Many cartel grows in the woods behind us!


Well-Known Member

these guys splurged on some fox farm keeping it legit lol


Well-Known Member
all they do is water and dig holes. why would they put 40k into something they can get with just labor.
not out here bro......they have laborers out in the fields checking buds every day because we get dense fog sometimes.....I know a couple paisa's who work in those fields.....they get paid in bud to do whatever the "boss" says. they actually do spend lots of cash setting up farms out here....they aren't as cheap and broke ass you think


Well-Known Member
looks like MG soil too tho....
yeah to root in. i guarantee the tomatoes you buy at the store have way more pesticides on them and then dipped in wax so they stay there. You ever thought about how many no pest strips you've seen in journals on here? I've used them before. I wouldn't use them now I don't want to smoke that shit. Why do hydro shops sell nasty ass pesticides too? You realize that a fair amount of the good looking weed you see has been grown under worse conditions than those outdoor crops.


Active Member
Ya drug cartels are cool. You got peeps camping with the shiznat 24-7 with AK-47's provided by Eric Holder.. And if and when they are caught.. They are taught how to vote democrat,,,


Well-Known Member
Ya drug cartels are cool. You got peeps camping with the shiznat 24-7 with AK-47's provided by Eric Holder.. And if and when they are caught.. They are taught how to vote democrat,,,
cartel growers aren't the only ones camped out 24/7! I got a hennessey hammock


Well-Known Member
mid july of this year, actually. he's doing "great".
You have got to be shittin' me. Mid July?? my plants on the far corner of my backyard were nute burned/stunted/underwatered seedlings and I just through them in the ground in june and gave them a couple good waterings and they are already hitting 3 foot and 4 foot(topped and supercropped). that is quite sad lol


Well-Known Member
Oh, really? I have not seen that mentioned anywhere else. I know there is software that will do that. I use an old digital camera that didn't have the ability to embed exo data. Got it at a yard sale for $1.
Yes "oh really". It has been mentioned multiple times before. Also if you don't believe me you can see about 50 photos iv taken and uploaded from an iPad to riu, go ahead and try and find out we're I live from those, see how that works out for you


Well-Known Member
Oh, really? I have not seen that mentioned anywhere else. I know there is software that will do that. I use an old digital camera that didn't have the ability to embed exo data. Got it at a yard sale for $1.
Lol and anther thing... Instead of software, or a camera there is photobucket which also gets rid of location properties and makes it so you can't see we're the pictures were taken for free


Well-Known Member
At least you get the leftover stuff... If I was up there I would be ripping their shit non stop. I am 100% anti rip, but for guys like those that pollute the environment and destroy the spot they are in I say fuck them very much.
They dont like being stolen from and by far I would never steal from anyone let alone these guys. I value my life a little bit more than that. They catch you and no one will ever see you again, ever.


Well-Known Member
All u fucks running ur mouth get the fuck off my post, I can give a fuck if u dont think it was right, it wasn't STEALING, if it was already busted..... And growing plants haha u lames are not shit, grow ur schwagg and learn a thing u fucking lames.. It's sad how many people don't know shit about growing pot, so many anti rips...haha read the article again I didn't hop dudes fence get ur facts straight. No mother fucker should be growing like that either way.
lmao it was already busted?? why were the plants still there?? and if they were, then how do you know they didn't have other members of the cartel coming there to pick them up?? are still thieving....those plants didn't belong to you


Well-Known Member
this kind of thread is going to create some strong opinions, too many of us have dealt with rippers at one time or another
we don't like 'em
but just to fan the flames, suppose the cut plants are viewed as police property?
i'll have to admit, the idea of ripping off LEO makes me smile


Well-Known Member
Who's plants are those ?
They must be watering with promethezine cause that muthafucka is leanin

Oh and op go to Google and type in "Mexican drug cartel beheading videos"
Bet you won't go back to their site


Active Member
lmao it was already busted?? why were the plants still there?? and if they were, then how do you know they didn't have other members of the cartel coming there to pick them up?? are still thieving....those plants didn't belong to you
Fuck man, I'm done arguing over something stupid, the plants weren't standing, just branches here and there on the ground,not even that much, cops have done there raid weeks prior, haha and sure the fuck the growers aren't coming back for scraps, im sure they can give a shit about a that stuff.. We checked out a place that was aboned in the middle of know where, that the land is open to public.. With dead scraps on the ground.. Nobody messes with them when there this happened years back. Shits over!! Get over it and off my post


Well-Known Member
This isn't "your post". You started a thread for all of us to post in , which we are doing.