That cracks me up about all this, is that with the money that Romney has his tax records per year are probably as thick as Obamacare. It is safe to assume he doesn't do his own taxes, he has a small team of CPA's that try and find every way to save him money legally. I know this pisses some leftwingers off but hows the expression go "don't hate the player hate the game"? You guys would be surprised of how many business make large purchases at the end of the year, you know why? Because the CPA tells us to, either we keep the money in the business or unclesame gets it. Anyone here that could save 300k a year by changing their state of residency would in a heart beat so lets not get too hypocritical.
Those of us who have complex tax situations do not begrudge Romeny's tax (avoidance?). Some are claiming that the left is claiming that because Romeny is now accused of having paid no taxes that he is a tax cheat. The contortions of that sentence alone are stunning btw. We who believe we are the enlightened and all wise porton of the left are not accusing Romney of any tax or IRS impropriety. Men as rich as romeny (and even those far less rich) usaully believe they are very powerful but they also acknowlege that they are not nearly as powerful as the U.S. IRS and know firstly that the IRS could break them and secondly that the IRS sees in these people a gold mine. I am quite sure that the IRS has very close eyes on Romney's records and that he is completely above board.
But this is not the real point. The point is that if he has used the tax code to exempt himself from paying taxes, or if he has used his vast wealth to dodge significant percentages of taxes then his entire "I want to be president because I want to help the middle class" argument fails, as, if the majority of the middle class pays more percentagewise in taxes than Romney does, he instantly loses most of his credibility.
It is clear from his actions that Romeny is a very tax sensitive man. My father was one as well, he considered it a fine game and would go to great lengths to avoid this tax or that. I grew up seeing how shrewd some of those anti-tax dances were. Romeny spent a year reducing the property tax on one of his homes that he paid a certain amount for but the value went down. He managed to have the property reasessed and got a break over 4 years of something like $40,000 dollars (forgive me if I don't get those figures quite right). To the majority of us, 40,000 seems like pocket change when one's wallet contains a quarter billion. Add to that the probable cost of his having an accountant and a lawyer represent him in this and Romney may have profited far less. But the effort is laudable, the man knows the value of a dollar and he has strong motivation - he hates to pay taxes.
I believe he said that if he did not do everything in his power to reduce his tax burden he didn't feel he deserved to be president - an indicator of what I am saying.
the problem is that his sucess in that area is one that in this singular case can do real damage to his narrative.