Many cartel grows in the woods behind us!


Well-Known Member
Fuck man, I'm done arguing over something stupid, the plants weren't standing, just branches here and there on the ground,not even that much, cops have done there raid weeks prior, haha and sure the fuck the growers aren't coming back for scraps, im sure they can give a shit about a that stuff.. We checked out a place that was aboned in the middle of know where, that the land is open to public.. With dead scraps on the ground.. Nobody messes with them when there this happened years back. Shits over!! Get over it and off my post you were cleaning up the police's left overs?......pretty much just garbage on the floor. and you say you grow your own? why pick up some (LITERALLY) dirt weed if you could have your own tasty buds?? I don't understand that logic.


Active Member
It's totally logical FresnoFarmer; if that dirt weed gets rained on then the sun comes out it will start a forest fire which will in turn cause irreparable damage to the planet. Dude is doing humanity a favor by cleaning up the dirty leftovers.


Well-Known Member
It's totally logical FresnoFarmer; if that dirt weed gets rained on then the sun comes out it will start a forest fire which will in turn cause irreparable damage to the planet. Dude is doing humanity a favor by cleaning up the dirty leftovers.
hahaha welcome to kaender 101


Well-Known Member
cartel growers aren't the only ones camped out 24/7! I got a hennessey hammock

OMFG! I WILL HAVE one of those. That would seriously be the best addition to my smoking area of the back yard. Fuck getting rained on while I smoke a blunt.. Im'a just climb all up in that bitch... And "Lounge".


Well-Known Member
I like the way you think man. Im not even asking for free meds, just affordable meds. I dont mind organically grown outdoor buds that cost almost nothing to produce, just dont try and ask $150 for the ounce. Thats almost pure profit. I have a family and bills and shit, but also medical conditions that wud otherwise have me hooked on opiates and other habit forming drugs.
LOL!!!!! First I read that he only uses his MMJ for insomnia. That is also what he says on his police forum, and he says he can quit any time he wants! Opiates for insomnia? and bitching about 150-200 ounces? WTF? He really expects people to take all the risk and not make anything. Sounds like he wants people to give him shit at what it cost to "grow" it. Their time and the risk of losing everything they have to grow for others isn't worth any compensation. Nope, no profit at all. If this is the case Why the fuck do I have to pay the pharmacy for all those pills and injections? I need them for my medical problems yet I have to pay tons of rich doctors and companies to make me these meds... Why aren't they doing it for free, why don't they have side jobs to support themselves why they make my medicine? Or how about all the farmers around here? I need that food to live, why should I have to pay more that what it cost to grow? the farmers should find another way to support themselves, we need that feed. Just because the law says nonprofit doesn't mean it should be that way! Wow this guy is full of FAIL!


Well-Known Member
I will be aquiring one of those hammocks this weekend. Keep all the creepy crawlys off sorry for the puos though. They need dog 1s! Thanks for the tip! Got a perfect spot in the garden 4 it


Well-Known Member
I will be aquiring one of those hammocks this weekend. Keep all the creepy crawlys off sorry for the puos though. They need dog 1s! Thanks for the tip! Got a perfect spot in the garden 4 it

I really suggest getting the snake skin for it! I had one years ago before the snake skins, they were still nice but I can seriously set this up and take it down in 1 min!



Well-Known Member
LOL! kush i liked every one of your posts on this thread just because the second i saw your avatar pic i burst out laughing also +rep


Well-Known Member
I really suggest getting the snake skin for it! I had one years ago before the snake skins, they were still nice but I can seriously set this up and take it down in 1 min!

I kept seeing that snakeskin advertised! Thanks I think with the snakeskin it was like 130-140 on ebay. I like it for mobility. Great for hiking! And crop gaurding. So versitile!


Well-Known Member
Yes "oh really". It has been mentioned multiple times before. Also if you don't believe me you can see about 50 photos iv taken and uploaded from an iPad to riu, go ahead and try and find out we're I live from those, see how that works out for you
Cheese! Touchy aren't we. I just commented that I hadn't seen it mentioned before and you get all defensive.


Well-Known Member
im no ripper i have no respect for one but if i come across a crop near mine and there is males in that crop i will remove them for them even if they care im not growing seedy weed for nobody


Well-Known Member
These are seedlings

This is a neglected and abused plant.

Look at her she's lost her backbone and can't even stand up straight on her own anymore :lol: ........


Well-Known Member
What kind of seeds u got goin there kush. Think I am goin to spout a few of mine 4 the winter crop. Thanks 4 the idea!