought because pants won't grow. the Western United States will soon have fresh water problems it has never seen before and that may well spread but you are still trying to compare our situation on a giant time scale as though this makes any difference.

And if we do everything that scientists who think man made global warming is happening we MIGHT get a 1 degree difference over the course of decades.

Hardly a solution...

Too many people are trying to *save* the world in useless pointless destructive actions.
We are in the 327th conseutive month of higher than 20'th century average temperatures. We are in the midst of an 800 year drought with every indication that more are on the way, perhaps some that are decades long and you are still talking about theoreticals? every indicator is that we are in the midst of a very serious problem but you are still clinging to "yeah but it's all natural and we didn't cause it". time to look around - CO2 is increasing. That increase will not be met with sequestration if we have widepread drought because pants won't grow. the Western United States will soon have fresh water problems it has never seen before and that may well spread but you are still trying to compare our situation on a giant time scale as though this makes any difference.
The sky is falling! The sky is falling! The sky is falling!
there are new results with "red1966 stormfront" that popped up at about the time he said fuck this site and went away for a while.

not even the conservatives around here like you, red1966. take it back over to stormfront.
what is stormfront? I keep seeing you guys talk about it but I'm skeered to go there not knowing what it is. Some sort of white supremecy site is what I'm gathering. Don't want something like that in my browser history in case I get hit by a bus on the way home.
what is stormfront? I keep seeing you guys talk about it but I'm skeered to go there not knowing what it is. Some sort of white supremecy site is what I'm gathering. Don't want something like that in my browser history in case I get hit by a bus on the way home.

You guessed it - White supremecy site, and a good one. Don't worry Gin, our lifestyles and our internet droppings are more indicative of our philosophy than a little nasty browser history - you should see mine on any given month. Lately it is dominionism and it's offshoots - ala Cannab
what is stormfront? I keep seeing you guys talk about it but I'm skeered to go there not knowing what it is. Some sort of white supremecy site is what I'm gathering. Don't want something like that in my browser history in case I get hit by a bus on the way home.
You keep insisting it is, but seem somehow unable to prove it. How could that be? Could it be possibly you're a (gasp) liar?