so it's mitt romney and paul ryan

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
you missed the substance.

number one, explain to me the successes of trickle down economics, because ryan's plan is to put trickle down on steroids.

secondly, paul ryan is the political embodiment of little lord fauntleroy. completely inexperienced, naive, not ready for the job, and with all the men in his family passing away from heart attacks like they were going out of style, he is not fit for office.

now go ahead and make the case for trickle down on steroids.
Yes, cause Obama had SO much more experience before he got elected president..not vice president..PRESIDENT.

Again, how was the economy from 1984-2008? Yes, lets tax those small business owners more. When you tax someone more than the competition taxes them, they move to the more favorable condition. Thus, jobs leave the country. What a great idea.


Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
pawl ryan is so naive and inexperienced, all he's been able to do in a dozen years in office is to name a fucking post office. he might have done something similarly uninmpressive, but nothing more than that.

little lord fauntleryan.
Or maybe winning a democratic district 7 times. With an average of 60% of the votes. Romney seriously revived his campaign by picking him. I know many people who were not going to vote for Romney, but this VP pick has changed many minds.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
pawl ryan is so naive and inexperienced, all he's been able to do in a dozen years in office is to name a fucking post office. he might have done something similarly uninmpressive, but nothing more than that.

little lord fauntleryan.


Well-Known Member
Again, how was the economy from 1984-2008? Yes, lets tax those small business owners more. When you tax someone more than the competition taxes them, they move to the more favorable condition. Thus, jobs leave the country. What a great idea.
trickle down has been going on from about 1980 - present day, so your time frame is dishonest and frankly retarded. did we stop trickle down in 2008? :lol:

since trickle down has started, worker productivity has increased, but their wages have been stagnant. meanwhile, the debt has grown and the rich have gotten MUCH richer.

so you call that a win for the middle class and working poor who are the engine of the US economy?

cool "logic", bro. glad to see you have latently homosexual feelings for little lord fauntleryan.


Well-Known Member
Or maybe winning a democratic district 7 times. With an average of 60% of the votes. Romney seriously revived his campaign by picking him. I know many people who were not going to vote for Romney, but this VP pick has changed many minds.
i'm sure the hill medicaid guy will provide him a nice boost in florida :lol:

what has little lord fauntleryan done in 12 years besides rename a post office?


Well-Known Member
The guy has more competence on the economy then Obama and Biden put together. The problem is he may outshine Romney, this will be the main concern.


Well-Known Member
so the guy who voted against gay adoption and for a constitutional gay marriage ban wants gays to join him?

the guy who wants to ban contraceptives wants women to join him?

the guy who has never heard of a ladder wants you to join him?

little lord fauntleryan stands for none of those things. he has a scheme to kill services for the middle class, raise taxes on the working poor, and add trillions to the deficit in order to give his reacharound buddy romney yet another tax cut to hide in his swiss bank accounts.

obama was desperately trying to tie willard to little lord fauntleryan, this is a gift.


Well-Known Member
The guy has more competence on the economy then Obama and Biden put together. The problem is he may outshine Romney, this will be the main concern.
his plan is trickle down economics on steroids. tell me about the successes of trickle down, my sock puppet amigo.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
trickle down has been going on from about 1980 - present day, so your time frame is dishonest and frankly retarded. did we stop trickle down in 2008? :lol:

since trickle down has started, worker productivity has increased, but their wages have been stagnant. meanwhile, the debt has grown and the rich have gotten MUCH richer.

so you call that a win for the middle class and working poor who are the engine of the US economy?

cool "logic", bro. glad to see you have latently homosexual feelings for little lord fauntleryan.
Why would you even say "glad to see you have latently homosexual feelings for little lord fauntleryan." I thought you are a staunch defender of gay rights and equality. Using homosexual in a condescending sentence would negate your "view".

And your logic that a tax reform would shelter us from a crisis that was set up by the repeal of glass stegal, deregulation of the housing market, and artificially low interest rates is "retarded" as you would say. Which by the way, is also very condescending. Funny how hypocritical you are.


Well-Known Member
Why would you even say "glad to see you have latently homosexual feelings for little lord fauntleryan." I thought you are a staunch defender of gay rights and equality. Using homosexual in a condescending sentence would negate your "view".
how did i frame your latent homosexuality for little lord fauntleryan in any negative fashion whatsoever? i am glad to see you have found love. love is awesome. congrats.

And your logic that a tax reform would shelter us from a crisis that was set up by the repeal of glass stegal, deregulation of the housing market, and artificially low interest rates is "retarded" as you would say. Which by the way, is also very condescending. Funny how hypocritical you are.
i never said that tax policy had anything to do with the "free market" ideas of deregulation and glass-steagall repeal which have led to our current mess, that's your thoroughly pathetic attempt at deflection.

all i did was point out that trickle down economics has not trickled down. wages have remained stagnant despite increased productivity, which hurts the middle class and working poor, the very engine of the economy that is 2/3 dependent on demand from the likes of them. a more apt name would be "send more up" instead of "trickle down", as the only tangible effect of "trickle down" has been that the rich have become richer.

so tell me why we need to put that failed economic theory on steroids, as little lord fauntleryan advocates. no deflection anymore.

Krayven Sumhead

Well-Known Member
Only thang the Repubs can offer is FEAR and rhetoric. Just like Cheney and Bush. And the NRA. (They gonna take our gunz!!)

Repubs fabricate fear about the POTUS, meanwhile just the truth concerning Mitt makes them tremble.



Well-Known Member
How is Paul Ryan going to explain that his district is lagging in unemployment compared to the rest of wisconsin and the nation?