Two years in a row!

There is never an excuse to kill an animal unless it is posing an immediate threat to you, you are starving and need to eat, or it is injured and suffering. Who cares if jackasses think deer are a nuisance, maybe you forgot but they were here long before us. WE are a nuisance to them and are invading their home.
kaendar i agree with u on this subject in most regards, but if u are hunting for ur food, and go about it with respect, not wasting, and know that a life was given to feed u, ur a good man. its the guys "hey look at me, i shot the thing in the forrest with the biggest antlers, want to see"
those i dnt appreciate, yea sure u took the meat from it, but that wasnt the reason u went hunting, theyre only their for the thrill of the kill, and in my eyes are pieces of shit.
I've been running feminized seeds exclusively for 3 years now and will never go back unless I get a bigger place with more room to do the whole reg seed, sexing, cloning routine. Cracked 50+ seeds without a single male flower so far.