Two years in a row!


Just yanked him. What a *@$%ing dissapointment!

Oh well, I suppose it is what it is. Feminized seeds for sure next time.


Well-Known Member
My first grow I planted 1 seed and got a male

Second grow I planted 2 seeds and got 2 males

Third grow I planted 5 seeds and got 4 females
Only kept 2 of them

It's a numbers game if you aren't using feminized seeds ...plant more seeds, get more females


Well-Known Member
Dude, plant more seeds. Anytime I grow from seed I usually plant 10, that way I can possibly get 5 females. I planted 9 this year and only got 2 females, so I just started 4 more yesterday in hopes for a couple more.


Well-Known Member
Dude, plant more seeds. Anytime I grow from seed I usually plant 10, that way I can possibly get 5 females. I planted 9 this year and only got 2 females, so I just started 4 more yesterday in hopes for a couple more.
7 males?? seriously Kaendar??


Active Member
i think the same shits happening to me i think i see pollen sacks on my best plant than all my other were attaked by deer and are still being semi attacked by them even with all my chicken wire. i hope i get one female atleast. i do have another 6 plants but as i said they got fucked up


King Tut
i think the same shits happening to me i think i see pollen sacks on my best plant than all my other were attaked by deer and are still being semi attacked by them even with all my chicken wire. i hope i get one female atleast. i do have another 6 plants but as i said they got fucked up
Deer season is approaching.


Active Member
damn stright..... i see the fuckers atleast 4 times a week in my horse pasture and i just want to blow their fucking heads off but my neighbor would flip the fuck out....its manly a doe and 2 fawns so idn lol