Many cartel grows in the woods behind us!


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
haha I wouldn't touch those plants do you know they haven't been spraying those buds with piss you fucking moron.....think before you act go smoke paisa piss lmao
I wouldn't be so worried about the piss. I would be worried about the AVID and other nasty shit they spray on them


Well-Known Member
Dumb kids don't care. They think the poisons will get them higher. I know I was 1 of them. Pretty sure I even smoked shit sprayed with raid. Glad I lived long enough 2 not be a dumb kid anymore!


Well-Known Member
thieves......lmao.....have a little self respect and grow your own you own the fuckin woods?? didn't think so
Idk if youre aware, but when those mexicans set up grows they literally pollute and damage the land beyond repair. They are filthy fuckin roaches.


Well-Known Member
Its funny cause its true,
He pretend he knows so much shit, yet if you see his plants, oh god.
And he wants to be LAPD yet he goes on this site, idk guys a joke.
Take nothing he says seriously.
He says your plants will combust if you have water drops on them.
Shut the fuck up dude.. whats wrong with my plants? They are doing great.. just cuz of a career choice I was considering doesnt mean I cant use this site. Its not my fault you probably live in a place where the cops arent pot tolerant so your overly paranoid and hate the police. Grow the fuck up and stop spreading lies.


Well-Known Member
and taking something that does not belong to you is called stealing. doesn't matter if the person you're stealing from is a 'bad guy' in your eyes, you're still a thief. that makes you a bad guy, too.


Well-Known Member
and taking something that does not belong to you is called stealing. doesn't matter if the person you're stealing from is a 'bad guy' in your eyes, you're still a thief. that makes you a bad guy, too.
plain and simple 2 wrongs dont make a right


Well-Known Member
Now if u chopped down theses "bad guys" grows and left it there to rot I would say u r a man of principal. But theifs steal, that's what they do no matter the reason. And from experience that does sound like some future dirty pig talk. Take my stash, book me on a roach! Fuckin pigs!


Well-Known Member
Idk if youre aware, but when those mexicans set up grows they literally pollute and damage the land beyond repair. They are filthy fuckin roaches.
yeah.....that makes ALOT of sense........they pollute you harvest their weed and smoke the pollution?? or better harvest their weed and pollute everybody elses lungs by selling?? common sense....if you don't want that "pollution" around, then cut down the plants and throw them in a pile and let them rot into compost.


Well-Known Member
Idk if youre aware, but when those mexicans set up grows they literally pollute and damage the land beyond repair. They are filthy fuckin roaches.
"literally" beyond repair?


tell me how the earth can literally never recover from a little pollution. this promises to be grand.

i mean, even hiroshima recovered from an atomic bomb, so these cartel growers must have done something worse than a nuclear bomb to grow their weed.

nice racist jab at the end there, too. i'm pretty sure that cartel growers don't come solely from mexico and that you just exposed your racism. you'll make a good cop.


Well-Known Member
O thanks you for gettin to "beyond repair". I mean really? What the hell are you thinking, it's normally just expansive to come through and clean up after them. If that occurs that land repairs very rapidly. Most of the damage is just garbage and re directin of water from streams, temporarily affecting plant and animal life downstream. Easily repopulated after the area is repaired.I bet you think if you swallow gum it stays in you for years..


Well-Known Member
O thanks you for gettin to "beyond repair". I mean really? What the hell are you thinking, it's normally just expansive to come through and clean up after them. If that occurs that land repairs very rapidly. Most of the damage is just garbage and re directin of water from streams, temporarily affecting plant and animal life downstream. Easily repopulated after the area is repaired.I bet you think if you swallow gum it stays in you for years..
but.....but, momma said the gum don't digest right lol


Active Member
Shut the fuck up dude.. whats wrong with my plants? They are doing great.. just cuz of a career choice I was considering doesnt mean I cant use this site. Its not my fault you probably live in a place where the cops arent pot tolerant so your overly paranoid and hate the police. Grow the fuck up and stop spreading lies.
Alright dude, your plants look like shit, the runt I ripped out of the ground and tossed is growing better, looks green and has been given no water since then. And we are going through a drought. But uhm, yeah your plants are definitely doing great LOL.
Yeah actually your career choice that you may or not be considering definitely does mean whether you can use this site or not.
I don't hate cops, I just hate you.

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
I love this place. You guys are fucking awesome. I laugh everytime a thread turns into "how fucking stupid kaendar is", fuck wanna be cop rejects.


Active Member
ripping someones grow is a no-no... but i feel that the op was right for taking anything he could find. the point you all seem to fail in seeing is that this was a BUSTED CARTEL GROW. the cops did their sweep and these kids came in to clean up the woods, after all, aren't the woods all of ours? anyways, it's not like the cartel slaves were gonna bother coming back out there after getting raided. they took it as a total loss. shit weed or not, i'd smoke the shit outta it. just sayin.