Diy 100% H2o2

Chemical Ali™

Active Member
Im new so maybe I'm just revistitng something here.

Simply place 3% peroxide into the freezer to lock up the 97% water and now simply decant off the remaing 3 percent that will now be 100%, dilute per needs. This beats paying for the horto grade hands down.

What Im saying is out of one pint or 473 ml of normal off the shelf peroxide, you can obtain 14 .19 ml of 100% peroxide by placing it in the freezer and locking up the water.Then remove the pure h202 and dilute it to whichevr strenth you choose.Its a very basic concept I think its just over looked.

H2O2 =

97% water

3 % H202

Yield of 100% h202 = 14.19 ml

If you wanted 50% strenth just add 14.19 ml of water to yield 28.38 ml of 50% h2o2

@ a cost of about .99 cents
Does this really work well? I've looked at distillation and such before for other uses, and god, I'll feel retarded if this works as well or better than the distillation columns I have used before.
Chemical Ali™;743563 said:
No need to bust out the 400mm liebig and your kit, try it same as anyone who has left a beer in the freezer alcohol wont freeze but the water will.
they also explode lol
damn I wish i knew this when i was into making high explosives. I would just boil it out, but it would take forever, plus melt the teflon off my moms expensive saucepans
What's the purpose of the h2o2 what exactly does it do for the plant? sry for the noob question but I am a noob lol
pretty cool low budget idea.
Whats next? Do I put this in my spray bottle? How do I disburse this to my crop?
Thank You
I smell a bad idea for multiple reasons.

#1, 100% H2O2 Will pretty much react badly with any impurity. (they use it for rockets for a reason)
#2, if you have ever frozen low percentage alcohol (beer), you know you don't end up with a nice layer of alcohol and a nice layer of water. You get a slush. Not sure how that helps you get 100% h2o2.
#3, it would be much cheaper in the end to start off at 35% Peroxide, but it would also be much more dangerous.


#4, low cost 3% peroxide is often impure and has chemical additives to stabilize it (another reason to use food grade 35%)
Not really something that should be treated as a "toy". I would hate to see your skin after exposure to 100% H2O2... I find 35% to be bad enough.

Hydrazine is also rarely, if ever, used in "toy bottle rockets".

They use it in commercial satellites for a reason. Unlike black powder bottle rockets.
Beer turns to slush because it's in solution, the water freezes in pockets around the h202 in hydrogen peroxide, I don't think it would work.
Chemical Ali™;869494 said:
Im well aware of the purpose of hydrazine,And what kind of fool would allow any chemical contact with skin?

Not too sure, but it was more a comment as you seemed to be implying that hydrazine rockets are at the same level as "toy bottle rockets". Which they are not. Either that or I have no idea what the comment was in reference to.

And you would be surprised how many "fools" accidently get chemicals on their skin.

New news to me. Makes sense though.

How much would you use and how often?
(from Mixing charts for gardening with hydrogen peroxide)
I tried to post the charts, but It didn't work. checkout the URL above to see them.
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