Unconventional Organics

I dont know how unconventional this is but I occasionally get the hook up from chinese buffets in the city. If I give them a day in advance, they'll give me all the oyster shells I want. I haven't used any yet but I plan on crushing them and adding them in.
Its not the shell that's unorthodox but the method of obtaining em.
If Im receiving alot of light at my grow and I invest in solar panels, would they work to power my pump and timer(the timer allows me to program weeks of different watering schedules) to water/feed them? I am not into using a generator and gasoline at my site to power the pump to fill the reservoir from my water source.
I was thinking something along the lines of this:

Alternatively, could I place my reservoir elevated and use gravity to drip feed my plants slowly throughout the month? Each plant would get its own hose.

Any feedback would be awesome, even if its to tell me that this isnt possible lol. Thanks guys!
So uhhh....how was teh cheesewreck?
It was awesome..my girl wouldn't smoke it.(.she called it the puppy plant) but one time i rolled a bomber and smoked it with her she was like damn this is dank!!! what is it??............I was like.....PUPPY PLANT BYATCH!!! she was all burnt...it was awesome...then after that she would smoke it ,she just didn't want to know.:weed:
It was awesome..my girl wouldn't smoke it.(.she called it the puppy plant) but one time i rolled a bomber and smoked it with her she was like damn this is dank!!! what is it??............I was like.....PUPPY PLANT BYATCH!!! she was all burnt...it was awesome...then after that she would smoke it ,she just didn't want to know.:weed:


No better way to honor the memory of your pup! I been telling my friends, if I get cremated, I'm going to will them to put some of me in a soil mix, grow me out, then smoke me on my death anniversary.
This is a common practice in many parts of the world/cultures. My buddy pulled a quick switch this spring because his daughters tree didn't make it through the winter. He timed it right and she just thought it got a slow start that spring! Its ok IMO all life comes from death with microbes doing the magic transition! Its just like planting a corn kernel in a fish carcass back in the day.

Instead of buying your kid a case of wine from the year of their birth, I was thinking the cannabis version would be like grow a dank plant with your childs placenta tea then make hash and save it for when you bust them toking. So this is "your hash"... and I only want you smoking the good stuff kid. Me personally I'd rather have that than a case of aged bordeau any day!

I still have my daughters (heart shaped, rare!) placenta in the freezer, maybe I will use it to make some tea on some plants like I said above. I did pump the water and afterbirth (home birth was great!) from the puddle birth (we were gonna do a water birth but she came when it was only 5" full!) right into my tomato bed and they are doing great this year even though they got seeded late by a new dad gardener who was about one and a half months behind schedule. MMmmm homegrown tomatoes, one thing I LOVE about late summer.

ive also heard its a common practice to grill the placenta and the mother to eat it. Supposed to be very nutritous. So whats with the aloe vera and transplant? what exactly do you do? im actually starting an aloe vera farm got a few pups gonna be making a variety of products. Anyways ill have alot of it ha so yea how does it benefit my other garden?
I'm not sure if this counts but...
In addition to my normal organics I also add two products:
Nutri+ Black (this provides humic acid or so I have read)
Nutri+ Gold (this provides folic acid or so I have read)
Both products claim to be organic compatible so I close my eyes and pretend that they are fully organic.
Other companies like DNF also carry black and gold products which I have also used but they don't say organic compatible so I switched.
I add 1tsp black & 1/2 tsp gold to 4 liters (1 gallon) of water.
Works wonders for me but I use the following recipe:
For 4 liters (1 gallon)
2 tsp Fish based fertilizer (Muskie 5-1-1)
1/2 tsp seaweed (Nutri+ Seaweeds)
1 tsp guanno (veg or flower variety depending on your needs)
1 tsp blackstrap molasses
1 tsp Nutri+ black
1/2 tsp Nutri+ gold
Use within 24 hours or less.
The molasses will help keep the micro organisms alive and keep the stuff from going funky for about a day.
I use 1/2 strength on seedlings
I feed every second feeding or 2 of every 3 feedings depending on the plants requirements.
***If using DNF use 1 tsp gold***
***If using black/gold from other companies not listed here use the directions on the bottles***
Beer traps for bugs,​

Use half a water bottle, fill with cheap beer and a squeeze of dish soap and mix together.

Bury level with the ground, spaced throughout area and change every 2-4 days as needed

As long as the bugs can climb in the bowl I don't see why this wouldn't work on a indoor set up...

Worked wonders on those little black "bravada" potato bugs
A new thing i'm doing is making seaweed concentrate by letting nori sushi wraps ferment in water.
I have heard of people using pee in aquaponic setups. It doesn't take much and you need the bacteria established to break it down from ammonia to nitrates. Some even use it to get their systems cycled and started. I prefer fish poop for my ferts. Running my second aquaponics grow right now.
OK SO I have a question. I was cooking round steak today with a large chunk of bone in the middle. What is the marrow composed of, and do you think i could make a beneficial tea???